《古典神话》(Classical Mythology, 7th ed, Oxford, 2003)第七版[PDF]

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◎原  名 Classical Mythology
◎译  名 古典神话
◎出版时间 2003
◎国  家 美国
◎类  别 神话学
◎版  本 文字版
◎语  言 英文
◎文件格式 PDF
◎文件大小 21.3MB
◎页  码 844页
◎作  者 Mark P. O. Morford & Robert J. Lenardon

◎简 介  
这本经典的古典神话教材,从1971年第一版至今,已经有八版问世。作者Mark P. O. Morford & Robert J. Lenardon。书中很多文选都是两个作者自己从古希腊文、拉丁文翻译得。译文简洁高雅、评论见解独到。这里提供的是网上流传最新的第七版。热切期盼有高人发布第八版。






This is a higher quality scan and a much newer edition than the 3rd edition that's been floating around for years.

Featuring the authors' extensive, clear, and faithful translations of original sources, Classical Mythology, Seventh Edition, retells the myths and legends of Greece and Rome in a lucid and engaging style. Building on the best-selling tradition of previous editions, it incorporates a dynamic combination of poetic narratives and enlightening commentary to make classical myths come alive for students.

The discussion covers comparative and interpretative approaches as well as evidence from art and archaeology. The authors also examine the enduring survival of classical mythology in the fields of art, literature, music, dance, and film. Classical Mythology, Seventh Edition, enables students to explore the fascinating nature of Greek and Roman gods, goddesses, heroes, and heroines and to appreciate the most significant ancient sources of classical legends and myths. The text is beautifully enhanced by over 150 illustrations, both in color and black and white.

Classical Mythology, Seventh Edition features:
More extensive translations of works by the ancient authors: Selections by Greek authors include all thirty-three Homeric Hymns; the important passages in Hesiod's Theogony and Works and Days; and excerpts from Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Herodotus, Plato, Lucian, Pindar, the Pre-Socratic philosophers, and the Lyric poets. Works by Latin authors including Ovid, Vergil, Statius, Manilius, and Seneca are also provided.

An expanded art program: Sixty-six new illustrations—selected from both the ancient and the modern world—appear throughout the text and are accompanied by substantial and informative captions. Three new maps are also included.

Text boxes—incorporated for the first time—explore a variety of new topics and highlight interpretative approaches.

A selected bibliography is included for each chapter.

More explanatory material is integrated throughout, including a "Glossary of Mythological Words and Phrases in English.The website has been revised to enhance the multifaceted subjects treated in the text and to provide links to numerous helpful resources.


About the Authors

Part One The Myths of Creation: The Gods
1 Interpretation and Definition of Classical Mythology
2 Historical Background of Greek Mythology
3 Myths of Creation
4 Zeus' Rise to Power: The Creation of Mortals
5 The Twelve Olympians: Zeus, Hera, and Their Children
6 The Nature of the Gods
7 Poseidon, Sea Deities, Group Divinities, and Monsters
8 Athena
9 Aphrodite and Eros
10 Artemis
11 Apollo
12 Hermes
13 Dionysus, Pan, Echo, and Narcissus
14 Demeter and the Eleusinian Mysteries
15 Views of the Afterlife: The Realm of Hades
16 Orpheus and Orphism: Mystery Religions in Roman Times

Part Two The Greek Sagas: Greek Local Legends
17 The Theban Saga
18 The Mycenaean Saga
19 The Trojan Saga and the Iliad
20 The Returns and the Odyssey
21 Perseus and the Legends of Argos
22 Heracles
23 Theseus and the Legends of Attica
24 Jason, Medea, and the Argonauts
25 Myths of Local Heroes and Heroines

Part Three The Nature of Roman Mythology
26 Roman Mythology and Saga

Part Four The Survival of Classical Mythology
27 Classical Mythology in Literature and Art
28 Classical Mythology in Music, Dance, and Film

Select Bibliography
Glossary of Mythological Words and Phrases in English
The Greek Spelling of Names
Index of Authors, Artists, Composers, and Titles
Glossary/Index of Mythological and Historical Persons, Places, and Subjects




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