【2012年纽伯瑞金奖】诺维特小镇的尽头 Dead End in Norvelt 音频 百度网盘

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总共 6DISC,有点自传性质的小镇男孩故事,融合了历史,幽默和神秘色彩!


Book Descriptio
Release date: September 13, 2011 | Age Range: 10 and up | Lexile Measure: 920L
Dead End in Norvelt is the winner of the 2012 Newbery Medal for the year's best contribution to children's literature and the Scott O'Dell Award for Historical Fiction!

Melding the entirely true and the wildly fictional, Dead End in Norvelt is a novel about an incredible two months for a kid named Jack Gantos, whose plans for vacation excitement are shot down when he is "grounded for life" by his feuding parents, and whose nose spews bad blood at every little shock he gets. But plenty of excitement (and shocks) are coming Jack's way once his mom loans him out to help a fiesty old neior with a most unusual chore—typewriting obituaries filled with stories about the people who founded his utopian town. As one obituary leads to another, Jack is launced on a strange adventure involving molten wax, Eleanor Roosevelt, twisted promises, a homemade airplane, Girl Scout cookies, a man on a trike, a dancing plague, voices from the past, Hells Angels . . . and possibly murder. Endlessly surprising, this sly, sharp-edged narrative is the author at his very best, making readers laugh out loud at the most unexpected things in a dead-funny depiction of growing up in a slightly off-kilter place where the past is present, the present is confusing, and the future is completely up in the air.

Jack Gantos skillfully combines autobiography and fiction, along with the right touches of history, mystery and humor.

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1DOrUsxl18M7pMmwjMsx0ww




  • 面条一万
    面条一万(2021-01-08 19:53:43)
  • 执扇小童鞋
    执扇小童鞋(2021-01-08 19:55:49)
    妹妹今年6岁了,家里想让它从小学习一门外语,从小就学是最好的启蒙,家里人也打听了不少人了解了不少的家教和机构,但费用都太高还有就是送去补习的话自己也不能随时监督她 总觉得不太好,后来有朋友推荐的DADA英语,自己也有知道这个平台毕竟广告到处都是,于是就报名了,是专业的一对一外教,而且会根据不同年龄段去教学,跟着外教学口语口音都不是问题。
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  • jarry239214
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  • tt...a@126.com
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  • 赜廓沪僖门
    赜廓沪僖门(2021-01-08 20:15:30)
    按照我找培训的经验来看,主要可以从以下几点开始:1、试听课,现在很多培训机构都有试听课的,可以看下老师的口语是否地 道? 如果是全外教的环境是最好的。2、价格性价比,首先要比较的是单课程价格。3、上课时间是否灵活。4、外教约课是否方便。从这几方面考核的话,英语还是不错!
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