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资源介绍 一部图文并茂的彩色高清大学代数教材
The first edition of A Graphical Approach to College Algebra was published in 1996. Our experience
was that the usual order in which the standard topics were covered did not foster students’ understanding
of the interrelationships among graphs, equations, and inequalities. The table of contents for typical
college algebra texts did not allow for maximum effectiveness in implementing our philosophy because
graphs were not covered early enough in the course. Thus, we reorganized the standard topics with early
introduction to the graphs of functions, followed by solutions of equations, inequalities, and applications.
While the material is reorganized, we still cover all traditional
topics and skills. The underlying theme was, and still is, to
illustrate how the graph of a typical function can be used to
support the solutions of equations and associated inequalities
involving the function.
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