BBC The Secret Life of Birds 2012—-纪录片《鸟类的秘密生活 》百度云网盘下载

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《鸟类的秘密生活 The Secret Life of Birds 2012》


第一集:晨鸣篇(Dawn Chorus)

林岩鹨、柳莺、�骸⒃迫浮⒉莸仞� 、麻鹬、布谷鸟、画眉鸟、鹪鹩、山雀、啄木鸟、知更鸟、黑鹂、白喉莺、波纹林莺、欧歌鸫、乌鸦、游隼、五子雀、雁、椋鸟、黑琴鸡、凤头麦鸡、金翅雀、鹡鸰、山鸡、红嘴鸥、星椋鸟、小。

第二集:羽巢篇(Feathering the Nest)

凤头、天鹅、棕头鸥、白嘴端燕鸥、 白尾鹞、石鹨、长尾山雀、白嘴鸦、金雀、五子雀、河鸟、金眶鸻、反嘴鹬、长鼻鸬鹚、家燕、海鹦、翠鸟、崖沙燕。

第三集:苦困篇(Living on the Edge)

斑尾林鸽、雀鹰、绿头鸭、柳莺、红尾鸲 、草地鹨、布谷鸟、麻鹬、秃鹰、欧夜鹰、蛎鹬、绿头鸭、大天鹅、雪鹀、田鸫、红翼鸫、星椋鸟、朱连雀、金翅雀、黄鹉、芦鹀、燕雀。

第四集:共处篇(Living with Us)

黑鹂、戴菊莺、苍鹭、旋木雀、寒鸦、鸽 子、仓鸮、三趾鸥、黑海鸽、黑鸭、乌鸦、鹰隼、小黑背鸥、银鸥。

第五集:完结篇(Designed For a Welsh Life)

环颈鸫、乌鸫、琵鹭、白鹭、反嘴鹬、田 凫、黑腹滨鹬、杓鹬、仓头燕雀、蓝冠山雀、柳莺、红腹灰雀、金翅雀、交喙鸟、银鸥、黑水鸡、旋木雀、啄木鸟、黑鸫、麻雀、鹪鹩、海雀、绿啄木鸟、松鸡、文须雀、鹭鸶、管鼻藿、红风筝鸟、蓝冠山雀、煤山雀、燕鸥、茶隼。

鸟类秘闻的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
  Traveling from wild coastlines to urban habitats, this fascinating BBC natural history series follows host and wildlife expert Iolo Williams as he explores the behavior of birds. Join Williams as he investigates how and why birds communicate, the breeding and nesting behavior of birds, the survival challenges that birds encounter, as well as an in-depth study revealing birds’ a… (展开全部) Traveling from wild coastlines to urban habitats, this fascinating BBC natural history series follows host and wildlife expert Iolo Williams as he explores the behavior of birds. Join Williams as he investigates how and why birds communicate, the breeding and nesting behavior of birds, the survival challenges that birds encounter, as well as an in-depth study revealing birds’ ability to fly, the intricate design of their beaks and how their color and camouflage enables them to live in many different habitats. This ground breaking series reveals every aspect of their lives from surviving harsh winters to avoiding deadly predators. Episode 1: Dawn Chorus Duration: 00:30:22 This film examines the early morning activities of birds. Featured is the secret life of bird calls Studied is the Welsh natural habitat in which the birds live, the effort to identify the birds through their sounds and calls, and bird calls to both mate and mark their territory. Though most birds call for mates, the woodpecker drums. Also highlighted: the challenges faced by birds nesting in urban areas, birds living in areas without many suitable perches, warning calls, Raven and Grouse calls, and communication in large groups. Episode 2: Feathering the Nest Duration: 00:30:17 This episode highlights the varied mating rituals and family life of birds. Examined is the mating season physical changes of species, mating song, and mating displays of flight for species with poor song and little color. Also studied is the physical mating process, nest construction and location – including cliff nesting – the unending search for food, and feeding young. Episode 3: Living on the Edge Duration: 00:30:26 The chicks have hatched, and all seems well, until disaster – many types of disaster – often strikes. This film examines the threat of predators to newly-hatched chicks, how birds prevent their young from being eaten by predators, and how they defend themselves against the elements. Also: the effect of mild conditions fooling birds into mating at the wrong time of year, the benefits of springtime in Wales and the challenges of harsh winter conditions, feeding in both clear and inclement weather, the role of personal hygiene in survival, and autumn and wintertime migration. Episode 4: Living with Us Duration: 00:30:20 This film focuses on the life of birds as it is influenced by the presence of man. Examined is the necessary adaptation to co-exist side-by-side with people and other animals and birds’ ability to take advantage of man’s structures and materials, particularly discarded materials. Featured is the life of urban birds, the brilliant displays available to bird watchers thanks to a familiarity between the species, the replacement of cliffs by manmade structures as nesting spots, and feeding from human trash. Episode 5: Designed For a Welsh Life Duration: 00:30:37 The final feature examines how species have adapted to Wales, regardless of natural design. Studied is the purpose and usage of the beak, various types and uses of feet, taking advantage of the natural geography and resources available, the unique Jay which uses color and song as both an attractant and a repellant, a bird’s natural camouflage, and varied uses for flight. 此资料仅作为热爱音乐的朋友学习交流,严禁用于商业用途。




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