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出国旅游,最担心的就是和别人沟通了!因为英文口语不好,到国外旅游简直就是煎熬,而不是享受旅游的过程!学好旅游英语口语,让我们在国外旅游的时候更加得心应手。当我们在国外旅游时,经常处于购物、问路、住宿等场景下,会更加的方便。 旅游英语口语要在平时多练多记,下面为大家准备了一些常用的旅游英语口语!每天学习几句,快速提升英语口语交流能力,来一场说走就走的旅行。 文末有完整版word资料等你获取 一、旅游英语口语1-10 【001】I’d like a window seat, please. 我想要个靠窗的座位。 【002】Excuse me. I think you are sitting in my seat. 不好意思,你好像坐在我的座位上了。 【003】Can you direct me to my seat? 可以带我去我的座位吗? 【004】It’s already taken. 这个座位已经有人了。 【005】May I change seats with you? 我可以和你换一下座位吗? 【006】Excuse me. Can I get through? 不好意思,借过一下。 【007】Could you help me to put my bag in the storage bin? 可以麻烦你帮我把行李放到储物架上吗? 【008】Coffee, please. 请来一杯咖啡。 【009】Beef, please. 请给我牛肉。 【010】Clear the table, please. 请您收拾一下桌子吧。 二、旅游英语口语11-20 【011】Can I have some water? 您能给我杯水吗? 【012】A blanket, please. 请给我一条毯子。 【013】I’m not feeling well. Could you give me some medicine for air sickness? 我觉得不舒服。能给我点晕机药吗? 【014】Is the washroom available? 卫生间现在能用吗? 【015】Could you tell me how to fill out this form? 您能告诉我这张表怎么填吗? 【016】Excuse me,can you tell me where to transfer? 麻烦请问,转机应去哪里办理? 【017】I missed my connecting flight. What time does the next flight leave? 我错过了转机班机,请问下一班是什么时候? 【018】Excuse me,where are the duty-free shops? 请问免税商店在哪里? 【019】Is this the right way to Gate 27? 这条路是去27号登机口的吗? 【020】Where should I board the plane? 我应该在哪儿登机? 三、旅游英语口语21-30 【021】Is this line for non-residents? 外国人是在这里排队吗? 【022】May I have your passport and declaration card,please? 请出示你的护照和海关申报表。 【023】what’s the purpose of your visit? 你来这里的目的是什么? 【024】How long will you stay? 你打算停留多久? 【025】Do you have anything to declare? 你有东西要申报吗? 【026】These are my personal belongings. 这些是我的个人用品。 【027】Where can I find my luggage? 我应该去哪里找行李? 【028】This is my luggage tag. Can I get my luggage now? 这是我的行李牌,现在可以拿行李了吗? 【029】I can’t find my baggage. Please deliver my baggage to my hotel as soon as you find it. 我找不到行李了。找到后请马上把我的行李送到酒店。 【030】My suitcase is badly damaged. I want to claim damages. 我的行李箱损坏得很严重。我想要求赔偿。 四、旅游英语口语31-40 【031】Where can I change money? 我在哪里可以兑换外币? 【032】What is the exchange rate between RMB and USD today? 今天人民币对美元的汇率是多少? 【033】Could you change this into American dollars? 能帮我将这些钱兑换成美元吗? 【034】I’d like some small change, please. 请将大钞换成零钱。 【035】Is there any service charge? 需要手续费吗? 【036】Do you know where I can take the shuttle bus? 请问你知道去哪里坐机场区间大巴吗? 【037】Where can I catch a taxi? 我去哪里可以打到出租车? 【038】Could you please help me to put the suitcase in the trunk? 能麻烦你帮我把行李放到后备厢吗? 【039】Please take me to the Grand Hyatt Hotel. 请带我去君悦酒店。 【040】Keep the change. 不用找了。 五、旅游英语口语41-50 【041】I’ll arrive late, but please keep my reservation. 我会晚到,但请保留我的预订。 【042】Hi, my name is... I have a reservation. 你好,我的名字是...。我有预订房间。 【043】Do you have a single room? 请问有单人间吗? 【044】I’d like a quiet room. 我需要一间安静一点的房间。 【045】I’d like to check in, please. 我要办理入住手续。 【046】How much is it for one night charge? 住一晚费用是多少? 【047】Could you give me a wake-up call at 7:00 tomorrow morning?The room number is... 请帮我预约明早七点的叫醒服务。我的房间号是...。 【048】Do you provide laundry service? 请问提供衣物送洗服务吗? 【049】Room service. May I come in? 客房服务,请问我能进来吗? 【050】Please clean the room when I am out. 请在我不在房间的时候打扫。 六、旅游英语口语51-60 【051】The air conditioner doesn't work/ goes wrong. 空调无法正常运行/出毛病了。 【052】Do you have WiFi?Can I have Internet access? 请问这里有无线网络吗?我可以上网吗? 【053】There is no toilet paper here. 这里没有卫生纸了。 【054】The air conditioner doesn't work. 空调坏了。 【055】I've locked myself out. 我忘记带房卡/钥匙了。 【056】Are there any good places around here? 附近有什么景点吗? 【057】Excuse me. I would like to check out. 你好,我要退房。 【058】Would you like to pay by cash or credit card? 您想付现金还是刷信用卡? 【059】Is the service charge included in the bill? 请问服务费含在账单里了吗? 【060】I left something important in my room. 我有重要的东西落在房间了。 七、旅游英语口

语61-70 【061】I'm lost. Can you help me find Lincoln Road? 我迷路了,你可以帮我找一下林肯大道吗? 【062】Go straight until you come to the department store, and then turn left. 直走到百货商店,然后左转。 【063】Excuse me, do you know where I can catch a cab? 打扰了,请问你知道哪里可以打到出租车吗? 【064】Please take me to the railway station. 请带我去火车站。 【065】Excuse me, how much is the fare? 不好意思,请问车费多少钱? 【066】Please stop in front of the hotel. 请在宾馆前面停车。 【067】Where's the ticket counter? 售票处在哪儿? 【068】How much is the fare to Shinjuku? 到新宿多少钱? 【069】Where am I supposed to transfer? 我应该在哪里换乘? 【070】Does the line go to...? 请问这条线是到...的吗? 八、旅游英语口语71-80 【071】Is this the right subway to Central Park? 这是去往中央公园的地铁吗? 【072】Which exit shall I take to get to the library? 我想去图书馆应该走哪个出口? 【073】Does the bus go to...? 请问这辆公交车是开往...的吗? 【074】How far is it from the bus stop to the...? 从公交车站到...有多远? 【075】Could you show me where I am

in this map? 可以麻烦你在这张地图上指出我现在所在的位置吗? 【076】Where is the nearest subway station? 最近的地铁站在哪里? 【077】Hello, I'd like to rent a car. 您好,我想租辆车。 【078】What is the bus number for Hollywood? 去好莱坞要乘坐几路公交车? 【079】Hello. I want to buy a ticket to Brisbane for the 5:00 p.m.train. 你好,我想买一张下午五点到布里斯班的火车票。 【080】You have been a great help.Thank you for your kindness. 真是太好了,谢谢你的帮忙。 九、旅游英语口语81-90 【081】Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? 您是否可介绍一家附近口碑不错的餐厅? 【082】Is there a Chinese restaurant around here? 这附近是否有中国餐厅? 【083】Are there any inexpensive restaurants near here? 这附近是否有价位不高的餐厅? 【084】Do you know of any restaurants open now? 你知道现在哪里还有餐厅是营业的吗? 【085】I'd like to make a reservation for three people at 7 p.m., please. 我想订晚上7点三个人的餐位,谢谢。 【086】I have a reservation at six. My name is Nancy. 我预订了6点的位置。我叫南希。 【087】Excuse me, I'd like to cancel my reservation for tomorrow. 抱

歉,我想取消明天的预订。 【088】May I have a menu, please? 请给我菜单。 【089】Do you have a Chinese menu? 是否有中文菜单? 【090】May I order, please? 我可以点餐了吗? 十、旅游英语口语91-100 【091】What is the specialty of the house? 餐厅的招牌菜是什么? 【092】I'd like a hamburger, an order of French fries and a Coke. 我要一个汉堡、一份薯条和一杯可乐。 【093】How do you like your steak? 你的牛排要几分熟? 【094】My order hasn't come yet. 我点的食物还没来。 【095】Could you bring us another fork? 请帮我们再拿一把叉子好吗? 【096】What do you have for dessert? 甜点有哪几种? 【097】May I have a glass of water, please? 可以给我一杯水吗?谢谢。 【098】What types of drinks do you have? 你们有哪些饮品? 【099】May I have the bill, please? 麻烦你给我账单,谢谢。 【100】Can I pay with this credit card? 可以用这张信用卡付账吗? 利用闲暇时间,每天练习一句,来一场说走就走的旅行吧! Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.




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