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初三英语人教新目标Go For It!九年级全册Unit 11同步练

Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.



1.We will have a field trip this afternoon. The news makes everyone________.

A. excited B. frightened C. happily D. luckily

2. The assistant won’t let you ______ the cinema if you haven’t a ticket.

A. enter B. to enter C. entering

3. —What a heavy rain!

So it is. I prefer ________ rather than on such a rainy day.

A. to go out; stay at home

B. to stay at home; go out

C. going out; stay at home

D. staying at home; go out

4. He ________ an English club last year and has improved his English a lot.

A. protected

B. produced

C. joined

D. Received

5.The movie made ________ feel energetic.

A. he B. them C. his D. they

6.I am sorry that I have kept you ________ me so long.

A. waiting B. to wait C. waiting for D. to wait for

7.Nobody could solve this difficult problem alone ________ others' help.

A. with B. for C. without D. from

8. We stopped _________, but there was not any sound.

A. to listen B. listens C. listen D. listening

9.I often hear the little girl ___________ the piano in the next room.

A. practicing playing

B. practice to play

C. practice playing

D. to practice playing

10.—My parents

are sometimes too hard ______ me.

—Are they?They just want you to spend more time on your lessons.

A. on B. with C. for D. to

11. –Is it true that some colors can make us feel relaxed?

–Yes. Colors do have the__________ to change our feelings and moods.

A. secret B. power C. idea D. experience

12. ________you do,I won’t be angry with you because I love you so much.

A. Wherever

B. Whenever

C. Whoever

D. Whatever

13. —________do you feel about the heavy traffic?

—It makes me bored.

A. What

B. How

C. Why

D. When

14.―My sister bought me a new MP4 player, but I don’t know __________.

―Let me show you.

A. how to use it

B. where to use it

C. what to use

D. which one to use

15.— Didn’t you see the sign, sir? Smoking is not allowed here.


A. Never mind

B. I’m sorry

C. Don’t mention it

D. Sure. I

don’t smoke


I think smiling is as important as sunshine.Smiling ___16___ sunshine because it can make people happy and have a good day.If you aren't happy,you can smile,and then you will feel ___17___.Someone may say,“I don't feel happy.”Then I would say,“Please smile when you are unhappy or play with your friends happily,then you will really be happy ___18___.”You don't like crying,right?So you must ___19___ smiling,and you know smiling will let people ___20___ everything unhappy.Every day we see teachers or classmates and say,“Hi!How are you?”At ___21___ time,you are smiling,right?Smiling can let you have ___22___ friends.With a smile,people will know you are a ___23___ person.They will talk with you,___24___ you will have more and more friends.I think ___25___ is like a flower,the sunshine and the warmth.It will give

you happiness.

16. A. likes B. is like C. like D. are like

17. A. happy B. sad C. angry D. exciting

18. A. ago B. before C. again D. after

19. A. dislike B. hate C. worry D. prefer

20. A. stop B. remember C. forget D. know

21. A. different B. the same C. same D. the different

22. A. more B. less C. least D. most

23. A. unfriendly B. serious C. kind D. busy

24. A. but B. if C. because D. so

25. A. crying B. saying C. speaking D. smiling



I arrived in the UK last weekend to learn English.So far I have already made a few friends and had some traditional English food there.But after having three days of hamburgers,sandwiches and potatoes,I thought none could be more delicious than Chinese food,especially my favorite﹣huo guo.You can't imagine how excited I was when I got to know that there was going to be a free meal of hotpot to welcome the new students.On the way to the canteen,I seemed to smell huo guo in the air.

To my surprise,when I went into the room,I didn't see any sign of huo guo.Where was it?

With many questions in my head,I sat down to have the free meal.After talking with an English girl,I got to know that Chinese huo guo is completely different from hotpot.Chinese huo guo is written in two words﹣hot pot;and hotpot,one word,is a traditional English dish.

Hotpot is made from mutton and onion.On the top are pieces of potatoes.People put it in the oven all day in a heavy pot on a low heat.It takes very little effort to prepare.You can often see it at parties in the UK because it's easy to prepare for a large number of people and is not expensive.

Hotpot doesn't taste bad.However,I still miss huo guo﹣hot pot,two words!

26. The writer felt excited when she thought she would.

A. try traditional English food

B. learn English in the UK

C. have her favorite huo guo

D. meet some new friends

27. The underlined word"canteen"means"B"in Chinese.

A. 宿舍 B. 餐厅 C. 实验室 D. 体育馆

28. Why is hotpot often prepared for parties?

A. Because it's easy to prepare.

B. Because it's very popular.

C. Because it's quite expensive.

D. Because it's good for health.

29. After the free meal,the writer learnt that.

A. "hotpot"wasn't"hot pot"

B. hotpot took little time to cook

C. hotpot wasn't traditional in the UK

D. the girl knew nothing about hotpot

30. What is the writer's favorite food?

A. Sandwiches B. Mutton C. Hotpot D. Hot pot.


For years, Kyle Hargreaves, 13, had a secret fear. It wasn't of snakes or spiders or of heights. Kyle was afraid of mascots (吉祥物). That's right — those characters in fun costumes (服装) at sporting events and amusement parks.

Just seeing a mascot made Kyle shudder. He even would have trouble breathing. “What's wrong with me?” Kyle wondered. And as time went on, the problem only became worse.

Kyle decided to face his fear. He told his dad about it. Hearing that, his dad couldn't believe his ears. He took Kyle to a hospital at once. There Kyle was treated (治疗) in a special way. He was asked to face the feared object step by step.

First, a man carrying a rabbit costume appeared. Kyle started to fear, but he didn't run away. Next, the man put on the whole costume except for the head. Then he played basketball with Kyle. After a while, the man put on the head. Other mascots joined the game.

Kyle was nervous every step of the way. But finally he relaxed. By the end of the day, his fear was gone. To prevent his fear from returning, Kyle played with mascots several times for a month.

To celebrate Kyle's new relationship with mascots, his family went on a trip. Where did they go? To a place full of mascots!


31. What does the underlined word “shudder” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Forget. B. Shake. C. Answer. D. Sing.

32. How did Kyle's dad feel when he knew about Kyle's fear?

A. Angry. B. Funny. C. Disappointed. D. Surprised.

33. How was Kyle treated in the hospital?

A. By making more friends.

B. By playing with mascots.

C. By learning to play basketball.

D. By carrying all kinds of costumes.

34. Where might Kyle and his family go to celebrate Kyle's success?

A. To a zoo.

B. To a concert.

C. To a science museum.

D. To an amusement park.

35. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. How a boy faced his fear.

B. How a boy learnt what fear was.

C. How a boy's family helped him.

D. How a boy's friends helped him.


36. We know that q______means the wife of a king.

37. You need to wait for them to discuss it r______than thinking alone.

38. --The noise from the railway really d_______me crazy.

--Oh,it’s your fault to live near there.

39. To be healthy,you must lose your w_______and stop smoking.

40. To s_______with.I want to know where and when it happened.


41. 他们俩都不沉迷于电脑游戏,只喜欢看书。

_______ _______ _______ ________ _________ ________Computer games.Instead,they like reading.

42. 多么令人悲伤的消息啊!数以千计的人在尼泊尔地震中丧生。

_________sad news!________ ________people lost their lives in the earthquake in Nepal.

43. 她的新眼镜使她看起来不一样。

Her new glasses________ _________ _________different.

44. 出乎他的意料,妈妈没有去上班。

________ _________ _________,his mother didn’t go to work.

45. 他看电视时,听见有人敲门。

He heard someone________ ________the door when he was watching TV.


46. As restaurant owners, they have to ________ (know) how to make food.

47. Soft music always makes me ________ (feel) relaxed.

48. His poor maths really made his father ________ (disappoint).

49. I was made ________ (repeat) the story.

50. I would rather ________ (wait) till tomorrow.


情景七选五 请阅读下面一段对话,根据其情景,从方框内七个选项中选出能填入对话的五个选项。

A:Boys and girls,junior high school days are over.51.___51___

B:Yes.I remember winning a prize in a math competition.

A:That's great.What about you,Jack?


A:Really?Please tell us more about it.

C:We went to the bus station and did some cleaning there.

A:Bus station?53.___53___

C:Oh,you went for a training course at that time and weren't at school.Mr.Fang took us there.

A:Well,I see.54.___54___

C:It is unforgettable.We spent several hours doing the cleaning.Though we were tired,we felt very happy.

A:Great!What are you going to be after graduation,Alice?

B:I want to be a doctor.

A:And you,Jack?


A:Sounds wonderful!

A.I want to be a teacher. B.What is your dream,could you tell me?

C.I don't remember it. D.Thanks for your help.

E.Do you have any special memories? F.What do you think of the experience?

G.I remember being a volunteer.


生活态度决定着人的生活状态和行为习惯。快乐的生活会使你的人生更美好。你是怎样让自己保持快乐的呢?请你以"How to make yourself happy"为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文。短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。


1. 要自信(confident);

2. 即使不高兴的时候,也不要忘记笑;

3. 学会快乐地学习。

How to make yourself happy

As we know, life is not all roses. Then how to make yourself happy when you have troubles?






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