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unit 1 sports一、词汇(千里之行,始于单词哦!)

sport 运动

football 足球

any 任一;一些

some 一些

wear 穿

or 或者; 还是

basketball 篮球

try 试;尝试

heavy 重的

difficult 困难的;费力的

easy 容易的



ask 问


answer 回答


1. 一般过去时:表示过去某一时刻发生的事情或动作。


2. 不规则动词的过去式:teach—taught, buy—bought, think—thought, see—saw, go—went, eat—ate, win—won, give—gave, have, has—had, run—ran, dig—dug

3.play basketball/football/ping-pong 打篮球/踢足球/打乒乓球

4.some 用于肯定句;any 用于否定句和疑问句。

5.can you teach me to play basketball? can you teach me english?

6. let’s go shopping. let’s go to buy some ping-pong balls.

7. i like to play basketball. /basketball is my favourite./my favourite sport is basketball.

8. a: do you have any ping-pong balls? b: yes, i have some./no, i don’t have any.

9. a: do you like these or those?b: i like these./ i like those. (选择疑问句,答案在问句中选择)

10.do you want to play basketball? are you ready to learn to play basketball? are you playing basketball?

11. let me try. /let me try again.

12. (too)heavy—light, (too)easy—difficult, throw—catch, teach—learn

13. hit—hitting

14.i taught jenny to hit the ball.

15.danny wanted to hit the ball,too.

16.i taught li ming to throw and catch the ball.

17.did danny learn to play basketball, too?

18.he played basketball with a ping-pong ball.

19. teach each other互相教we teach each other a sport.we teach each other to play basketball.

20.we watched bob play


i help my mother make supper.watch, help后面加不带to的动词不定式。

21.game 游戏,运动;娱乐(活动);比赛 game over.did bob’s team play a game?when did you play a basketball game?i played a new game on the computer yesterday.

22.his team played with the orange team.

23.he played basketball for fun(为了娱乐) on saturday and sunday. he draws pictures for fun on weekends.

24.he played so well this evening.

25. he is a good player.

26. i want this ball. i want to play with this ball.unit 2 good health to you!一、词汇(千里之行,始于单词哦!)

healthy 健康的

strong 强壮的;有力的

before 在……之前

after 在……之后

bad 有害的;糟糕的

next 紧接着;下一个的

often 常常;经常

exercise 锻炼;练习

minute 分(钟)

hour 小时

high 高;高的;在高处二、重点梳理(掌握了这些重点,会秒变学霸哦!)

    频率副词是表示与次数, 频率有关的副词, 如: always(总是), often(经常),usually(通常), sometimes(有时), never(从不), once(一次), twice(两次), three times(三次)等。一般用how often提问。do you always have breakfast, li ming?yes, i always have breakfast.how often does danny play sports?he plays sports everyday.
    healthy—sick, strong—weak, before—after
    everyone wants to be strong and healthy.每个人都想变得健康又强壮。
    how can we be healthy and strong?我们怎样能变得健康又强壮?first, always have breakfast. 首先,总是吃早饭。always brush your teeth. 总是刷牙。eat more vegetables and fruits. 吃更多的蔬菜和水果。do more exercise. 做更多的运动。work hard at school,at home and at sports.在学校,在家,在运动上都要努力。5.have除了“有”的意思,还表示“吃”、“进行”的意思。have lunch= eat lunch 吃午餐have a talk听报告have a class上课 have a cold感冒have a meeting开会have a basketball game打一场篮球赛
    6.you should have breakfast everyday. 你应该每天吃早饭。
    7.good for you 对你有好处
    8.tooth—teeth, foot—feet
    9.from monday to friday
    11.on those days 在那些日子
    12.twice a day, once a week, three times a month,four times a year
    13.an apple a day keeps the doctor away! 每天一个苹果医生远离我!
    14.名词性词组(动名词):riding a bike, walking ,

    playing ping-pong, running
    15.an hour一小时
    16.exercise helps make our bodies healthy and strong.锻炼帮助我们的身体健康又强壮。
    17.i run for 20 minutes every morning. 我每天早晨跑20分钟。18.a half a week 半个星期
    19.do you think it’s important to work hard? 你认为努力做事重要吗?20.on time准时
    unit 3 what will you do this summer?
    fan 风扇;扇子;扇
    close 关;关闭;合上
    angry 发怒的;生气的
    lake 湖
    swim 游泳(过去式为swam)
    ship 船;舰
    visit 拜访;参观
    clever 聪明的二、重点梳理(掌握了这些重点,会秒变学霸哦!)
    构成:1)主语+be going to do表示准备要做的事情。
    主语+will do 表示将要发生的事情。
    angry生气的;mad发怒的;tired累的;happy高兴的;sad悲伤的,这些词都是形容词,用在名词的前面或be 动词后。
    3.in different seasons在不同季节
    4.cold and snowy
    5.lose their leaves掉了他们的叶子
    6.sit in the sun
    7.look at the clouds
    8.ride a bike
    9.pick some flowers摘花
    10.run home
    11.close the door
    12.don’t be angry. 不要生气。
    13.go on a trip to the sea去海边旅游
    14.get wet变湿
    15.listen to music听音乐
    16.go to a lake去湖边
    17. swim in the lake在湖里游泳
    18.play on the beach在海滩上玩
    19.watch the ships and boats看轮船和小船
    20.fly home飞回家
    21.be in china for the summer holiday 在中国过暑假
    22. meet my friends见我的朋友们
    23. feel happy to see china again 又看到中国感觉很高兴
    24.buy some fruit
    25.learn to swim学游泳
    26.visit my family拜访家人
    27.that will be fun. 那会很有趣。
    28.go water skiing冲浪
    29. go swimming去游泳
    30.cook a meal做一顿饭
    31.go skating去滑冰
    32.send e-mails发送一个电子邮件
    33. look up at me向上看着我
    34.fly high in the blue sky
    35.a long red tail一个红色的长尾巴
    36.how’s the weather in spring?
    37.what do you like to do in spring?
    38.what will you do next summer holiday?
    39.what did you do last summer?
    40.what else will you do?
    41.i will also learn to fly. 我还想学飞。
    42.we will learn about some of the animals and plants in the forest.我们将学习一些森林里的动物和植物。
    43.we will work together to cook a meal. 我们将一起合作做饭。
    44. we will sit around and tell stories. 我们将围坐在一起讲故事。
    45.it will be a great summer! 那将是一个很棒的夏天!
    46.the wind is not too strong. 风不大。
    47.she feels the wind and the sun.
    48.she wants everyone to see her.
    49.she is afraid of water. 她害怕水。
    50.he brings the boy to the beach. 他把那个男孩带到沙滩上。51.no one remembers beautiful kites. 没有人记得漂亮的风筝。
    unit 4 li ming comes home
    find 发现,找到(过去式为found)
    get 开始;得到(过去式为got)
    party 聚会;晚会
    tell 告诉;讲述
    begin 开始
    late 晚的;迟到的
    early 早的;早到的
    cake 蛋糕
    every 每个(人或物)
    all 全部;所有的
    good-bye 再见
    hear 听见;听到
    1.现在进行时:表示发生的动作或事情。构成:主语+be doing
    1)一般情况下,在动词原形后直接加ing.studying, crying, asking, flying
    2) 以不发音e结尾的动词,去e+ing. 如:come—coming, live—living, dance—dancing, make—making
    3)以重读闭音节结尾的动词,末尾只有一个字母时,双写该字母+ing。如:sit—sitting, run—running, begin—beginning, forget—forgetting
    4)少数几个以ie 结尾的动词,将ie变y+ing.如:die—dying, lie—lying可以归纳为九个字:“直接加,去e加,双拼加”。
    3.询问数量:how many+可数名词的复数;how much +不可数名词how many gifts does li ming need for his family?how much is your toy?
    4.here are some little flags. 这里有一些小旗子。here is a gift for you. 这里有一个礼物是给你的。
    5.what about these caps?这些帽子怎么样?(表示建议)
    6. a gift for everyone 一个给每个人的礼物
    7. gifts from canada来自加拿大的礼物
    8.get ready to go home准备回家
    9.不规则动词的过去式:get—got, find—found,tell—told, begin—began,hear—heard,see—saw, buy—bought, say—said
    10.we talked to santa. 我们和圣诞老人聊天了。
    11.come and sit down beside me. 过来坐到我的身旁。
    12. feel happy 感到高兴
    13. your bright smile你的灿烂笑容
    14.i want you to remember china. 我想让你记住中国。
    15.a party for li ming 为李明办的聚会
    16.make a call打个电话
    17.li ming is leaving soon. li ming is leaving for china.李明马上就要离了。李明将去往中国。(用现在进行时表将来)
    18.don’t be late. 不要迟到。
    19. i’ll be early. 我会早到。
    20.please don’t tell him.请不要告诉他。
    21.it’s jenny calling.我是詹妮。
    22.ten minutes late. 迟到了十分钟。
    23.a surprise party 一个惊喜聚会
    24.mr. smith will bring li ming home at 4:00.史密斯先生将在四点带李明回家。
    25.that’s when the party begins.那是聚会开始的时间。
    26.do you need any help? 你需要帮忙吗?
    27.all of the people arrive for the party, but not kim.除了金姆没来,所有人都来参加聚会了。
    28. 是到......的时间了it’s time for+名词或代词it’s time to+动词原形it’s time for me to go.it’s time to go to school.it’s time for breakfast.it’s time to eat breakfast.
    29.i want you to remember china. 我想让你记住中国。
    30. i won’t forget china. 我不会忘记中国。(won’t=will not)31.have a good trip!旅行愉快!
    32.don’t forget to write!不要忘了写信!
    33.today is the last day of school. 今天是上学的最后一天。




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