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the girl now lived all alone in the little house She was industrious She span wove andsewed and everything she did was touched by the good old womans blessing It was asthough the flax multiplied itself in her kitchen and whenever she wove a piece of cloth or acarpet or sewed a shirt she always immediately found a buyer who paid so well that she wasnever in need and always had something to share with others

[少儿资源]精心整理English Fairy Tales 英文童话故事100集——音频MP3格式 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/thread-18873-1-1.html

格林童话英文版带翻译the girl now lived all alone in the little house She was industrious She span wove andsewed and everything she did was touched by the good old womans blessing It was asthough the flax multiplied itself in her kitchen and whenever she wove a piece of cloth or acarpet or sewed a shirt she always immediately found a buyer who paid so well that she wasnever in need and always had something to share with others




格林童话英文版带翻译初一,But the rooster would give them no peace until they finally got onto the table and began to eat the breadcrumbs with all their might Just then the mistress came home quickly took hold of a stick drove them off the table and gave them a good beating


格林童话英文版带翻译好句,the peasant entered into the bargain saying To prevent any dispute from arising aboutthe division everything above the ground shall belong to you and everything beneath theground to me


格林童话英语版翻译,But the rooster would give them no peace until they finally got onto the table and began to eat the breadcrumbs with all their might Just then the mistress came home quickly took hold of a stick drove them off the table and gave them a good beating


格林童话英文原版,Once upon a time there was a clever wily peasant whose tricks could be much talkedabout The best story however is how he once got the best of the devil and made a fool ofhim One day the peasant had been working in his field and just as it was getting dark he wasgetting ready to go home when in the middle of his field he saw a pile of burning coals Filledwith amazement he walked toward it and sitting on the top of the glowing coals there was alittle black devil


格林童话英文版在线阅读,then the hens said once again No no Not ever We are not going in there

Once outside the house the hens said to the rooster Dont you see see see see see see see

the rooster laughed and said Didnt I know it know it know it

Once upon a time there was a girl whose father and mother died when she was still a littlechild Her godmother lived all alone at the end of the village in a little house and earned herliving with spinning weaving and sewing The old woman took the orphaned child into serviceand gave her a pious upbringing

格林童话英文版带翻译One day the rooster said to his hens Go into the kitchen and pick up the breadcrumbs from the table Our mistress has gone out visiting

[少儿资源]精心整理English Fairy Tales 英文童话故事100集——音频MP3格式 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/thread-18873-1-1.html




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