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阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

Christmas was near. I walked away from my school and followed the worn path through the trees onto the street ___1___ Cole’s grocery store stood. In my pocket was a collection of coins and bills I ___2___ (earn) the summer before. Cars ran down the street as I opened the door to the store. The noise of the cars disappeared when the door closed ___3___ me. I was a kid who felt out of place and on a mission. For the first time, I was going to buy a Christmas gift for my mum and dad.


According to a recent study, dolphins have displayed certain characteristics of human conversation in their communication. Two dolphins, Yana and Yasha, ___4___ (study) as they communicated with each other. Researchers found that they would stop talking

in order to listen to ___5___ the other had to “say”, just like a conversation between two humans. Dolphins have been known to be one of the most intelligent ___6___ (animal). We have studied dolphins for decades, but this new evidence on their communication patterns is one of the most exciting.


The Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes is a world heritage (遗产) site ___7___ (locate) in Gansu Province, Northwest China. In 2016, the first phase of Digital Dunhuang resource database went online. Now people from all over the world can enjoy high-definition images and panoramic (全景的) tours of 30 caves on the Digital Dunhuang website. Digital Dunhuang ___8___ (integrate) all kinds of data, including videos, 3D data, pictures and others, into digital images that can be shared globally over

the Internet, Although the Digital Dunhuang project has a long way ___9___ (go), it has significant meaning to ___10___ (culture) heritage protection.


Senior high school English—solve problems methods & skills

National Matriculation Test高考培优班】



语法填空又称为开放式语篇填空,通过语篇填空考查各项语法内容,要求学生根据上下文填入适当的动词(verb) 、名词(noun)、代词(pron.)冠词(article)、介词(prep.)、连词(conj.)或引导词、形容词(adj.)和副词(adv.) 。语法填空突出语篇,强调在语篇中测试学生的英语语言知识和技能。


Step 1:通读全文,了解大意、主题、主要时态

Step 2:理解句义,分析结构,找出成分

Step 3:寻找线索词,根据语境和文意,确定词形

Step 4:重读文章,自己核查


非谓语动词【Non-finite Verb】

1.动词不定式(infinitive)to do


HD 26. Doctors always advise us (drink)plenty of water to stay healthy.

HD 32. When someone turns away his body, it means impatience and a desire (escape)a conversation.

DC 28.—Why hasn’t Nancy come to meet us?—Oh, my God! I forgot to (telephone)her!

XC 21. Liz decided to hang a few pictures on the wall (decorate)the room.

CY 27. (express)his opinions more clearly, he used some body language.

FT 29. (make)himself well-informed消息灵通的/见多识广的/熟悉的/博学的, he reads newspapers every day.

XC 30. (meet)the travelling needs of passengers, China Railway Corporation[kp're()n] has decided that people can book tickets 60 days in advance预先/提前.

CY 21. His wife didn’t allow him (touch)any drink or tobacco.

FT 22. The doctor asked him (reduce)the amount of salt in his diet.

SJS 24. Scotland voted against independence;more than half of the people chose (remain)part of the United Kingdom.


HD 29. ______(Understand)your own needs is as important as learning to express your emotions.

DC 24._____(Go)to college changed him a lot. It made him much mature.

XC 25. The rainy weather lasted for a couple of days, completely _______ (ruin)our plan for a picnic.

CY 34. Don’t respond to[r'spnd]响应any e-mails______(request)personal information, no matter how official they look.

FT 30. _______(Think)more about what you have, you’ll feel satisfied.

DC 30. _____(Consider)the size of the universe['junvs], some researchers believe that there is life beyond our planet.

HD 31. With doubts______(run)through my mind, I felt it necessary to carry out a research.


HD 34. It’s bad for your eyes if you keep them ______ (fix)on the screen for a long time.

DC 31.The writer has won the hearts of millions of children with the rich stories_____(draw)from her childhood memories.

XC 23. First _______ (perform)in 1926, the opera Turandot still attracts audience from all over the world.

CY 31. I’d like to recommend some new computer programs _______ (design)for home buildings.

FT 31. The Easter Show is an agricultural event[ɡr'kltrl]农业的/农艺的, _______(design)to show off the best of country life.

DC 24. As _____(expect), iPhone X gets bigger, thinner and faster than the early iPhone products.

CY 29. Many kids develop problems from finger sucking that can create life-long problems unless _____(treat)properly.


非谓语动词总结:【笔尖对选项】→V n. and V n.


doing→ being done

having done

having been done

to do→ to be done

to have done

to have been done



(1) look forward to doing ;

(2) be/get used to doing ;

(3) be/get accustomed to doing ;

(4) devote oneself to doing ;

(5) be limited to doing ;

(6) be dedicated to doing ;

(7) pay attention to doing sth.;

(8) get to doing ;

(9) lead to doing ;

(10) stick to doing ;

(11) apply to doing ;

(12) come/be near to doing sth. ;

(13) be equal to doing sth. ;

(14) fall to doing sth. ;

(15) oppose to doing sth. ;


1. 看主被动关系,看时间先后:to do;doing;done;

2. 可加不定式或动名词做宾语的动词;

3. 动词不定式的主动形式表示被动含义;

4. 动名词的复合结构;

5. 分词形式的选择;

6. 独立主格结构;

7. 能接宾补的动词和宾补的形式;

8. “◆ ”( )

① ★(表示被动);②★ (表示主动)

9.形容词后面的非谓语动词直接+to do


1. She seated herself at a small table in the restaurant, waiting _____(serve).

2. _____(lose)his ID card, Philip had to go to the police station in person and reapply for a new one.

3. In Singapore, people _____(catch)eating or drinking on the subway can be fined up to 500 Singapore dollars.

4. _____(work)in the business world for three months, Dora got tired of it and decided to turn to teaching.

5. The Subway Line 16 _______ (build)in Beijing is planned to open this year.

6. The spread of the Ebola virus in Nigeria is believed_______(control)by August, 2014(7).

7. With my mother's (inspire)words in my mind, I never doubt I'll succeed.

8. (Injure)in the training, Marbury couldn't play in the basketball season.

9.People planted trees on the waste hills (decrease)water and soil loss.

10. The young man, _____(catch)in heavy traffic on the way, got home an hour later than usual.

11. _____(Be)creative looks like a good way to add years to your life.

12. Doctors always advise us ______ (drink)plenty of water to stay healthy.

13.When______(ask)about the reason for winning the prize, the girl owed the success to her teachers.

14. With our country entering an aging society,_____ (delay)the retirement age is probably unavoidable.

15. ______(find)more about university courses, write to this address.

16. He ran toward the coming train, ______ (fire)his camera’s flash to warn the driver of the danger.

17. Loneliness is a feeling ______(experience)by many parents whose children have gone to faraway places for education or work.

18. They regard it as their duty _____(provide)the best service to the customers.

19. _____ (Not know)how to deal with the trouble with the car, Lily had to ask her friend for help.

20. Many things _____ (consider)impossible in the past have already come true today.

21. ---Excuse me sir, where is Room 221?---Just a minute. I’ll ask Bob ____ (lead)you there.

22. _________(Learn)that I was in trouble, Tom came to my aid without delay.

23. Last night, John attended a TV program ________(host)by his best friend.

24. At first I regretted _____(invite)them to stay, but we soon became great friends.

25. The visiting professor was interested in the teaching methods _____ (use)in the classroom.

26. _____ (compete)more effectively with others, more and more people equip themselves with a higher education.

27. Visitors to the hills are greeted by signs (warn)them to look out.

28. —Can the project be finished as planned?—Sure. (get)it completed in time, we’ll work two more hours a day.

29. ______(exchange)opinions on the schedule, we finally reached on agreement.

30. Mike will become the first person in his family ______(finish)college education.

31. Premier Li Keqiang delivered a speech at the conference, ________(encourage)university graduates to start their own business.

32. —What are your hobbies?—My hobbies include ____ (cook)and literature.

33. —Why do you want to go to the States?—____(travel) , sir.

34. Open your heart, and you will make yourself better ____(know).

35.______ (finish)the task in time, we had to work late into the night.

36.We’re advised not to leave the water ______ (run)after using it.

37. The paintings ______ (steal)from the National Gallery last week have been found.

38. I got to the lecture hall very early, ______ (hope) to get a good seat.

39. We are not allowed ______ (take)drinks into the computer lab.

40.Although______(beat)by the opposite team, the players were not discouraged but practiced harder.

41. In order to keep fit,the old man makes it a rule ________(go)for a walk after supper every day.

42. Oh!I can feel something ________(climb)up my leg! It must be an insect.

43. —What do you do, Rita?—I’m a clerk in a foreign company now. But I ____( teach)English in a high school for 10 years.

44. Comparison may make something appear more beautiful than it is when ____ (see)alone.

45._____ ( Pay for)the trip from Alaska to Argentina by bike, Gregg and Brooks worked and saved money for years.

46._____ (spend)all my money on the car, I can’t afford a holiday with my friend this summer.

47.An exercise method_____(design)to improve strength and balance is becoming popular in the United States.

48.When (ask)about one of the biggest concerns today,many citizens mentioned the sharp rise in housing price.

49. (Save)Time, the teacher had us do half of the exercises in class and complete the other half for our homework.

50.—What’s that noise?—There’s a truck stopping outside.It’s someone (deliver)something.

51. _____(Show)around the school, the retired teachers were impressed by its new look.

52. The agreement _____ (sign)between the two companies last week will come into effect soon.

53. I saw them whispering to each other; obviously they did not want _____ (hear)by others.

54. The food _______(prepare) in this way keeps fresh.

55. _______ ( talk )to the house owner, the designer had a clear idea of what to do.

56. Whenever I’m in trouble, I hear a voice _______ (ring)in my head“You can do it.”

57. The road _______(build) next week leads to Highway 62.

58. John brought over my letter _______(deliver)to him by mistake.

59. _________( sit )in hard seats for 6 hours, we finally stepped out of the train tiredly.

60. Mo Yan grew up ________(listened to)folk tales that had been told for centuries in his hometown.

61. When in trouble, many teenagers go to their friends _______(ask)for advice.

62.-Have you found a new job, Jim?-Not yet. I really regret _________(turn down)the IBM's offer.

63.-Sorry,Madam.Any problem?-Yes. The fish is served undercooked and with nothing ______(add).

64._______(Drive)with care, the car can serve you more than ten years.

65. _______(Work)hard for many years, Li Na harvested the rewards of her efforts.

66. Studying abroad gives you a chance _______ (experience)different cultures.

67.In China, New Year's Day isn't a big moment______(compare) with the Spring Festival.

68.My granny does crossword puzzles each day ______ (keep)her mind sharp.

69.A new learning center has been built in the school, _____( allow)students to get to know the world more easily.

70. Working as a manager, Rebecca found it hard ______(balance)between work and her family.

71. ______ (make)full preparations, Tony was quite confident about the coming interview.

72. Once____(publish), the book will surely attract readers’ attention since it is related to people’s health.

73.The tour guide reminded people to be careful when ______(step)off the boat.

74.______ (Disappoint)at the way he had been treated in the hotel, John complained to the manager.

75.Coming back after four years of studying abroad.she was busy phoning her friends (get)


76. Sometimes, ______ (send)a patient a get-well card is better than visiting him.

77. The agent promised to keep the family members fully ______ (inform)of any developments.

78. I’ve made several travel plans for our vacation, but I’ll leave it to you ______ (choose)one.

79.During the weekend, the health club is usually full of people (try)to get in shape

80.—Can you give me a ride?—Sorry.There is no room (leave)in my car.

81.-Good news ! There's a supermarket (built)in this area next month! -Cool! It will be convenient for us when it's open!

82. Sparing no thought for her own safety, she dived into the river ______ (save)the child.

83. —What about going by coach? It’s cheap and comfortable.—If we went that way, it would mean ______ (spent)more time than goingby train.

84. Janet has worked in the manager’s office for five years, ______ (deal)with letters and documents.

85.It is usually cheaper to have the goods (send)by seathan by air.

86.______ (use)the Internet, we are able to get up-to-date information from a variety of sources.

87.Joe looked closely at his car (see)if it had been damaged.

88.The best way ______ (learn)how to drive a car is to practice with a driving instructor.

89.______(Buy)a new house is impossible for the young couple because they haven't saved enough money.

90.Every book ______ (borrow)from the library should be returned on time.

91. Although _______ (suffer)from illnesses for years, the old lady still faces her day with a smile.

92. The new software Emperor’s One Day gives children the chance _______ (experience)life as a ruler.

94. We are eager to see concrete measures against smog _______ (take)in the near future.

95. Tom made an excellent speech without _______ (refer to)his notes even for once.

96.---Who’s the man talking to our teacher?---A professor _____ (pay)a visit our school.

97.He did what he could ______(help)her out of trouble.

98.Our previous school building/'privs/, ______(shape)like an “E”, was built in 1961.

99.Mary has trouble in speaking, which makes it difficult ______ (express)her thoughts and feelings.

100.The film Life of Pi, ______(direct)by Li An, has attracted the audience for its amazing visual effects.

101.I didn't realize my mother loves me so such until I received her gift for my 18th birthday, a diary______(record)the process of my growth.

102.A hearty laugh relieves physical tension,_____(leave)your muscles relaxed for over half an hour.

103.Life is a journey_____(fill)with hardships, joys and special moments.

104. Some seemingly harmless blogs might become harmful when ____(read)on the Internet by millions of people.

105. ______(lower)the housing price, several measures have been adopted in the last two years.

106. The average Facebook user in the United States has 245 friends, according to a study ______ (publish)in February.

107. She came to Beijing on April 28, _____ (expect)Mayday's concert in the Bird’s Nest.

108.From our window we have a good view of the open fields, (reach)into the distance.

109. Robert had a comfortable childhood, ______(grew) up in a pleasant house with a view of the sea.

110. Meyer and his team were the first ______ (show)how the disease spreads from animals to humans.

111. Having pictures to color will keep children ______ (amuse)for hours.





















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