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lesson 1
need we go there?
yes , we must
no, we needn’t
*must we go there ?
yes, we must
no , we needn’t
regret-regretted –regretted 遗憾;后悔v
regret doing sth. 后悔做了某事(表示对已经发生的事情感到后悔)。
i regret taking his advice at that time
regret to do sth.that为要做的事抱歉,遗憾
i regret to say you failed in the exam
1.feel good 感觉好(心情)feel well 感觉舒服;感觉好(身体)
feel +adj 感到……、摸起来……
feel like doing sht 想要做……
2.have the worst illness 得了重病
3.what is wrong with sb= what is the matter/trouble with sb = what happen(s)to sb……怎么了
4.my stomach hurts= i have a stomachache 我胃痛
5.hurt so/that/this much 如此的这样疼
6.have a(high) fever 发高烧
7.right now = right away = immediately = at once立刻;马上
8.wake up 醒来 wake sb up 把。。叫醒(wake-woke-waken)
9.get dressed quickly 快速穿好衣服
10.get in(to)the car/get out of the car 上下汽车(小)
get on/off 上,下车(大)
11.take sb to sw 把……带到……
12.an examination room 检查室
13.the right/left side of……的右、左面
14.pardon sth for doing sth 原谅某人做……
15.take an x-ray 照x光
16.take one’s hand 握住某人的手。
lesson 2
1. be afraid of +n/pron 害怕某人/物;
be afraid of doing=be afraid to do sth 害怕做…
2. be scared of +n/pron害怕某人/物;
be scared of doing sth=be scared to do sth害怕做
3. want(s.b)to do sth 想要(某人)做某事;
would like (s.b) to do sth想要(某人)做某事
4. go to a dentist 看牙医
5. have no choice but to 别无选择,只能做…
6. tell s.b(not) to do sth 告诉某人(不要)做某事
7. not…at all完全不……;
not at all 不客气,没关系
8. smile at 对…微笑
9. on the /one’s way(to) 某人去…的路上
10. an old german saying 一个古老的德国谚语
11. take care of =look after 照顾、照料
12. feel like doing sth 喜欢做
13. refuse+n/prep/to do sth 拒绝…/做某事
=say no to do sth
14. one of +n复 …中之一
15. one of the +adj最高级+n复 “最…中之”
16. laugh at 嘲笑
17. lose one’s way 迷路
18. give way 让步,屈服
19. give one’s way 与…同路
20. be in the /one’s way 挡路,妨碍
21. in this /that way 用这种/那种方式
22. in no way 绝不
23. make +s.b /sth +adj (原级/比较级/最高级)
24. make s.b do sth 使某人做某事
25. s.b be made to do sth 某人被迫做某事
26. be dressed in +衣服/颜色=be in +衣+颜
=be wearing +衣服 “穿着…衣服”
27. be interested in 对…感兴趣
28. show(great)interest in 对…表现出(极大)兴趣
29. have an interest in 对…有兴趣
30. take an interest in 对…产生兴趣
31. have no interest in 对…不感兴趣
32. lose interest in sth对…丧失兴趣
②主语+have/has a pain in + 身体部位
34.right away=-right now=at
lesson 3
include 和contain 的区别
the bottle contains two glasses of beer.这瓶子可装两杯啤酒.
this book contains all the information you need.
the pill contains different kinds ofvitamins.这药丸中含有多种维生素.
this plan included most of your suggesions
there are 40 students in the classroom, including me/me included.
1. be rich in…富含…
2. in one’s opinion 以某人看来
3. have/keep balanced diet 保持均衡饮食
4. eating habits 饮食习惯
5. be full of=be filled with 装满,充满
6. be made of由…制成(可看出原材料)
be made from由…制成(看不出原材料)
7. be made into+成品名 “把…制成…”
8. be made in +地方/时间“在…制造”
9. be made by+s.b/公司“被…制做”
10. be made up of 由…组成/构成
11. stay healthy=keep healthy=keep fit 保持健康
12. be popular in 在…流行/受欢迎
13. be popular with s.b(人群) 受某人的欢迎
14. a lot of= lots of= plenty of+可n/不可n
15. many +n复;much+不可n 许多(常用于肯定)
16. a lot 非常,十分
17. include +n/v-ing 包含…
18. it’s +adj+for s.b+to do sth 对某人来说,
it’s +adj+of s.b+to do sth 某人做某事真是…
19. make it +adj+to do sth 使做…怎么样
20. find it +adj+to do sth 发现做…怎么样
21. think it +adj+to do sth 认为做…怎么样
22. stop/keep s.b from doing sth 阻止某人做某事
23. keep s.b doing sth 使某人一直做
24. keep(on) doing sth 坚持做某事
25. at least 至少;at most 最多
26. in fact 事实上
27. east asian country 东亚国家
lesson 4
1.don’t smoke here 别在这吸烟
there is no smoke with fire 无风不起浪
smoking is harmful to your health.
2.advise sb (not) to do sth 建议某人别做某事。
a piece of advice 一条建议
3. good /bad habits 好,坏习惯
form good habits养成好习惯
get into the habbit of ..养成。。的习惯
4.harm v harm sb 伤害某人
harm n 伤害;损害
do harm to sb = do harm sb = be harmful adj to sb = be bad for 对。。有害。
5.cause sb to do sth 使某人做……
cause sb sth = cause sth for sb 给某带来……
cause the dieseases of 引起……的疾病
6.millions of 数以百万的
7.as a result of 由于;作为……的结果
8.pollute sth 污染……。
9.breathe(v) deeply 深呼吸= take a deep breath(n)
breathe fresh air 呼吸新鲜空气
10.in public places 在公共场所
11.be against 反对。。be for 支持……
12.keep in touch with 和……保持联系
13.offer to do sth 主动做……
offer sb sth = offter sth to sb 主动给予……
14.take a risk of doing sth 冒险做……

sb to do sth 鼓励某人做。。
16.be hard for 对……是困难的
17.try to do sth 努力做…… 、try doing sth 尝试做……
18.explain sth to sb 对……解释……
19.do more exercise 做更多的锻炼
20.once 一旦……= if
21.stay away from 远离
22.give up doing 放弃做……
lesson 5
1. luck (n.) 幸运 good luck to sb 祝……好运
lucky adj 幸运的 a lucky dog 一个幸运儿
luckily adv 幸运地(是) luckily, he wasn’t hurt badly.
2. dare 敢于;敢。。(既可以做实意动词也可以是情态动词,但做情态动词时常用于否定句和疑问句或在if ,weather 从句之后。
she dares to walk at night 他敢于走夜路
they daren’t ask for any money 他们不敢再要钱了
i don’t know whether he dare try. 我不知道是否他敢于试一试。
1.have /live a happy life 过快乐生活
2.become ill with ... 由于……而生病
3.damage one’s body 损坏……的身体
4.be unable to do sth= be not able to do sth 不能做……
5.control sth with sth 用……控制……
6.marry sb 嫁给;娶某人
be/get married to sb 和……结婚
be married 结婚;已婚
marry – be married
7.watch sb

doing/do 观察某人在做、做某事。
8.play the piano 弹钢琴
9.know a lot about ...对……了解很多
10.speak to sb 对……讲话
11.face problems 面对问题
12.foucs on 聚焦;集中;特别关注
13.what a pity !太可惜了。
lesson 6
1. not…any more 不再(短暂动作)
2. not…any longer不再(连续性动作)
3. sleepy adj.瞌睡的 asleep adj. 睡着的
4. the sleeping car 卧铺车
5. so that 为了;以便
6. in order to +v-原 为了…
7. take out 取出 ;拔出;
8. take up 占据
9. take off 起飞、脱掉
10. take away 解除/消除
11. take over 控制
12.take after 与…相像
13.take back 收回,退回
14. take place 发生
15. have a good rest 好好休息
16. stay in bed and rest 卧床休息
17. now that 既然
18. earn money 赚钱
19. natural resources 天然资源
20. get blood 供血


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  • RicfgL
    RicfgL(2023-05-04 16:52:30)
    太厉害了今天的老师孩子特别喜欢!有说有笑就上完课了,课后孩子还是没出上课的状态跟我说话都是good job!超值!
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