- A+
1. Abandon - To leave something behind or give up on something entirely.
2. Benevolent - Kindly and well-meaning, with a desire to do good.
3. Capricious - Unpredictable and subject to whim or impulse.
4. Desolate - Deserted and empty, with a feeling of loneliness or sadness.
5. Ephemeral - Short-lived or fleeting, lasting only for a brief period.
6. Frivolous - Unimportant, lacking in seriousness or depth.
7. Incessant - Constant, without interruption or pause.
8. Magnanimous - Generous and forgiving, with a noble spirit and a capacity for great things.
9. Oblivion
- The state of being forgotten or overlooked, forgotten over time.
10. Pernicious - Harmful or destructive, causing great or irreparable