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鏃呮父瀹炵敤鑻辫鍙h900鍙?/p>where can i catch a taxi?鍝噷鎴戝彲浠ュ彨鍒板嚭绉熻溅?
the taxi zone is right on the left corner over there.鍑虹杞︾珯鍙板氨鍦ㄥ乏杈硅浆瑙掑銆?/p>are you free?鎮ㄦ湁绌哄悧?
sure. where are you going?褰撶劧銆傛偍瑕佸幓鍝噷?
drive me back to santa clara.杞芥垜鍒板湥濉斿厠鑾辨媺銆?/p>santa clara? ok. thats about 20 miles away.鍦e鍏嬭幈鎷?濂界殑锛屽ぇ绾︽槸20鑻遍噷杩溿€?/p>how much will it cost?闇€瑕佸灏戦挶?
thatll be thirty-six dollars, sir.鍏堢敓锛岃溅璐规槸36鍏冦€?/p>here you are. you can keep the change.缁欎綘銆傞浂閽变笉鐢ㄦ壘浜嗐€?/p>youre very generous.浣犵湡鎱锋叏銆?/p>thatre a lot of help.娌″叧绯汇€備綘甯簡寰堝ぇ鐨勫繖銆?/p>take me to the railway station.杞芥垜鍒扮伀杞︾珯銆?/p>take me back.杞芥垜鍥炲幓銆?/p>what is the charge for that?閭h澶氬皯璐圭敤?
how much extra do i have to pay for that?鎴戣繕瑕佸彟澶栦粯澶氬皯?
keep the change for yourself.鎵惧洖鐨勯挶浣犵暀鐫€銆?/p>the change is yours.鎵惧洖鐨勯挶缁欎綘銆?/p>dont give me the change anymore.涓嶅繀缁欐垜鎵鹃挶浜嗐€?/p>is this the bus that goes by the mall?杩欑彮鍏叡姹借溅缁忚繃鍟嗕笟琛楀悧?
no, it isnt. but you can transfer from this bus to bus number 24.涓嶏紝涓嶇粡杩囥€備絾鏄綘鍙互鎼繖鐝溅杞箻24璺€?/p>good. how much is the fare?濂姐€傝溅璐瑰灏?
its seventy-five cents for adults and thirty cents for children under twelve.澶т汉75缇庡垎锛?2宀佷互涓嬬殑灏忓30鍒嗐€?/p>will it cost for the transfer?杞溅瑕侀挶鍚?
yes. when you get on the transfer bus, just show the bus driver this ticket stub.瑕併€傚綋浣犱笂浜嗚浆涔樼殑鍏叡姹借溅鏃讹紝灏辨妸杩欏紶绁ㄦ牴缁欏徃鏈虹湅銆?/p>you will only have to pay another ten cents and a nickel for your child.浣犲彧闇€鍙﹀鍐嶄粯10缇庡垎锛岃€屼綘鐨勫瀛愬彧瑕佸啀浠?缇庡垎銆?/p>that sounds pretty good.鍚捣鏉ユ尯濂界殑鍢?
you can take a seat now.鐜板湪浣犳壘涓骇浣嶅潗涓嬪惂銆?/p>when youre ready to get off, remember to press the button near your seat.褰撲綘瑕佷笅杞︽椂锛岃寰楁寜浣犲骇浣嶆梺鐨勬寜閽€?/p>is this bus going to dallas?杩欒溅寮€寰€杈炬媺鏂悧?
get me off at the fifth avenue.璇峰湪绗簲澶ч亾璁╂垜涓嬭溅銆?/p>where can i put the coin?纭竵瑕佹斁鍦ㄥ摢鍎?
how long does it take?瑕佽姳澶氫箙鏃堕棿?
can you tell me how to get to the railroad station?浣犺兘鍛婅瘔鎴戞€庢牱鍘荤伀杞︾珯鍚?
may i help you, sir?闇€瑕佹垜甯繖鍚楋紝鍏堢敓?
is checks here.鎴戞兂鍦ㄨ繖鍎垮厬鎹竴浜涙梾琛屾敮绁ㄣ€?/p>certainly. do you have any identification?褰撶劧鍙互銆備綘鏈変换浣曡瘉鏄庢枃浠跺悧?
yes, i have my passport. here it is.鏄殑锛屾垜鏈夋姢鐓с€傝繖灏辨槸銆?/p>fine. how much would you like to exchange, sir?濂界殑銆傛偍瑕佸厬鎹㈠灏戝憿锛屽厛鐢?
where can i change money?鎴戝湪鍝噷鍙互鍏戞崲澶栧竵?
whats the exchange rate today?浠婂ぉ鐨勫厬鎹㈡瘮鐜囨槸澶氬皯?
a dollar is valued at eight point two rmb yuan.涓€缇庡厓浠峰€?.2鍏冧汉姘戝竵銆?/p>five hundred dollars, please. and could you give me ten dollar in small change?璇锋崲500缇庡厓銆傚啀鍙﹀鑳藉惁缁欐垜10鍏冪殑灏忛潰棰濋浂閽?
here you go, sir.鍙互锛屽厛鐢熴€?/p>will it take long?瑕佸緢涔呭悧?
no. please endorse the check at the back.涓嶄細鐨勩€傝鍦ㄦ敮绁ㄧ殑鑳岄潰绛惧悕銆?/p>ok.濂界殑銆?/p>anything can i help you with?鏈夋垜鑳藉府蹇欑殑鍦版柟鍚?
are you being waited on?鎮ㄩ渶瑕佹湇鍔″悧?
id like to convert some rmb yuan to us dollar, please.璇峰皢鎴戠殑涓€浜涗汉姘戝竵鎹㈡垚缇庡厓銆?/p>please cash this check.璇峰厬鐜拌繖寮犳敮绁ㄣ€?/p>i want to pick up the car tomorrow morning at seven. are you open then?鎴戞兂鍦ㄦ槑澶╂棭涓?鐐规彁杞︺€傞偅鏃朵綘浠紑闂ㄤ簡鍚?
yes, we are, mr. wang. how are you going to pay?瀵癸紝鎴戜滑寮€闂ㄣ€備綘鎵撶畻濡備綍浠橀挶?
may i pay in cash?鍙互浠樼幇閲戝悧?
wed prefer a credit card, if you have one.濡傛灉浣犳湁淇$敤鍗★紝鎴戜滑杈冨枩娆俊鐢ㄥ崱銆?/p>yes, of course.鍙互锛屽綋鐒跺彲浠ャ€?/p>how long will you keep the car?杩欒溅浣犺鐢ㄥ涔?
just three days.鍙涓夊ぉ銆?/p>are you going to return it here?浣犺鍦ㄨ繖閲屽綊杩樺悧?
no. i want to leave it in chicago.涓嶃€傛垜鎯虫妸瀹冪暀鍦ㄨ姖鍔犲摜銆?/p>that will be fine.閭e彲浠ャ€?/p>heres my visa card.杩欐槸鎴戠殑visa鍗°€?/p>just a minute. heres your receipt.璇风瓑涓€涓嬨€傝繖鏄綘鐨勬敹鎹€?/p>do you mind if i pay in cash?浣犱粙鎰忔垜浠樼幇閲戝悧?
do you have any objections to my paying in cash?浣犲弽瀵规垜浠樼幇閲戝悧?
my plans force me to leave it in chicago.鎴戠殑璁″垝浣挎垜蹇呴』灏嗗畠鐣欏湪鑺濆姞鍝ャ€?/p>anything else, sir?鍏堢敓锛岃繕瑕佸埆鐨勪笢瑗垮悧?
thats all for now. how much do i owe you?鐩墠杩欎簺灏卞浜嗭紝鎴戣浠樹綘澶氬皯閽?
thatll be fifty-five dollars and twenty cents.涓€鍏?5鍏?瑙掋€?/p>cant you make it a little cheaper?浣犱笉鑳界畻渚垮疁涓€鐐?
oh, no sir. we already gave you a discount on each item.鍝︼紝涓嶈锛屽厛鐢熴€傛瘡涓€浠朵笢瑗挎垜浠兘缁欎綘鎵撹繃鎶樻墸浜嗐€?/p>ok. i understand. thank you.濂藉惂锛屾垜鎳備簡锛岃阿璋綘銆?/p>any discount, ok?鍙互鎵撲釜鎶樻墸鍚?
it is too expensive. how about half the price?澶吹浜嗭紝鍗婁环鎬庝箞鏍?
only a five percent discount? how about twenty percent?鍙墦涔濅簲鎶?鍏姌鎬庝箞鏍?
what a price! lower it, please?杩欎箞楂樼殑浠锋牸!璇烽檷鐐广€?/p>ill take it. but the price is a bit high. how about free wrapping?鎴戜拱浜嗐€備絾浠锋牸鏈夌偣楂橈紝鍏嶈垂鍖呰鎬庝箞鏍?
good afternoon. whats the trouble?涓嬪崍濂姐€傛湁浠€涔堜笉鑸掓湇鍚?
ive had a pretty high fever since yesterday morning.浠庢槰澶╂棭涓婅捣锛屾垜灏变竴鐩村彂楂樼儳銆?/p>anything else?杩樻湁鍏跺畠鐨勫悧?
yes. i have an upset stomach.鏄殑锛屾垜鐨勮儍寰堥毦鍙椼€?/p>i see. well take a good look at you.鎴戞槑鐧戒簡銆傛垜浠細濂藉ソ鏇夸綘鐪嬬湅銆?/p>do you have any other symptoms? any more than those youve described?浣犳湁娌℃湁鍏跺畠鐨勭棁鐘?闄や簡閭d簺浣犲凡鍙欒堪杩囩殑?
no. thats about all.娌℃湁銆傚ぇ姒傚氨鏄繖浜涖€?/p>well, i dons anything serious.鍡紝鎴戞兂娌℃湁浠€涔堜弗閲嶇殑銆?/p>im relieved to hear that.浣犵殑璇濅娇鎴戞澗浜嗕竴鍙f皵銆?/p>im having trouble eating.鎴戝悆涓滆タ鏃舵湁鍥伴毦銆?/p>what i eat wont stay down.鎴戝悆涓滆タ鏃舵劅鍒版伓蹇冦€?/p>nothing will stay down when i eat.鎴戝悆涓嬪幓鐨勪笢瑗垮叏鍚愬嚭鏉ヤ簡銆?/p>im having some trouble keeping food down.鎴戝悆涓滆タ鏃舵劅鍒板洶闅俱€?/p>thats load off my mind.杩欎竴鏉ユ垜蹇冮噷杞绘澗浜嗐€?/p>thats relief.鐪熶护浜烘鎱般€?/p>thats reassuring.鐪熶护浜哄畨蹇冦€?/p>are there any tours for the grand canyon?鏈夊埌澶у场璋风殑鏃呮父鍥㈠悧?
there are several tours of the grand canyon.鍒板ぇ宄¤胺鏈夊ソ鍑犱釜鏃呮父鍥€?/p>have you been to our tourist information center?"浣犲幓杩囨垜浠殑""鏃呭鏈嶅姟涓績""鍚?"
no, i havent. would you show me where that is?涓嶏紝娌″幓杩囥€備綘鍙互鍛婅瘔鎴戝幓鍝噷鍚?
sure. its up ahead to your left.濂界殑銆傚線鍓嶈蛋锛屽湪浣犵殑宸﹁竟銆?/p>i heard that some tours actually go down into the canyon. is that true?鎴戝惉璇存湁鐨勬梾娓稿洟鐪熸涓嬪埌宄¤胺閲屽幓浜嗐€傞偅鏄湡鐨勫悧?
yes. its a great way to really see the canyon.鐪熺殑銆傞偅鏄湡姝e弬瑙傚场璋风殑濂芥柟寮忋€?/p>in addition, its great exercise too, since we do a lot of hiking.杩樻湁锛岄偅涔熸槸涓ソ鐨勮繍鍔紝鍥犱负鎴戜滑瑕侀暱璺濈寰掓鏃呰銆?/p>that sounds fantastic. where do i go to sign up for that tour?閭e惉璧锋潵濂芥瀬浜嗐€傛垜鍒板摢閲屽幓鎶ュ悕鍙傚姞鍛?
go inside the information center.鍒版湇鍔′腑蹇冨幓銆?/p>and tell them you want to go on the tour that goes down into the canyon.璺熶粬浠浣犺鍙傚姞鍒板场璋烽噷鍘荤殑鏃呮父鍥€?/p>you pay there. i have the next group to go down. ill see you soon then.浣犲湪閭e効浠橀挶銆傛垜甯︾殑涓嬩竴涓洟灏辨槸瑕佷笅鍘荤殑銆傚洖瑙?
would you mind telling me what the climate is like in california?鎮ㄨ兘鍛婅瘔鎴戝姞鍒╃灏间簹鐨勬皵鍊欐€庝箞鏍?
have you ever been there?浣犲幓杩囬偅鍎垮悧?
is it true that its full of wonders there?閭i噷鍏呮弧浜嗗寮傜殑鏅锛屾槸鐪熺殑鍚?
when was it built?瀹冩槸浠€涔堟椂鍊欏缓閫犵殑?
could you give me some information on your european tours?浣犲彲浠ョ粰鎴戜竴浜涗綘浠粡鍔炵殑鏈夊叧娆ф床鏃呰鐨勮祫鏂欏悧?
our pleasure.濂界殑銆?/p>we have several package tours you may choose, from ten days to three weeks in europe.鎴戜滑鏈夊嚑濂楁娲叉梾娓歌鍒掗€夋嫨锛屾椂闂翠粠10澶╁埌3涓槦鏈熴€?/p>i would be interested in a ten-day trip around christmas time.鎴戞湁鍏磋叮鍦ㄥ湥璇炶妭鍓嶅悗鍘荤帺10澶┿€?/p>i have one ten-day tour that is still available. it will depart from new york on dec. 24.鎴戜滑涓€涓?0澶╃殑鏃呰鍥㈣繕鏈夌┖浣嶏紝12鏈?4鍙风寮€绾界害銆?/p>what is the cost?璐圭敤鏄灏?
the price for one person for a ten-day tour is only $ 1088, which includes round-trip airfare.鍗佹棩娓告瘡浜哄彧瑕?088缇庡厓銆傝繖涓垂鐢ㄥ寘鎷潵鍥炴満绁ㄣ€?/p>that sounds reasonable. let me think it over. and ill call you back to make reservations.鍚捣鏉ヤ环閽辫繕绠楀叕閬撱€傝鎴戣€冭檻涓€涓嬶紝鎴戜細鍐嶆墦鐢佃瘽棰勫畾銆?/p>ok. but dont delay too long. or that trip will be all booked.濂斤紝浣嗕笉瑕佹嫋澶箙锛屽惁鍒欎細璁㈡弧鐨勩€?/p>may i have a bus map, please?璇风粰鎴戜竴浠藉叕鍏辨苯杞﹁矾绾垮浘濂藉悧?
if i were you, id try one of the newspaper stands.濡傛灉鎴戞槸浣狅紝鎴戜細鍒颁竴涓功鎶ヤ涵鍘荤湅鐪嬨€?/p>i would like to know about your honeymoon travel packages.鎴戞兂瑕佺煡閬撲綘浠姙鐨勬湁鍏宠湝鏈堟梾琛岃鍒掋€?/p>where are we now?鎴戜滑鐜板湪鏄湪浠€涔堝湴鏂瑰憿?
i donre completely lost.鎴戜笉鐭ラ亾锛屾垜浠畬鍏ㄨ糠璺簡銆?/p>oh, here comes a police officer. lets ask him.鍝︼紝涓€浣嶈瀵熻繃鏉ヤ簡锛屾垜浠幓闂棶浠栥€?/p>ok. excuse me. may i ask where we are now?濂藉晩銆傚涓嶈捣锛岃闂垜浠幇鍦ㄦ槸鍦ㄤ粈涔堝湴鏂?
yes, youve right in the middle of the fifth avenue vegetable market.浣犱滑灏卞湪绗簲琛楃殑钄彍甯傚満閲屻€?/p>where would you like to go?浣犱滑瑕佸幓鍝噷鍛?
excuse me, officer, which way shall i take? i want to go back to beijing hotel.瀵逛笉璧凤紝璀﹀畼銆傛垜鎯冲洖鍖椾含瀹鹃锛屾垜璇ヨ蛋鍝潯璺€?/p>take the right one and go ahead and it will take you five minutes. you cant miss it.璧板彸杈硅繖鏉¤矾锛屼竴鐩存湞鍓嶈蛋锛屽彧瑕佷簲鍒嗛挓鐨勬椂闂翠綘灏卞埌浜嗐€?/p>thank you.璋㈣阿鎮ㄣ€?/p>im afraid i have lost my way. where can i take a bus if i want to go back to the downtown?鎴戣糠璺簡锛屽鏋滄垜鎯冲洖甯備腑蹇冿紝鎴戝湪鍝効鍙互鍧愬叕浜よ溅?
i want to go to the railway station. could you show me the way?鎴戞兂鍘荤伀杞︾珯锛屾偍鑳藉甫鎴戝幓鍚?
wheres this place in the map?杩欓噷鍦ㄥ湴鍥剧殑鍝釜浣嶇疆?
is this the right way to the station?寰€杞︾珯璧拌繖鏉¤矾瀵瑰悧?
how can i get to sheraton hotel?寰€鍠滄潵鐧诲棣嗘€庝箞璧?
welcome to china. may i have a look at your customs declaration?娆㈣繋鏉ヤ腑鍥姐€傛垜鍙互鐪嬩竴涓嬫偍鐨勫叆澧冪敵璇锋姤琛ㄥ悧?
yes. here you are.濂界殑锛岄兘鍦ㄨ繖鍎裤€?/p>you go ahead with the formalities. ill see to the heavy luggage.鎮ㄥ厛鍘诲姙鎵嬬画锛屾垜鏉ュ府鎮ㄧ収鐪嬪ぇ浠惰鏉庛€?/p>thatll come back right after the formalities.閭eお濂戒簡銆傛墜缁姙瀹屽悗鎴戝氨鍥炴潵銆?/p>what type of visa have you got?鎮ㄦ寔鐨勬槸鍝绛捐瘉?
i have a tourist visa.鏃呮父绛捐瘉銆?/p>would you mind opening your suitcase?璇锋妸鎮ㄧ殑绠卞瓙鎵撳紑锛屽ソ鍚?
not at all. check it, please.濂界殑锛岃妫€鏌ャ€?/p>would you please make a record of all your foreign currencies?璇锋妸浣犳墍甯︾殑澶栧竵鐧昏涓€涓嬶紝濂藉悧?
ok. ill do as you say.濂界殑锛岀収鍔炪€?/p>have you filled in the baggage declaration?琛屾潕鐢宠鍗曞~濂戒簡鍚?
no. i really dont know how to go about it.娌℃湁銆傛垜鐪熶笉鐭ラ亾濡備綍濉€?/p>do you have anything to declare for customs?鏈変粈涔堣鐢虫姤鍛€?
no. i have nothing to declare.娌℃湁銆傛垜娌℃湁浠€涔堣鐢虫姤鐨勩€?/p>how long are you going to stay here?鎮ㄥ湪杩欓噷鍛嗗涔?
about one month. im just sightseeing.澶х害涓€涓湀銆傛垜鍙槸瑙傚厜鏃呮父銆?/p>have you anything dutiable?鎮ㄦ湁搴旂即绋庣殑涓滆タ鍚?
no, these are only personal effects.娌℃湁锛岃繖鍙槸浜涚浜虹敤鍝併€?/p>is that all for customs formalities?娴峰叧妫€鏌ュ氨杩欎簺浜嗗悧?
yes, you are through with it. i hope you will enjoy your stay in china.鏄殑锛屾鏌ュ畬姣曘€傚笇鏈涙偍鍦ㄤ腑鍥借繃寰楁剦蹇€?/p>are you carrying any items that need to be declared?浣犳病鏈夋惡甯﹂渶瑕佺敵鎶ョ殑涓滆タ鍚?
do you have anything that must be claimed?闅鹃亾浣犳病闇€瑕佺敵鎶ョ殑涓滆タ鍚?
would you please hand me your customs declaration form?璇峰嚭绀烘偍鐨勭敵鎶ヨ〃缁欐垜?
please have your customs declaration form ready.璇锋妸鎮ㄧ殑鐢虫姤琛ㄥ噯澶囧ソ銆?/p>all my bags are checked in. i guess im all set to go.鎴戠殑琛屾潕閮芥鏌ュ畬浜嗭紝鐪嬫潵鎴戝彲浠ヨ蛋浜嗐€?/p>i know you must be excited to go home after such a long business trip.鍑哄樊杩欎箞涔咃紝缁堜簬瑕佸洖瀹朵簡锛屾垜鎯充綘涓€瀹氬緢楂樺叴銆?/p>i am sure. so, well be expecting the first shipment in less than a month.閭e綋鐒躲€傛垜浠兘甯屾湜绗竴鎵硅揣鍦ㄤ竴涓湀涔嬪唴鍙互瑁呰埞銆?/p>yes, thatll be there in no time.娌¢敊锛岃揣寰堝揩灏变細杩愬埌銆?/p>good. tell mr. gao at the factory to keep up the good work.寰堝ソ锛岃鍛婅瘔宸ュ巶鐨勯珮鍏堢敓缁х画鍔姏銆?/p>i think all the products are going to sell very well.鎴戠浉淇¤繖鎵硅揣涓€瀹氫細鍗栧緱寰堝ソ銆?/p>we hope so! its always good to work with you, tom.甯屾湜濡傛!姹ゅ锛屽拰浣犱滑鍚堜綔鎬绘槸寰堟剦蹇€?/p>i want to thank you for placing such a big order with us. you wont be disappointed.璋㈣阿浣犱笅浜嗚繖涔堝ぇ鐨勮鍗曪紝浣犱竴瀹氫笉浼氬け鏈涚殑銆?/p>it. i really appreciate all of your hospitality.杩欑偣鎴戠浉淇°€傛垜鐪熺殑寰堟劅婵€浣犵殑鎷涘緟銆?/p>it was my please.鑽e垢涔嬭嚦銆?/p>and id like to give you a little something to take home. let me unroll it.瀵逛簡锛屾垜鏈夋牱灏忎笢瑗挎兂閫佷綘锛岃鎴戞妸瀹冩墦寮€銆?/p>this is beautiful! chinese calligraphy. what do these characters mean?濂芥紓浜?鏄腑鍥戒功娉?杩欎笂闈㈠啓鐨勬槸浠€涔堟剰鎬?
they mean long life. i remember you liked the calligraphy at the palace museum.闀垮懡鐧惧瞾銆傛垜璁板緱涓婃鍘绘晠瀹紝浣犵壒鍒枩娆功娉曘€?/p>so i thought you might like it.鎵€浠ワ紝鎴戞兂浣犲彲鑳戒細鍠滄杩欎釜銆?/p>thats not a print.鐪熺粏蹇?浣犱粠鍝効寮勬潵鐨?杩欒繕涓嶆槸澶嶅埗鐨勫憿!
no, its friend is a calligrapher, and i had him make it for you.娌¢敊锛岃繖鍙槸鐪熻抗銆傛垜鐖朵翰鐨勬湅鍙嬫槸涔︽硶瀹讹紝涓撻棬甯綘鍐欑殑銆?/p>and his name and the date are on the bottom.浠栫殑鍚嶅瓧鍜屾棩鏈熼兘鍦ㄤ笅闈€?/p>it get you anything.鎴戣鎶婂畠鎸傚湪鍔炲叕瀹ゃ€備笉杩囷紝鐪熶笉濂芥剰鎬濓紝鎴戜粈涔堜篃娌¢€佷綘銆?/p>dons a taken of my appreciation for your business, and friendship.娌″叧绯荤殑銆傝繖鏄悜浣犺〃绀烘垜浠湪鐢熸剰鍙婂弸璋婁笂鐨勪竴鐐瑰績鎰忋€?/p>if you have time around christmas, please come to visit my family.濡傛灉浣犲湥璇炶妭鍓嶅悗鏈夌┖锛屾杩庡埌鎴戝鏉ョ帺銆?/p>and ill be able to show you around our city.鎴戝彲浠ュ甫浣犲湪鎴戜滑閭e効鍥涘鐪嬬湅銆?/p>thanks for the invitation. and please give my regards to your wife.璋㈣阿浣犵殑閭€璇枫€傝浠f垜闂€欒吹澶汉銆?/p>you do the same. well, id better go. thanks again for everything.浣犱篃浠f垜闂€欎竴澹般€傚ソ锛屾垜寰楄蛋浜嗭紝鍐嶆璋㈣阿浣犱滑鐨勬嫑寰呫€?/p>take care, and have a nice flight.璇蜂繚閲?绁濅綘涓€璺『椋?
thank you for taking care of me here.澶氳阿鎮ㄧ殑鍛ㄥ埌鎷涘緟銆?/p>i really appreciate all of your hospitality.鍗佸垎鎰熻阿鎮ㄧ殑娆惧緟銆?/p>heres something for you.杩欐湁涓滆タ閫佷綘銆?/p>please accept these gifts with my thanks.璇锋帴鍙楄繖浜涚ぜ鐗╀互琛ㄨ揪鎴戠殑璋㈡剰銆?/p>have a safe trip back.绁濇偍骞冲畨杩斿銆?/p>have a nice flight.绁濇偍涓€璺『椋庛€?/p>take care on your way back.鍥炵▼淇濋噸浜嗐€?/p>have a pleasant journey!涓€璺『椋?
good morning, sir. may i help you?鏃╁畨锛屽厛鐢熴€傝兘涓烘偍鏈嶅姟鍚?
yes. i have a room booked with you, for three days starting today. name of lu, l-u.鏄殑锛屾垜宸插悜浣犱滑璁簡鎴块棿锛屼粠浠婂ぉ寮€濮嬶紝鍏变笁澶┿€傚闄嗭紝l-u銆?/p>thank you, mr. lu. please wait a moment while i check our reservations list.璋㈣阿锛岄檰鍏堢敓銆傝绋嶇瓑锛屾垜鏌ヤ竴涓嬭鎴垮悕鍗曘€?/p>thats mr. steven lu, from taipei?鎮ㄦ槸steven lu锛屼粠鍙板寳鏉ョ殑?
yes, it is.鏄殑锛屾病閿欍€?/p>mr. lu, everything is ok. your booking is from today through wednesday. single room.闄嗗厛鐢燂紝娌¢棶棰樼殑銆傛偍浠庝粖澶╄鍒版槦鏈熶笁锛屽崟浜烘埧銆?/p>your room number is 512. heres your key.鎴块棿鍙风爜鏄?12銆傝繖鏄偍鐨勯挜鍖欍€?/p>thanks. could you point me in the right direction?璋㈣阿銆傛偍鑳藉憡璇夋垜瑕佸線鍝噷璧板悧?
certainly, sir. the elevators are right across the lobby.褰撶劧鍙互锛屽厛鐢熴€傜數姊氨鍦ㄥぇ鍘呯殑姝e闈€?/p>floors one to eight are the elevators to the left.涓€鍒板叓妤间笂涓嬩娇鐢ㄧ殑鐢垫鍦ㄥ乏杈广€?/p>hi. is check.鍡紝鎴戞兂鍏戞崲缇庡浗杩愰€氱殑鏃呰鏀エ銆?/p>sure. would you please sign your name on the back, sir, with your passport number?姣忛棶棰樸€傚厛鐢燂紝璇锋偍鍦ㄦ敮绁ㄨ儗鍚庣涓婂悕瀛楀拰鎶ょ収鍙风爜銆?/p>and ill need to see your passport.鍙﹀锛屾垜闇€瑕佺湅涓€涓嬫偍鐨勬姢鐓с€?/p>sure. can you give me fifty dollars in small bills, please, and ten dollars in change?濂界殑銆備綘鍙互甯垜鎶?0鍧楅挶鎹㈡垚灏忛挒锛?0鍧楁崲鎴愰浂閽卞悧?
no problems. heres your money. have a nice day, mr. lu.娌¢棶棰樸€傝繖鏄偍鐨勬姢鐓э紝杩樻湁鎮ㄧ殑閽便€傜鎮ㄦ剦蹇紝闄嗗厛鐢熴€?/p>i have room reserved.鎴戝凡璁簡鎴裤€?/p>please wait a second.璇风◢绛夈€?/p>please hold on a moment.璇风瓑浼氬効銆?/p>hello. im calling from room 1116.鍠傦紝鎴戣繖閲屾槸1116鍙锋埧闂淬€?/p>yes? can i do something for you?浠€涔堜簨?鎴戣兘涓烘偍鏁堝姵鍚?
im ready to check out now.鎴戝噯澶囧ソ瑕佺粨璐︺€?/p>i have your bill right here.鎮ㄧ殑璐﹀崟鍦ㄨ繖閲屻€?/p>thank you.璋㈣阿銆?/p>did you make any long distance calls this morning, or did you sign for your breakfast?鎮ㄤ粖澶╂棭涓婃病鏈夋墦闀块€旂數璇濇垨鍚冩棭椁愯璐?
no, i didnt.娌℃湁銆?/p>fine. the bill comes to $ 300 even.濂姐€傝处鍗曚笂鎬诲叡鏄?00鍏冩暣銆?/p>may i check it?鎴戝彲浠ユ牳瀵逛竴涓嬪悧?
by all means, you ahead.褰撶劧鍙互銆傞殢渚裤€?/p>what is this charge here?杩欐槸浠€涔堣垂鐢?
thats for a long distance call you make two nights ago.杩欐槸浣犱袱澶╁墠鎵撶殑涓€涓暱閫旂數璇濈殑璐圭敤銆?/p>i see. is a credit card ok?鎴戞槑鐧戒簡銆傜敤淇$敤鍗″彲浠ュ悧?
yes, of course.鍙互锛屽綋鐒跺彲浠ャ€?/p>may i look it over?鎴戝彲浠ヨ繃鐩竴閬嶅悧?
ill check it, if i may.濡傛灉鍙互鐨勮瘽锛屾垜瑕佹牳瀵广€?/p>do you accept credit cards?浣犱滑鎺ュ彈淇$敤鍗″悧?
is it all right if i use my credit card?濡傛灉鎴戜娇鐢ㄤ俊鐢ㄥ崱琛屽悧?
will you honor a credit card?浣犱滑鎵胯淇$敤鍗″悧?
excuse me. can you direct me to the toy department, please?鎵撴壈涓€涓嬶紝璇蜂綘鍛婅瘔鎴戝埌鐜╁叿閮ㄩ棬鎬庝箞璧板ソ鍚?
itll see it on your left.鍦?妤笺€傚嚭鐢垫鍚庯紝灏卞湪浣犵殑宸﹁竟銆?/p>can you direct me to the elevator?浣犺兘鍛婅瘔鎴戠數姊湪鍝噷鍚?
sure. go straight ahead and youll walk into it.褰撶劧锛屽線鍓嶇洿璧帮紝浣犲氨鍙蛋杩涚數姊棿浜嗐€?/p>thank you.璋㈣阿銆?/p>youve welcome.涓嶇敤瀹㈡皵銆?/p>excuse me, sir. but could you tell me the nearest way to beijing hotel?鎵撴壈涓€涓嬶紝鍏堢敓锛屼綘鍙互鍛婅瘔鎴戝埌鍖椾含瀹鹃鏈€杩戞€庝箞璧?
beijing hotel? just go down the street and take the third turning on the right.鍖椾含瀹鹃?娌跨潃杩欐潯琛楅亾锛屽湪绗笁涓矾鍙e悜鍙虫嫄銆?/p>the hotel is at the end of that street.瀹鹃灏卞湪琛楅亾鐨勫敖澶淬€?/p>how long will it take to get there?鍘婚偅鍎垮緱澶氶暱鏃堕棿?
about 10 minutes.澶х害寰楄蛋10鍒嗛挓銆?/p>thanks a lot.澶氳阿銆?/p>could you tell me where the nearest bus station is?浣犺兘鍛婅瘔鎴戞渶杩戠殑姹借溅绔欏湪鍝効鍚?
isnt there a public pool near here?杩欓檮杩戞湁娌℃湁鍏叡娓告吵姹?
where is chinatown?涓浗鍩庡湪鍝噷?
would you show me the way to the station.浣犺兘鍛婅瘔鎴戝幓杞︾珯鐨勮矾鍚?
are you ready to order now, sir?鍏堢敓锛屼綘鍑嗗鐐硅彍鍚?
yes, i am. id like some wine and roast duck.鏄殑銆傛垜鎯宠浜涢厭鍜岀儰楦€?/p>roast duck. there will be a slight delay for that.鐑ら腑銆傞偅浼氱◢寰參涓€鐐广€?/p>how long?澶氫箙?
about forty minutes, i think.鎴戞兂澶х害40鍒嗛挓銆?/p>ok, please. ill order something else at first.濂界殑锛屾潵涓€浠姐€傛垜鍏堢偣鍒殑涓滆タ銆?/p>is this my meal?杩欐槸鎴戠殑鑿滃悧?
what did you order?鎮ㄧ偣浜嗕粈涔?
the fried scallops.鐐稿共璐濄€?/p>oh, sorry. there must be some mistake.鍝︼紝鎶辨瓑锛屼竴瀹氭槸寮勯敊浜嗐€?/p>would you get me some more water, please?楹荤儲浣犲啀甯垜鍔犵偣姘达紝琛屽悧?
ok.濂界殑銆?/p>is this what i ordered?杩欐槸鎴戠偣鐨勫悧?
i dont think this is my meal.鎴戞兂杩欎笉鏄垜鐐圭殑銆?/p>did you bring me what i ordered?浣犳嬁鏉ョ殑鏄垜鎵€鐐圭殑鍚?
id like to cash this check.鎴戞兂鍏戠幇杩欏紶鏀エ銆?/p>can you give me some forms of identification?浣犺兘缁欐垜浠€涔堣瘉鏄庤韩浠界殑鏂囦欢鍚?
i just have my drivers license with me. is that enough.鎴戣韩涓婂彧甯︿簡椹鹃┒鎵х収锛岃繖鏍峰浜嗗悧?
that should do.閭e簲璇ュ彲浠ヤ簡銆?/p>will it take long?瑕佸緢涔呭悧?
no. please endorse the check at the back.涓嶄細鐨勶紝璇峰湪鏀エ鑳岄潰绛惧悕銆?/p>are you the loans-officer?浣犳槸璐锋閮ㄨ礋璐d汉鍚?
i certainly am. may i help you?鎴戞槸锛屾垜鑳藉府鎮ㄤ粈涔堝繖鍚?
yes. id like to make a loan.鏄殑锛屾垜鎯冲姙涓€绗旇捶娆俱€?/p>alright. please sit down.濂界殑锛岃鍧愪笅銆?/p>itd like to purchase.鎴戞兂璐锋涔拌締姹借溅銆?/p>id like to have this check cashed.鎴戞兂灏嗚繖寮犳敮绁ㄥ厬鐜般€?/p>can you cash this check for me?浣犺兘鏇挎垜鍏戠幇杩欏紶鏀エ鍚?
id like to have this check turned to cash.鎴戞兂灏嗚繖寮犳敮绁ㄦ崲鎴愮幇閲戙€?/p>id like to loan some money.鎴戞兂璐风偣閽便€?/p>im here for some financing.鎴戞槸涓轰簡涓€鐐硅瀺璧勮€屾潵銆?/p>i need the bank to finance something.鎴戦渶瑕侀摱琛屾彁渚涙煇浠朵笢瑗跨殑璐锋銆?/p>id like to borrow some money.鎴戞兂鍊熶竴浜涢挶銆?/p>id like to buy some stamps for this letter.鎴戞兂涔拌繖灏佷俊鐨勯偖绁ㄣ€?/p>let me just weigh it first.璇峰厛璁╂垜绉颁竴绉般€?/p>how much will it be?瑕佸灏戦挶?
are you sending it by regular or by speed?浣犺瀵勫钩淇¤繕鏄揩閫?
just the regular.骞充俊灏卞ソ浜嗐€?/p>thatll be four yuan.鍥涘厓銆?/p>how long will it take for my mail to reach its destination?鎴戠殑淇′欢鍒拌揪鐩殑鍦拌澶氫箙?
just two days.鍙涓ゅぉ銆?/p>thanks.璋㈣阿銆?/p>good day.鍐嶈!
good day also to you.鍐嶈!
what can i do for you?鎴戣兘甯綘浠€涔堝繖?
is this where i claim parcels?杩欓噷鏄鍖呰9鐨勫湴鏂瑰悧?
no, please go to window thirty-six.涓嶆槸锛岃鍒扮涓夊崄鍏彿绐楀彛銆?/p>thanks a lot.澶氳阿銆?/p>thats nothing at all.涓嶇敤瀹㈡皵銆?/p>how many days will it take for my mail to reach its destination?鎴戠殑淇′欢鍒拌揪鐩殑鍦拌鐢ㄥ嚑澶?
how much time will it take for my mail to get to where it is going?鎴戠殑淇′欢鍒拌揪瀹冭鍘荤殑鍦版柟瑕佺敤澶氬皯鏃堕棿?
how fast can my mail be received?鎴戠殑淇′欢澶氬揩浼氳鏀跺埌?
could you do me a favor?鑳藉甯垜蹇欏悧?
could you tell me how to fill in?璇峰憡璇夋垜濡備綍濉啓銆?/p>please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as youve located it鎵惧埌琛屾潕鍚庯紝璇峰敖蹇€佸埌鎴戠殑閰掑簵銆?/p>could you tell me when we get there ?璇烽棶鍑犵偣鑳藉鍒拌揪閭i噷銆?/p>how can i get to the connecting flight counter of china airline?鎴戝浣曟壘鍒颁腑鍥借埅绌哄叕鍙稿姙鐞嗚浆鏈烘煖鍙?