[原版教材]Time for Kids Nonfiction Comprehension G3-G6

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Time for Kids-Nonfiction Comprehension儿童版时代周刊(阅读理解)本网首发
Why Every Teacher Needs This Book
In a day of increased accountability and standards-based instruction, teachers are feeling greater pressure for their students to perform well on standardized tests every teacher knows that students who can read, and comprehend what they read, will have better test performance
In many classrooms today, teachers experience challenges they are not trained to meet, including limited english speakers, students with disabilities, high student mobility rates, and student apathy Many states with poor standardized test scores have students that come from print-poor environments Teachers need help developing competent readers and students who can apply their knowledge in the standardized test setting
The Nonfiction Comprehension Test Practice series is a tool that will help teachers to teach comprehension skills to their students and enable their students to perform better in a
test setting This series supplies motivating, readable, interesting, nonfiction text, and comprehension exercises to help students practice comprehension skills while truly becoming better readers The activities can be quick or in depth, allowing students to practice skills daily What is practiced daily will be acquired by students Practice for standardized tests needs to be started at the beginning of the school year, not a few weeks before the tests The articles in this series are current and develop knowledge about today’s world as well as the past Students will begin thinking, talking, and developing a framework of knowledge which is crucial for comprehension
When a teacher sparks an interest in knowledge, students will become life-long learners In the process of completing these test practice activities, not only will you improve your students’ test scores, you will create better readers and life-long learners
All of the articles used in this series have been edited for readability The Fry Graph, The Dale-Chall Readability Formula, or the Spache Readability Formula was used depending on the level of the article of more than 100 predictive readability formulas, these are the
most widely used These formulas count and factor in three variables: the number of words, syllables, and sentences The Dale-Chall and Spache formulas also use vocabulary lists
The Dale-Chall Formula is typically used for upper-elementary and secondary grade-level materials It uses its own vocabulary list and takes into account the total number of words and sentences The formula reliably gives the readability for the chosen text The Spache Formula is vocabulary-based, paying close attention to the percentage of words not present in the formula’s vocabulary list This formula is best for evaluating primary and early elementary texts Through the use of these formulas, the levels of the articles are appropriate and comprehensible for students at each grade level

Introduction (cont.)General Lesson Plan
At each grade level of this series, there are 20 articles that prove interesting and readable to students each article is followed by questions on the following topics:
Sentence comprehension—Five true/false statements are related back to one sentence from the text
Word study—one word from the text is explained (origin, part of speech, unique meaning, etc ) Activities can include completion items (cloze statements), making illustrations, or compare–and–contrast items
Paragraph comprehension—This section contains one paragraph from the text and five multiple-choice questions directly related to that paragraph The questions range from drawing information directly from the page to forming opinions and using outside knowledge
Whole–story comprehension—eight multiple-choice questions relate back to the whole article or a major part of it They can include comprehension that is factual, is based on opinion, involves inference, uses background knowledge, involves sequencing or classifying, relates to cause and effect, and involves understanding the author’s intent All levels of reading comprehension are covered
Enrichment for language mechanics and expression—This section develops language mechanics and expression through a variety of activities
Graphic development—Graphic organizers that relate to the article are used to answer a variety of comprehension questions In some lessons, students create their own maps, graphs, and diagrams that relate to the article





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