[原版教材]American English Pronunciation (2015)

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American English Pronunciation (2015)内附图书及配套音频

American Rachel's Book shows you, from start to finish, how to improve your English speaking skills.Improve your English to excel at work or school and feel at ease speaking with Americans.What makes this book different?Learn concepts together: The problem with many English pronunciation books is that you learn one concept, then another. In American English Pronunciation, you'll find an integrated approach and learn concepts together. For example, when you learn the sounds, you'll study what they're like in stressed and unstressed syllables.Study real conversation: A large chapter at the end takes all of the concepts you've learned and applies them to real conversations you'll hear in everyday American English. Study English the way Americans really speak it.

Over 150 Audio Files: You can't get better if you don't practice! The audio files give you ample listen-and-repeat content. You'll learn how to practice difficult words and phrases with over 150 audio files featuring male and female voices.

The 290-page PDF is a lot more than text. Perhaps you've seen some of the Rachel's English videos before, one at a time, but didn't know where to start. Here, you'll find everything put together in a system, start to finish, with organized links to over 200 Rachel's English videos to stream over the internet.If you want to download all 212 videos, you have to buy them.

With a friendly and pleasant reading, in American English Pronunciation, Rachel conducts you from the most basic English sounds, going through consonant clusters, to reduction and linking, considering the most common hurdles that she has faced through her years of experiences, teaching people all over the world.





  • Xi65jj1
    Xi65jj1(2020-12-31 09:14:36)
  • 可靠的无花果1
    可靠的无花果1(2020-12-31 09:30:47)
  • 一玄云天
    一玄云天(2020-12-31 09:31:55)
  • 131*****013
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  • kh...m@163.com
    kh...m@163.com(2020-12-31 09:46:35)
  • 末角坍塌菲
    末角坍塌菲(2020-12-31 09:47:50)
  • 亦美缨
    亦美缨(2020-12-31 09:47:54)
  • guxiuken9
    guxiuken9(2020-12-31 10:08:41)
    价格的确很吸引人的哦,下了个翻译,用了下感觉还不错的哦 老师很酷
  • 期房0
    期房0(2020-12-31 10:18:15)
    老师都是纯正的欧美外教,,只有地道的语言输入,才能让孩子有纯正的语言输出,我们为孩子请个外教目的不就是为了让孩子的英语发音漂亮吗? 孩子现在英语说的很好 很开心。
  • 亮亮的心88
    亮亮的心88(2020-12-31 10:19:39)