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<Retiring minds want to know how to prepare for unexpected risks>
退休是一个对于一部分来说是愉悦的事,但对于一部分人来说,也是一件悲伤的事。但是退休亦有风险,合格风险You’ve let yourself be lulled into a false sense of security that you’re on the road to a secure retirement;情感风险when emotion and impulse are more likely to affect our investing decisions.
<Doctors push back on the ‘right to try’ experimental treatments>
将未经批准的药品提供给需要它们的人并以慈悲的态度扩大使用。对于这种提案,引发了广泛讨论。“Expanded access can be improved, but the right to try approach is misguided and would likely do more harm than good,” the letter reads. “This legislation sells vulnerable patients and families false hope at the ex- pense of weakening the FDA’s critical role in making sure that all Americans can have con- fidence in the safety and effectiveness of our medical products.”
美国《时代周刊》杂志(Time)电子版 —— 2018.2.12期
2018年最新《经济学人》PDF —— 持续更新
《新科学家》(New scientist)—— 2.10~2.16期