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Work in developing countries

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

In the course of urban development, we often find ourselves confronted with old building problems. Some people think we should pull down the old houses and buildings in the way; however, others argue that it is a very rash decision to tear them down without full consideration.

What is your opinion about this issue? Give your reasons and examples.

Write at least 250 words.

Society: Sample


In many large cities around the world, old buildings and houses often present us with a kind of dilemma: they sometimes hinder our efforts of urbanization while some of these old buildings have acquired a certain value beyond the construction. In my opinion, a closer inspection of the problem is needed before we can decide whether to demolish or to preserve them.

Main Body 1

On one hand, most old buildings tend to occupy too much precious space in the urban center, where high rises and towerblocks can be built to accommodate significantly more tenants. Also, especially in a lot of developing countries, old houses in the city center are shanties, posing a potential danger for the residents as well as passers-by. It is often reported that some dilapidated houses suddenly collapsed due to poor management and unstable structures, killing the residents inside and injuring a few pedestrians who happened to be in the vicinity. Moreover, the sanitary conditions in these shanty houses have raised a growing concern among many people. Actually, they lack basic facilities of modern living, and it is not an exaggeration to say that these decrepit houses are an ugly stain on the city landscape.

Main Body 2

On the other hand, in almost every big city there are a few old buildings that date back to centuries ago or even the ancient times. Many of them were elegantly constructed and beautifully decorated. Visitors not only admire their superb architectural styles, but also recall the memories of their forefathers because of the buildings’ special associations with the past. Therefore, they have possessed a unique historical value and form part of the city’s cultural heritage. In fact, these exquisite old buildings can be renovated and refurnished and used as ideal sites of sightseeing, where tourists are bound to be captivated and linger around these places because of the perfect combination of the inner cultural value and the excellent natural environment, such as beautiful gardens and bamboo woods,which often surround these buildings.


In conclusion, old buildings and houses have their own advantages and disadvantages, which we should take into consideration in the process of urban development. Of course, shanty houses must be torn down without any hesitation, but every effort should be made to preserve old buildings with historical values because they are heirlooms that can be passed down to future generations.




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