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1.What’s the role of elderly people in China? 老年人在中国扮演着什么样的角色

It is a traditional moral in China to respect the elderly. In every family the elderly person possesses high status, In my family we always consult with my grandfather when the decision should be made about some important family issues. And we take his suggestion seriously.


2.What do you think are problems for older people in China? 你认为在中国存在着哪些老年人的问题?

With the implementation of one-child policy in China, many families can’t afford to take good care of the elderly person. The young people are usually too busy to accompany their parents. And the aging problem is becoming serious.

But I think these problems will be solved by means of social methods. Now nursing houses are more and more popular. And the welfare system is becoming perfect.


3.What are the main problems for elderly in China? 在中国老年人最主要的问题是什么?

Generally, I think the elderly people live a happy life, but they are sometimes lonely. With the implementation of the one-child policy, many elderly people don’t get enough care. In addition, there are not enough entertainment facilities for elderly people.


4.What are the problems in elderly people’s experience? 老年人的经验有什么问题吗?

The elderly people’s experiences are very valued which direct young people in many ways, but sometimes they are out of date, and can’t follow the trend of society, So it is better to accept the elderly people’s experience selectively.



1. What changes do you think technology brings about to our lives? 科技带给我们生活什么变化?

On one hand, technology makes our life more convenient and comfortable. For instance, TV and MP3 provide us with more entertainment; the washing machine and dishwasher reduce our housework greatly; automobiles make it possible for us to travel a long distance in the short time.

But on the other hand, technology causes a lot problems. It make people lazy and rely on machines too much. And the

development of technology destroys the environment.


2. What machines do you have at home? 你家里有什么电器?

I’ve got a washing machine, a dishwasher, a fridge, a air conditioner and some other electric appliances. 我有一个洗衣机,洗碗机冰箱,空调和一下别的电器。

3. Which machine is the most important to you? 对你来说。哪个电器最重要?

I think it the washing machine, because I am too busy to wash clothes. It can save me a lot of trouble. 我认为是洗衣机,因为我太忙了所有不能洗衣机。它给我省了很大麻烦。

4. What advantages are brought by modern technology to our housework? 现代科技给我们的家务活带来的好处是什么?

It makes household much easier to do so it saves a lot of time for us and makes our houses cleaner, For example, we can use vacuum cleaner or dishwasher. 它让家人做家务时比较容易,而且给我们省了很多时间,还让我们的家更干净。例如,我们可以吸尘器和洗碗机。

5. How have the machines

used by people in our daily life changed in the past 20 years? 20年前我们日常所使用的电器有什么变化?

Machines are becoming more and more portable and convenient to use. Besides, we didn’t have mobile phones or digital cameras in the past. 机器变得越来越便携和方便使用,此外,我们以前没有手机和数码相机。


1. Do you think it’s necessary to protect ancient buildings? 你认为有必要保护老建筑吗?

Yes, I think so. It is said that ancient buildings are history books written on stones. They are the symbol of one country and represent the long history and rich culture of the nation. We can’t imagine what Beijing city will be like without the Great Wall and the Forbidden City.

Even some humble building have their own value. like the courtyards and Hutong in Beijing. They should be protected because it’s these old buildings, not the skyscrapers, that make a city or country have its own features.


2. Do you think the government has done enough to preserve ancient buildings? 政府在保护老建筑方面做得好吗?

Generally speaking, I think the government has made some efforts to preserve ancient buildings. Some special funds were set up to protect old buildings. Strict regulations were made to punish the action of destroying old building. 一般说来,政府在保护古建筑物方面也做出了一定的努力,他们成立一些特殊基金来保护古建筑,严格制定法规来惩罚那些破坏古建筑的行为。

3. What are the differences between the buildings now and the buildings 20 years ago? 现在的建筑和20年前有什么不同?

20 years ago the buildings were single-styled. Almost all the buildings looked the same. They were usually constructed with red bricks and 5 or 6 floors high. Now the skyscrapers with various shapes can be seen every-where. Many buildings are designed very finely. And they are multi-functional. 20 年前的建筑物风格比较单一,所有的看起来几乎都一样,它们通常是用红砖砌成的5、6层高的房子,而现在到处是各式各样的摩天大楼,很多建筑物的设计都很精致,也是多功能的。

4. What problems does pollution bring about to the city? 污染给城市带来什么问题?

The problem of pollution is getting serious recently. The around the city are not as clean as before. The air is full of deposits from vehicles, especially in the city centre. With the development of tourism, it is getting noisier. 最近污染问题变得越来越严重,河水不像以前那般清澈。尤其在市中心,空气中弥漫着机动车排出来的废气。随着旅游业的发展,城市里的噪音污染也越来越严重。

5. What are the differences between living in cities and the countryside? 住在城市和乡村游什么不同?

Some people prefer to live in cities because of the convenient transport and shopping condition. There are more chances in employment. Life is richer. There is more entertainment. But on the other hand, some people complain that the relationship between people is too cold and life is too busy in cities. They prefer to live in the countryside. They can enjoy the peaceful life there.


6. What influences does the government have on the development of the city? 政府对城市发展有什么影响?

The government plays an important role in the development of a city. The government makes can restrict or promote a city’s development. 政府在城市发展中起了很重要的角色,政府采取的措施能限制也能促进城市的发展。


1. What are the sports facilities like in your hometown? 你家乡有哪些运动设施?

Beijing has a lot of modern indoor facilities offering bowling, tennis, swimming, and other things. But they are not free and you have to belong to the club in order to use these facilities. I am a member of a tennis club in Chaoyang District. It is not hard to apply for membership to club.

You just fill in a form and pay several hundred yuan as the membership fee. Besides the indoor facilities, there are many outdoor sports facilities in the neighborhood communities. They are mostly for the elderly and children.


2. What are the differences between sports women like and those men like? 男性和女性在运动方面有什么不同?

As a young boy, I like some severe sports, like football and basketball. Sometimes I play boxing with my friends. I don’t think this sport suitable for women. Most women prefer some quiet sports, I mean, without much body touch, like table tennis or some sports that are good for keeping a good figure.


3. What are the differences between the sports now and 20 years ago? 现在和20年前在运动方面有什么不同?

There were few sports facilities 20 years ago. People only did sports on the playgrounds of factories or campus. There were few stadiums or sports clubs. Besides, the types of sports then were monotonic.

People usually play basketball or table tennis. With the development of society, people now are more aware of the value of sports. More indoor swimming pools, tennis courts and other sports clubs appear. People have more fitness exercise.

20 年前体育设施很少,人们只在工厂或者校园里的操场上运动,而今有很多体育馆好体育俱乐部。此外,以前运动类型也非常单调,人们通常打打篮球和乒乓球。随着社会的发展,现在人越来越意识到锻炼的重要性,更多室内游泳池、网球场和其他体育俱乐部出现。他们做有氧运动、练瑜伽和形体训练。

4. What are the differences between men and women in the way they relax? 男性和女性放松自己方面有什么不同?

Men usually relax by watching TV or movies. Sometimes they play sports to relax. Women like shopping in their spare time. They think strolling aimlessly in the streets is enjoyment. They also like chatting with friends. 男人通常通过看电影电视来放松自己,有时也通过运动来放松自己。女人会在空闲时间里逛街,她们觉得在街上漫无目的地溜达是一种享受,她们也喜欢和朋友聊天。

5. What are the differences in people’s pressure between now and the past? 与过去相比,当今人们所承受的压力有所不同吗?

I think people now have more pressure than in the past. They face more pressure from jobs or study. With the increasing amount of college graduates, it is more difficult to find proper jobs. The competition for job is also tougher. People want to be more successful than people around them. It makes them feel more pressured.


6. Do you think it is important to relax? 你认为放松自己很重要吗?

Yes, I think it is extremely important for people to learn how to relax. In modern society we face a lot of pressure. We should learn how to relieve the burdens and worries. After relaxing we’ll be in better mood and more energetic to do our study or job. 是的,我认为一个人学会怎么样放松极其重要。在现代社会,我们面临很多压力,我们应该学会怎样排忧解难。放松后我们心情会更好,而且在学习或工作上会更有精神。

7. What pressure do you think you’ll have after going abroad? 出国后你会有什么压力?

I think the biggest pressure comes from the strange environment. I may have difficulties in communicating with others. I have to spend some time to improve my English. And it will me time to get used to the food and weather abroad. I will be homesick, especially at the beginning. But I think I will overcome these pressures.


8. Who do you think like chatting on-line more, men or women? 男性和女性,谁更喜欢网上聊天?

I think women like chatting on-line more because they like talking about the worries and sorrows in life with others. Men don’t like speaking out their worries. They’d rather play computer games on-line to relax. 我想女性更喜欢在网上聊天,因为她们喜欢向他人倾诉自己的烦恼和悲伤。男性就不大喜欢吐露烦恼,他们宁愿上网玩游戏来放松自己。




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