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i.listening comprehension


directions:?in section a, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. at the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. after you hear a conversation and a question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.


1. a. the seats there are uncomfortable.

b. there are more than enough seats.

c. it is popular with customers.

d. it provides customers with reading materials.


2. a. spare hisneighbor a key.

b. get his keyfrom his neighbor.

c. study in hisneighbor’s apartment.

d. borrow somebooks from his neighbor.


3. a. hand in their financial plan later.

b. leave their financial plan unfinished.

c. seek more information for their financial plan.

d. finish their financial plan with what they have.


4. a. he failed in dr. parker’s test.

b. he didn’t know dr. parker at all.

c. dr. parker’s tests were not difficult.

d. the woman’s source of information is reliable.


5. a. the man should be recognized by his parents.

b. the man’s parents helped him get the scholarship.

c. the man should be praised for his accomplishment.

d. the man’s parents stopped boasting about his scholarship.


6. a. she didn’t work hard on it.

b. it wasn’t as good as expected.

c. her

claims in it were persuasive.

d. her professor was satisfied with it.


7. a. serve the dish as it is.

b. taste the dish first.

c. put some saltin the dish.

d. ask mum about the dish.


8. a. she’ll call julia next week.

b. she wonders if she’ll see julia.

c. julia doesn’t want others to see her.

d. julia won’t be able to help the man.


9. a. it is a big deal.

b. it needs a new engine.

c. it doesn’t deserve repairing.

d. it is in a better condition than the woman’s.


10. a. he has alot of experience as a skier.

b. he hasn’t ever been to central mountains.

c. he plans to go skiing during his spring break.

d. he doesn’t recommend going to central mountains.



directions:in section b, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation. after each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. the passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken onlyonce. when you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper,and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.


questions11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11. a. it’s important to set a proper aim.??

b. what you get determines what you want.

c. it’s no use regretting what you haven’t got.??

d. people are not aware of what they want.

12. a. shopping. b. finding a location. c. inviting a friend. d. planning.

13. a. how smartthey are.

b. what they hope to achieve.

c. how much they can earn.

d. what they can offer.


questions14 through 16 are based on the following passage.


14. a. it fails for most of the time.

b. it happens less frequently now.

c. managers begin to doubt its feasibility.

d. managers are trying to make it simpler.

15. a. when managers want to understand interrelated problems.

b. when managers hope to get a general idea of a system.

c. when managers are running a successful operation.

d. when managers have already grasped the whole thing.

16. a. they have seldom communicated with workers.

b. they have no access to complex systems.

c. they don’t knowwhat they are ignorant of.

d. they don’t know clearly how to explain to managers.


questions17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

17. a. a writer.b. a journalist. c. a story-teller. d. a photographer.

18. a. they can judge whether the interviewee is lying.

b. they can keep in mind the importance of deadline.

c. they can research the sense of smell professionally.

d. they can use evidence to inform people of the missing parts of the story.

19. a. they might fail to be capable note-takers.

b. they might concentrate too much on details.

c. they might be lacking in the trick of the trade.

d. they might have no idea what can be asked later.

20.a. they are useful to promote the process of interviews.

b. they are powerful to prove the truth of news reports.

c. they are influential to challenge the content of recordings.

d. they are effective to assess the information journalists need to know.



1-5 cbdcc? 6-10babdd 11-15 addab 16-20 cbadb


i. listening comprehension

section a

directions:?in section a, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. at the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. after you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.


1. w: you waited at the new restaurant yesterday, didn’t you? was there much of a wait to be seated?

m: wish i had bought a book or something to kill my time.

q: what does the man imply about the new restaurant?


2. w: don't you have your apartment key?

m: it's a good thing i leave a spare with my neighbor so i can get in and get my books.

q: what will the man most probably do next?


3. m: i don't think we have enough information for our financial plan, but it’s due tomorrow.

w: so we will just have to make with what we have got.

q: what does the woman say they have to do?


4. w: have you ever taken doctor parker’s tests? i hear they're impossible to pass.

m: i don't know who you've been talking to. my experience was just the opposite.

q: what does the man imply?


5. m: i’m really happy i got that athletic scholarship, but i wish my parents would stop boasting about it.

w: if you ask me, i think you deserve a little bit recognition.

q: what does the woman mean?


6. m: what sort of a grade did you get on your research paper? i know how hard you worked on it.

w: but the professor said that i made too many broad claims that weren't supported enough.

q: what does the woman mean about her research paper?


7. m: mary, do you think the dish needs any more salt before i serve it?

w: it’s really quite nice. and we did exactly what mom says. why take a chance of ruining it?

q: what does the woman imply the man should do?


8. m: would you mind asking julia to give me a call? i was hoping should be able to help out with course registration?next week?

w: sure, if i see her, she's made herself pretty scarce lately.

q: what does the woman mean?


9. m: i just got this car and already it’s falling apart. one of the door handles fell off and now the inside light won't go on.

w: hey, what's the big deal? falling apart is when your car needs a new engine, like mine does.

q: what does the woman mean about the man's car?


10. w: i am thinking about spending my spring breaks skiing at central mountains. you were there last year. how was it?

m: to be completely honest. that left a lot to be desired.

q: what does the man imply?


section b

directions:?in section b, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation, after each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions, the passages and the conversations will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. when you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.


questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

old people used to say it’s not what you want in this world but what you get. psychology teaches that you do get what you want if you know what you want and want the right things. you can make a mental blueprint of a desire as you would make a blueprint of a house. for example, if we intend to have friends to dinner, we plan the menu, make a shopping list, and such planning is essential for any type of meal to be served. likewise, if you want to find a job, write a brief account of yourself. in making a blueprint for a job, begin with yourself. for when you know exactly what you have to offer, you can intelligently plan where to sell your services. when you have carefully prepared a blueprint of your abilities and desires, you have something concrete to sell, then you are ready to hunt for a job.(now listen again.)



11. according to the passage, what does psychology teach?

12. what does the speaker think is important for a meal to be served?

13. what should people know clearly while making a blueprint for a job?


questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

once a business has successfully introduced a new process, the parent organization naturally wants to repeat that success. the goal then is to use existing knowledge. it’s less attractive, but it actually happens more often. however, getting things right the second time is not necessarily any simpler than it was the first time. it seems that most large industries are trying to repeat their previous successes, but most of the attempts fail. so why do so few managers get things right the second time? let's consider one reason for failure: placing too much trust in the people who are running the successful operation. managers who want to apply existing knowledge typically start off by going to an expert. this approach can be used if you want to gain a rough understanding of a particular system or understand smaller isolated problems. the trouble is, even the expert doesn't fully grasp the whole thing. when it comes to complex systems, the expert never has complete access to all the necessary information. and the situation is complicated even further by the fact that experts are usually not aware of their own ignorance. for instance, some details may be difficult to describe, learned on the job and well known by workers perhaps, but impossible to describe in a way that's helpful. and there are some things that people know or do that they're not even aware of.(now listen again?please.)



14. what does the speaker say about businesses attempt to copy existing processes?

15. according to the speaker, in which situation can turning to an expert work?

16. which of the following is a reason for experts being unable to provide help?


questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

w: welcome. we're delighted you're coming to work with us, justin. your first job here will be an assistant journalist. do you have any questions?

m: can i go out on a story immediately?

w: that's admirable, but i’m afraid it would be unusual. wait till you’re more experienced. first, we'll put you as an assistant to an experienced journalist. later, you can cover a story and present the article yourself

m: wonderful. what do i need to take with me? i really have a notebook and a camera.

w:?no need for a camera. you'll have a professional photographer with you. you may be able to concentrate on photography later if you're interested.

m: what do i need to remember when i go out to cover a story?

w:?you need to be curious. only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know. we say a good journalist must have a good nose for a story. that means you must be able to assess when people are not telling the whole truth and then try to discover it. they must use research to inform themselves of the missing parts of the story.

m: what should i keep in mind?

w:?here comes my list of dos and don’ts: don't miss your deadline; don't be rude; don't talk too much. but make sure you listen to the interviewee carefully.

m: why is listening so important?

w: well, you have to listen for detailed facts. meanwhile, you have to prepare the next question, depending on what the person says.

m: but how can i listen carefully while taking notes?

w:?this is a trick of the trade. if the interviewee agrees, you can use a recorder to get the facts straight. it’s also useful if a person wants to challenge you, you have the evidence to support your story.

m: i see.?i’m looking forward to my first assignment now.

(now listen again please.)



17. what job is justin trying to take up?

18. what does a good nose mean for journalists?

19. what will happen if journalists don't listen carefully?

20. why are facts so critical to professional journalists?


that’s the end of listening?comprehension.





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