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2022年11月4日 ?once you become an adult, you typically reach your full height.人在成年之时,一般身高会抵达极点。but your height can change with age, and it's no myth — you shrink with time.可是你的身高会跟着年纪而改动,年岁大了就会变矮,这并不是啥隐秘。people usually lose about a centimeter in height every 10 years after age 40, according to medline plus,医学网站medline plus称,在40岁后每过十年人的身高一般会缩水1公分支配,and that pace of height loss speeds up after age 70.70岁后身高缩水速度会加速。overall, you can lose between 1 to 3 inches in height as you age, per m
edline plus.全体来看,人在年迈后身高会缩水1到3英寸(2.5到7.6公分)。