《獨家》英語繪本deep in the dessert (6-8歲)連英語有聲音+教育視頻影片+歌曲

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资源介绍Catchy desert twists on traditional children’s songs and poems will have children chiming in about cactuses, camels, and more as they learn about the desert habitat and its flora and fauna. Tarkawara hops on the desert sand instead of a kookaburra sitting in an old gum tree. And teapots aren’t the only things that are short and stout just look at the javelina’s hooves and snout. Travel the world’s deserts to dig with meerkats, fly with bats, and hiss with Gila monsters! Whether sung or read aloud, Deep in the Desert makes learning about deserts anything but dry.

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4-6 pg For Creative Minds educational section in the back

40-60 pg cross-curricular Teaching Activities and 3 Interactive Quizzes available free on the book’s homepage

eBooks with Auto-Flip, Auto-Read and selectable English and Spanish text and audio

The facts presented are brief, but older readers will want to learn more, and younger readers will pore over the illustrations again and again. This book will make learning about deserts -anything but dry.- – Library Media Connection

This title presents a variety of desert habitats around the globe and their flora and fauna…in colorful illustrations accompanied by rhyming texts to match existing songs. – School Library Journal

This would be a great resource in the elementary school classroom to provide different and interactive instructional material. An impressive variety of useful activities, lesson plans, and quizzes is also available online. – Science Books & Films
About the Author
Sherry Neidigh, a graduate of Ringling School of Art and Design, has been freelance illustrating since 1987. Sherry’s love of animals and nature comes through in her bright, colorful art. In addition to illustrating Deep in the Desert, Count Down to Fall, and The Best Nest for Arbordale, Sherry has illustrated several trade and education titles including Who Needs That Nose?, If I Had a Tail, and Black and White. Sherry lives in upstate South Carolina. For more information about Sherry, visit her website: http: //www.sherryneidigh.com/


美國著名HOMESCHOOL"The Good and Beautiful " 的科普-海洋學書(K-8可用) https://www.lxwc.com.cn/post-160777-1-1.html
《獨家》英語繪本deep in the dessert (6-8歲)連英語有聲音+教育視頻影片+歌曲https://www.lxwc.com.cn/post-160822-1-1.html
美國 Macro Polo WorldSchool 英語科普練習題( 9月/10月份共 55頁)3至6歲合用阿:)




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