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1. 是从王江涛老师的作文书和黄皮书上摘的
2. 因为疏忽,可能会有错误
3. 大家觉得错了请说出来~

1. 引起话题
as is vividly depicted/ subtly portrayed in the photos above ,~ is doing
2. 描述图画
in the first picture ,we learn that~。
on the contrary ,in the second picture ,we are informed that ~
the caption indicates ,“~”中间是文字的直译
3. 总结图画
as is symbolically illustrated in the cartoon / portrayal ,~。
4. 具体意义
undoubtedly ,we can deduce from the portrayal that the cartoonist is trying to attract our attention to the issue of ~。我们可以从漫画中看出,作者正在吸引我们重视~的问题。
5. 论证意义
instead of being considered outdated and of little value in a rapidly modernizing world ,~should be encouraged and maintained 。在迅速现代化的世界里,~并未被认为是过时或者失去价值,相反,还应该受到鼓励和保护。
first and foremost ~ 。 furthermore ,~ 。last but not least,~ 。
6. 总结意义
if we let this situation continue as it is ,we do not know how severely ~will be harmed in the future 。如果听任这种情况发展,我们不知道未来~将会受到多么严重的影响。
7. 归纳评论
hence ,it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to reverse the disturbing trend illustrated in the above pictures 。因此,我们急需采取措施扭转图画中所示的令人困扰的趋势。
8. 建议措施
appeal to the authorities to make strict laws to control ~呼吁政府制定严格的法律来控制
cultivate public’s awareness that ~ are of great significance to us 提高公众的意识
9. 憧憬未来
only in this way ,can we curb the current phenomenon revealed in the picture 。只有这样我们才能制止图画中所揭示的这种丑恶的现象。
i believe that if these measures are taken ,we humans will surmount the challenge we face and have a brilliant future, which is vital to ensuring a community‘s future development and prosperity。我相信如果我们采取这些措施,人们能够克服面临的挑战,并且拥有更美好的未来,这对确保将来社会的繁荣和发展至关重要。
owing to the ~ ,the number of ~ has been declining at an accelerating rate 。由于~ ,~的数量已经明显下降。
rampant ascendance 快速崛起
shrink -shrunk 收缩、缩水 ?be dramatically shrunk 显著下降
only in this ways can we do sth只有这样才能做某事
provoke heated debate on the value and harm of ~ 。引起了关于~的价值和危害的激烈的讨论
briefly speaking ,~。简而言之
likewise ,~ 。同样
admittedly,~ 。诚然
be inclined to 倾向于
be excel in 擅长于
endeavor to do 努力做
be categorized as 可分为
bridge the gap between sb and sb 缩小差距
exert one’s effort to do sth努力做
1. 影响
~ ?is a wake-up call for the whole of the human

race 。~是对全人类的一个警钟。
some people ,under the belief that ~ serves as an engine of economic growth ,seem to ignore its negative effects on the environment 。有人认为~ 是经济发展的引擎,似乎忽视了其对环境的负面影响。
~ has exerted great pressure on the environment we are living in :our water is polluted ,our ecological system is disturbed ,and our natural resources have been excessively used 。~已经给我们生存的环境带来了重大的压力:水受到污染,生态平衡受到破环,自然资源被过度开发。
those countries

that realize the grave seriousness of ~ and work to alleviate it will reap the benefits for their economy ,environment and people 。那些意识到环境恶化的严重性并努力缓解它的国家将使他们的经济、环境和人民受益。
switch off unused lights and other electrical equipment 关掉不用的电灯和其他电器
travel by bicycle ,bus and subway 乘自行车、公交车或者地铁出行
make the best use of old stuff充分利用旧东西
advocate energy efficiency 提倡有效利用能源
waste minimization 减少浪费
low-carbon lifestyle is a potential recipe for a healthier and more habitable environment and highly recommendable to every person。低碳的生活方式是创造更健康更宜居的环境的诀窍,非常值得推荐给每一个人。
overcoming the environmental degradation will be a difficult task ,and one that will require not only the efforts of each government ,but also participation of every sector of society 。解决环境问题是一项艰巨的任务,不仅需要每个政府的努力,也需要每个社会部门的参与。
1. 传统文化
the harmonious relationship between human beings and nature 人与自然的和谐关系
nature and man are one 天人合一
moral cultivation 个人修养
temper refinement 性格调整、修身养性
tai chi太极
kung fu中国功夫
peking opera京剧
universal heritage of humanity 人类文化遗产
powerful/ indispensable means of ~ 强有力/不可或缺的方式
culture development?and preservation 文化发展和保护
for china and many rapidly developing country, there is a danger that age-old customs and traditions may become lost in the shadows of modernization 。对于中国和其他发展迅速的国家来说,老的习俗和传统面临着在现代化阴影里消失的危险。
if ~ ever perished from the earth ,it would be a tragedy of immeasurable proportions 。如果~从地球上消失,那将是不可估量的损失。
since the trend of globalization has become irresistible,increasing culture exchange can effectively improve mutual understanding and friendship between countries 。由于全球化潮流不可阻挡,所以国家之间日益频繁的文化交流可以有效地增进互相间的理解和友谊。
national culture should be preserved and cherished as a priceless spiritual treasure
which is not only certain to survive ,but is destined to thrive and prosper。民族文化作为无价的精神财富,应该被保存和珍惜,~不仅能够存续,而且会更加繁荣昌盛
there are good reasons to advocate for internationalized culture ,for those ideals from the other cultures can in the long sight provide a different perspective for us to observe the world 。我们有必要推广世界文化 。因为来自其他文化的观点,但从长远看来,可以为我们提供一种不同的视角来观察这个世界。
when we are confronted with a different culture ,we should be sensible enough to absorb its virtues and to resist its dark side 。当我们面临不同文化时,应该充满理智地取其精华、去其糟粕。
only in this way can we ~ and make our world multidimensional ,colorful and vigorous 。只有这样我们才能积极发展民族文化,并使我们的世界丰富多元、多姿多彩、充满活力。
2. 流行文化
enjoy a striking popularity among adolescents在年轻人中广受欢迎
idol worship 偶像崇拜
prevalent among sb 在什么中流行
waste a great deal of time and money浪费大量的时间和金钱
endanger the efficiency of our study or work 影响学习或者工作的效率
in an era of mobile phones手机时代
click the mouse 点击鼠标
surf the internet 上网
in my opinion ,sth , a thought-provoking social phenomenon ,is a double-edged sword which can exert profound influence for either good or bad on sb 。在我看来,某事,这种发人深思的社会现象,其实是把双刃剑,可以对某人产生或好或坏的影响。
there is no denying that the internet is currently one of the most efficient media used for interpersonal communication , which can be used in many productive and useful ways
(2)带来潜在的坏处it may lead to potentially adverse consequences .
some people tend to become so addicted to the virtual world that they may lose the skill of direct contact and feel reluctant to approach others and concentrate on real life .
容易沉溺, 失去直接沟通的能力,不愿意接近他人,不愿意关注生活
from the preceding discussion ,it is readily apparently that ~ ,as an increasingly popular tool of communication ?,has both its upsides and downsides 。从上述讨论中,我们可以得出一个显而易见的结论,~ 作为人们之间愈加流行的交流方式,既有优点也存在不足。
people who lack self-control such as adolescents ,must limit the time they spend on ~ ,or their academic work and social lives will eventually pay the price 。
use ~ in a reasonable way and restrain from overindulgence
3. 教育
broaden horizons 扩展视野
enrich extracurricular lives 丰富课余生活
speech contests and debates 演讲比赛和辩论
be involved in / attend / take part in参加
demonstrate outstanding abilities展示出色的能力
develop a range of practical skills提高各种实践技能
strengthen one’s sense of responsibility增强责任感
develop excellent interpersonal relationships培养良好的人际关系
interpersonal communication skills 人际交流能力
in backward and underdeveloped rural areas 落后和不发达的农村地区
proficiency in~ 精通
it is vital to not only appreciate the beauty and perfection of the ~, but also to arouse in yourself an interest in exploring something deeper in this field 。你不但应该欣赏~的美妙,也应该激起你在此领域进一步探索的巨大兴趣。
reading extensively is no less necessary to ones‘s mental life than fresh air is to one’s physical life 。广泛阅读对于我们的精神生活来说,犹如新鲜空气对身体一样不可或缺。
derive companionship ,experience and instruction 收获友谊、经历和教益
offer a wide range of experience 充实人生经历
increase intellectual ability 提升智力
broaden one’s minds 开阔眼界
make us wise 变得智慧
1. 爱心
as a matter of fact ,throughout history people of many different cultures have regarded ~ as the most sublime of human emotions 。 事实上,历史上处于不同文化中的人们都把~视为人类最高尚的情感。
as a nation renowned worldwide for its many virtues ,china and its people have been giving a helping hand to those who are in distress throughout history。作为一个以众多美德闻名于世的国家,中国和中国人从古至今一直乐于助人。
it is our duty to provide as much as we can to those in need 。为需要帮助的人提供尽可能多的帮助,是我们的义务。
please contribute generously。
people all over the country did not hesitate to donate whatever they could — be it money or goods ——to help their needy fellow citizens 。furthermore ,they did this with no thought of gain or reward 。全国人民毫不犹豫地尽其所能捐献——不管是钱还是物品——去帮助那些受难的同胞们。并且他们这么做不求回报。
帮助比我们更加不幸的人help people who are more unfortunate than we are
we should always ready to give a helping hand to those who are in trouble ,no matter whether they are family members or complete strangers 。我们应该随时准备向有困难的人伸出援助之手,无论他们是自己的家人或者是素昧平生的陌生人。
only by doing so can we help to make the world a better place 。
只有这样我们才能助一臂之力 ,把世界变成一个更美好的地方。
2. 健康
morning exercise 晨练
student union 学生会
facilities for physical exercise体育锻炼设施
the better promotion of更好地宣传
the dormitory area宿舍周围
(1)physical exercises 锻炼
put great emphasis on 重视
(2)balanced diet 平衡的饮食
sufficient sleep 充足的睡眠
(3)mental health 心里健康
especially in adversity ,we need to maintain an optimistic mentality to pull through life’s pains and sorrows ,twists and turns 。尤其在逆境中,我们需要保证一种乐观的心态来经历人生的痛苦悲伤、迂回曲折。
inner beauty outweighs outer beauty in the long run。从长远来看,内在美要胜过外在美 。
3. 交通
private car 私家车
a blessing or a curse ?是利还是弊
traffic congestion 交通堵塞
the advantages are often cancelled out by the frustration caused by ~ 。优点经常被~造成的沮丧所抵消。
4. 两代关系
practice filial piety奉行孝道
respect the elderly and to take care of the young尊老爱幼
we have inherited this world from ~。
if not for the hard work of the past generations ,the modern society that we enjoy today would not have been possible 。
(2)老年人努力工作来养活他们的家庭,养活这个社会以及年轻一代。the senior citizens have worked hard to provide for their families ,for our society and for younger generations and struggled to create better living and working conditions for posterity 。
bear in mind that we are much indebted to their parents for their rearing
without the loving care and selfless devotion of their parents ,we could not grow up healthily and become successful 。
it can be exemplified by doing ~
give our seats for someone old on the bus 在公交车上把座位让给老人
invite our parents to live with us once they retire在退休之后邀请父母与我们同住
listen to their advice on personal or work problems聆听他们关于个人或者工作问题的建议
although some chinese traditions are disappearing ,one tradition which should never fade away is that of doing ~尽管一些中国的传统正在消失,但是一个传统永远不应消失,那就是:
(3)我们每个人都应该遵守从祖先那里继承下来的美德。只有这样我们才无愧为中国人。every one of us should live up to the virtues passed down to us by our ancestors 。only in this way can we be worthy of the name of a chinese 。
parenting is such a crucial responsibility ,yet there are no required courses to prepare one to undertake this role in life 。养育子女是一项非常重要的职责,但是究竟应该怎样当父母,却没有现成的必修课可学。
the only learning children have is the example from their parents 。孩子唯一的学习就是模仿父母。
have the opportunity to do 可能做
when it comes to ~ ,there is no right or wrong choice 。关于~ ,他们的选择没有对错一说。
owing to the quicking pace of life ,competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life , stimulating everyone to peruse one goal after another。生活节奏加快,各行各业的竞争变得日益激烈起来,激励着每一个人追求一个又另一个的目标 。
in fact ,it has been universally acknowledged that ~ is one of the most essential qualification that anyone who wants to achieve success should possess 。事实上,人们普遍认为,~是任何想要获得成功的人都应该具备的最基本的素质。
being~ enables people to behalf wisely ,kindly ,and confidently ,and it is also crucial for any individual’s development ,in terms of both character and competence 。~能够使人行事睿智、仁慈、自信,它也是个人性格和能力培养中不可缺少的一部分。
it is at these critical times that ~, toward difficulty and toward life in general , plays a crucial role in determining whether he or she can turn failure into victory 。关键时刻,正是他对困难和人生的~决定他能否反败为胜。
for example , those who don’t ~ ,though not necessarily doomed to decline or failure ,are more likely to grow unhealthy in an unbalanced way ,with little success .那些不~的人,虽然未必会走下坡路或者失败,但更可能以一种不平衡的方式不健康地发展,难以取得成功。
on the basis of the analysis above ,we may draw a conclusion that ?with ~ ,the goals we set can be reached ,and the hardest nut can be cracked 。根据以上分析,我们可以得出结论 ,拥有~ ,设定的目标才能实现,最大的难题才能克服。
hence , we should ~ in every attempt towards our goals so that we can show grace under pressure and turn our dreams into reality 。
因此,在为了实现目标所做的每次努力中,我们都需要~ ,我们才能在压力之下毫无惧色,并且把梦想变成现实。
1. 诚实
honesty is the best policy 。诚为上策
2. 合作
united we stand ,divided we fall。合则存,分则败。
(1)和人相处的必备技能get along with
(2)合作共享information and resources
3. 乐观
two individuals respond to the same event in completely different ways 。两个人对同一件事情的反应截然相反。
dissatisfaction and disappointment 不满和失望
various folks take different attitudes toward the same occurrence 。不同的人对一件事情的态度不同。
lead a positive and fruitful life 拥有积极而有收获的生活
thinking that failure is the mother of success ,one can well survive the temporary blows and look forward to the bright future 。我们应该将失败看作成功之母,这样我们就能承受暂时的打击,展望光明的未来。
4. 坚持
with painstaking efforts 艰苦的努力
persistence and perseverance 坚持不懈
indomitable and invincible 形容词 ,百折不挠、不可战胜
just as the famous philosopher nietzsche wrote :“what dose not destroy me makes me stronger 。正如著名哲学家尼采写到的那样,凡不能毁灭我的,将使我更加强大。
5. 行动
actions speak louder than words 。行胜于言
the actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts 。 行动是思想的最终诠释者
~ are both essential in determining whether we flourish or fall behind 。~和 ~ 都是决定我们成功或者落后于人的重要因素。
the former gives us the drive and direction to move forward ,while the latter enables us to take the initiative to implement our vision and make things happen 。 前者给予我们前进的动力和方向,后者使我们能够积极主动地实现愿望 。 ?
6. 自信
our only enemy is ourselves 。我们唯一的敌人就是我们自己。
attitude is the key point to take the first step 。态度是迈出第一步的关键
7. 困难
only by undergoing more challenges and toils in adversity can young people cultivate strong personalities and abilities ,and only in this way can they become winners in this competitive world 。只有经历更多的挑战和磨练 ,年轻人才能培养强大的个性和能力,而且只有这样才能在竞争激烈的社会中成为赢家。
difficulty is an unavoidable part of everyones life ,and the triumph over it will make you an unbeatable person 。
9. 创新
in any field of endeavor ,whether it is in ~, ~ or ~ ,it seems that necessary to put great emphasis on ~ before one can finally become successful 。无论是在什么领域,似乎只有重视创新,才能取得最后的成功。




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