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1.punctilious a. 一丝不苟的

2.meticulous a.谨小慎微的,一丝不苟的

3.scrupulous a.小心谨慎地

4.conscientious a.认真的

5.painstaking a.不辞辛苦的

6.circumspect a. 慎重的

7.prudent a.谨慎的

8.discreet a. 小心的,谨慎的(有不想别人知道的意思)


二. “bad” analogue()

1.noisome a. very unpleasant or disgusting

2.morose a.very serious,unhappy and quiet

3.repugnent a.令人厌恶的

4.pernicious a.有害的

5.malignant a.恶性的(肿瘤或者疾病)

6.abject a. terrible and without hope

7.vile a. 令人讨厌的

8.abysmal a.very bad



1.assuage v.缓和

2.alleviate v.减轻

3.pacify v.使(某人)平静

4.soothe v.使(某人)平静,使(痛苦)缓和

5.mitigate v. to make sth. less harmful,serious,etc.

6.palliate v. to make the effects of (sth., such as an illness) less painful, harmful

7.mollify v. to make sb. less angry; to clam sb. down

8.placate v.to make sb. less angry about sth.

9.ameliorate v. to make (sth., such as a problem) better,less painful,etc



1.savory a. having a pleasant taste or smell

2.preternatural a. 超自然的,不可思议的

3.jaunty a. 充满信心的,充满活力的

4.palatable a. having a pleasant or agreeable taste

5.benign a.仁慈的,和善的

6.amicable a.友善的,温和的

7.affable a. friendly and ease to talk to

8.immaculate a.perfectly clean;free from any flaws or mistakes

9.fabulous a.extremely great

10.consummate a. extremely skilled,perfect

11.imposing a. 壮观的

12.dulcet a. pleasant to hear

13.halcyon a.peaceful and happy

14.preeminent a.杰出的

15.mellifluous a. having a smooth,flowing sound



1.snub v.&n. 冷落,断然拒绝

2.rebuff v.&n. 断然拒绝

3.spurn v.(傲慢地)拒绝

4.shun v.避开,躲开

5.eschew v.(formal) to deliberately avoid or keep away from sth.

6.abjure v.(formal)公开表示放弃



1.espouse v. to express suppotr for (a cause,belif,etc.)

2.acquiesce v. 默许

3.consent v.&n. 同意

4.assent v.&n. 同意,赞成

5.concur v.(formal) to agree


七.“important” analogue

1.salient a. most important or noticeable

2.consequential a. important; happening as a result or an effect of sth.

3.senimal a.very important and having a strong influence on later developments



1.demur v.&n.异议,反对(politely)

2.dissent v.&n. 不同意,异议(publicly)



1.interdict v. prohibit or forbid

2.veto v.&n. 否决

3.forestall v.阻止(先发制人之意)

4.preclude v.阻止,妨碍

5.deter v. to prevent sth. from happening

6.dissuade v. to convice sb. not to do sth.

7.obstruct v.(故意)妨碍,阻挠;阻塞(道路等)

8.hinder v.阻碍

9.hamper v.妨碍

10.impede v. 妨碍

11.retard v.阻碍,减缓

12.stymie v.妨碍

13.foil v. 阻碍(尤其非法活动)

14.thwart v.妨碍

15.stonewall v.(政治)拖延,阻碍



1.affluent a. 富裕的



1.lugubrious a.闷闷不乐的

2.gloomy a. 阴暗的;沮丧的

3.somber a.阴天的;悲伤的

4.sullen a.阴天的;闷闷不乐的

5.saturnine a.(of a person pr their face) looking serious or threating 阴郁的

6.glum a.&n. sad or depressed



1.goad v. to urge or force (sb.) to do sth.

2.incite v. to cause (sb.) to act in angry,harmful or violent way

3.inflame v. to cause (sb. or a group) to become angry or violent

4.spur v.策马;鞭策,激励

5.invigorate v.鼓舞,使精力充沛

6.hearten v. to cause (sb.) to feel more cheerful or hopeful



1.impecunious a.having little or no money

2.penniless a. 身无分文的



1.cower v. to move back or bend your body down because you are afraid

2.recoil v. to move your body suddenly when frightend,offened or hurt.

3.flinch v.畏缩,退缩

4.wince v. to have an expression on your face for a very short time which shows that you are embarrassed or in pain

5.shrink v.退缩 shrink back

6.quail n.鹌鹑 v.感到恐惧,畏缩



1.bootless a.of little or no use

2.fruitless a.producing no useful results

3.unproductive a.not producing any good results

4.futile a. 无用的

5.useless a.

6.purposeless a. having no meaning,use or clear aim

7.meaningless a.

8.pointless a.having no purpose; not worth doing

9.nugatory a.of no real value



1.compendium n.概略,摘要

2.synopsis n.摘要

3.outline n.



1.transparent a.透明的;显而易见的

2.pellucid a.very clear

3.limpid a.perfectly clear

4.translucent a.半透明的

5.diaphanous a.(of a cloth) so light and

fine that you can almost see through it

6.lucid a.表达清楚的,清晰简明的


十八. “健康生活”系列

1.salubrious a. (of a place) pasesant to live in,;clean and healthy

2.salutary a. having a good effect on sb./sth, even though often something unpleasant

3.wholesome a.有益于健康的


十九. “热情”系列

1.ardor n.热情,狂热

2.zeal n.热情

3.fervor n.激情,热情

4.passion n.

5.enthusiasm n.

6.verve n.great energy and enthusiasm

7.pep n. liveliness and energy

8.vim n.energy and enthusiasm

9.vigour (also vigor) n. energy, force or enthusiasm

10.vitality n. a lively or energetic quality



1.entreat v.恳求,乞求



3.plea n.恳求

4.plead v. 恳求

5.beseech v.恳求
