旅游的英语口语 (菁选3篇)

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旅游的英语口语1  1. great minds think alike. (英雄所见略同,这句做第一句最合适不过了,不过最好翻译成英雄和美女所见略同,嘿嘿)
  2. get going!(赶快动身吧,用在开始行动时)
  3. we've got to hit the road.(我们要赶快了,和上一句用法相同,hit the road表现出紧急,很形象)
  4. i can't place his/her face.(碰见帅哥或者美眉跟你打招呼而你记不起来是谁,这时可以用这个句子)
  5. once bitten, twice shy.(一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳)
  6. look at the big picture.(以大局为重,在发生分歧之时可以用这句话来让每个人都三思)
  7. i'm exhausted.(筋疲力尽)
  8. i've got my second wind.(短暂休息后精力得以恢复,此时可用这个句子,意思是我的体力恢复了)
  9. my stomach is growling.(这句意思是我的肚子呱呱叫了,很饿)
  10. hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings.(既然很饿,那就饥不择食了)
  11. …is now in season.(正是吃……的好季节,比如西瓜、草莓、苹果、桃子什么的)
  12. let's grab a bite to eat.(让我们赶紧吃点东西吧,一般指时间很紧)
  13. this food is out of the world.(此食只应天上有,人间哪得几回吃)
  14. what a bummer!(太扫兴了,原以为会来很多美女,结果却坐了一车帅哥,这时可以偷偷用一下这句话)
  15. first things first. (要紧的事情先做,很多场合可以用到)
  16. it's just my cup of tea.(正合偶的口味,指人,事等等)
  17. does … suit your taste?(……合你的口味吗)
  18. do as i said.(老驴对新驴说:照我说的做,有的时候抢匪也爱用这句,嘿嘿)
  19. let's roll up our sleeves.(大家一起干吧,卷起袖子不就是要大干一场吗)
  20. put it in my hands.(对于一个懒惰的,笨笨的,象偶一样的新驴有的时候也可以帮帮忙嘛,比如盛饭这样的小事偶就可以说:交给偶好了)
  21. it's a short-cut.(这是条近路)
  22. i'll keep my fingers crossed for you.(偶将为你祈祷,比如爬山过河的时候)
  23. one boy is a boy; two boys half boy; three boys no boy.
  24. never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.(不要杞人忧天,嘿嘿,偶最喜欢的一句话)
  25. did you get the picture?(你明白了没有?老驴给新驴讲解完毕后可以用这句话)
  26. be back in 30 minutes!(还是为领队gg准备的,一定要在三十分钟内回来)
  27. one more hour to go.(新驴走啊走,看不到头,问老驴还要走多远,老驴可以用此句)
  28. time is running out.(没时间了。)
  29. to the best of my knowledge…(就偶所知,老驴传授经验的开场白)
  30. as far as i know, …(同上)
  31. don't let me down.(别让偶失望,新驴问老驴问题时可以用,老驴让新驴实践时可以用,你饿了半**别人要吃的时候也可以用,嘻嘻)
  32. you'll get it soon.(老驴说:你也很快会的)
  33. pick up the pace.(快点)
  34. you are really something.(新驴对老驴的赞美:你真了不起)
  35. you are something else.(同上)
  36. how did you manage to do that?(你是怎样做到的?新驴对老驴的景仰)
  37. i can't believe my eyes.(简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,还有这样美丽的地方,或者还有这样美丽的新驴mm,嘿嘿)
  38. it was really neat!(太棒了)
  39. i'm dying for a coke.(我真想喝杯可乐,想死了。当然你也可以把coke换成wife,bf,cigarette什么的)
  40. wine in, truth out.(尤其是在可以喝酒的时候,可以用到,酒后吐真言)
  41. i can't carry a tune.(偶五音不全,不过请大家慎用,因为你五音不全就意味着也许你要跳舞给大家看)
  42. if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.(你在这里做到了在一切地方就都能做到)
  43. my hands are sweaty.(我很紧张,手心都出汗了,比如让你第一次攀岩,或者是当众表演节目)
  44. i've got a butterfly in my stomach.(同上,与汉语心头小鹿撞异曲同工)
  45. no way.(没门)
  46. it's a piece of cake. / it's a snap.(小菜一碟)
  47. go for it.(试一试)
  48. … is driving me up a wall.(偶快被逼疯了,比如蚊子和野外的骄阳,寒风等等)
  49. anything you say.(偶听你的。很乖巧的一句话,新驴必背)
  50. i'm already locked into something else.(说了这么多结果你有别的事没法去了?没关系,这句就给你的,我另有别的事要做了)

旅游的英语口语2  1、i can't speak english 我不懂英文
  2、excuse me 劳驾
  3、could you do me a favor? 能够帮我忙吗?
  4、take care 保重!
  5、please say it again 请再说一次
  6、how are you? 你好吗?
  7、anyway 总之
  8、actually 实际上
  9、thank you very much 谢谢!
  10、may i smoke here? 能在这里吸烟吗?
  11、may i ask something? 我想问点事情 。
  12、where is the toilet 厕所在哪里?
  13、i am tired 我很累
  14、whom should i ask to?我应该问谁?
  15、as soon as possible 近快-
  16、what time is it now? 现在几点了?
  17、could you tell me how to fill in 请告诉我如何填写。
  18、how long will we stop here? 我们在这里停留多久?
  19、are there any duty-free shops in the waiting room? 在侯机室有免税店吗?
  20、how can i get to the connecting flight counter of china airline? 我如何找到*航空公司办理转机柜台?
  21、where can i get my baggage? 我去哪里取行李?
  22、here is my claim tag 这是我的托运 行李卡
  23、how soon will i find out? 需要多长时间可以找到我的行李
  24、please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you've located it 找到行李后,请尽快送到我的酒店。
  25、where can i change money? 我在哪里可以兑换外币?
  26、what is the exchange rate ? 兑换率是多少?
  27、i’d like some small change? 请将大钞换成零钱
  28、where is the tourist information centre ? 请问旅游问讯处在哪里?
  29、where can i get a ticket ? 在哪里卖票?
  30、could you tell me when we get there ? 请问几点能够到达那里。

旅游的英语口语3  where is the railway station? 火车站在哪?
  melbourne central station, please. 墨尔本中心火车站
  how much is it? 多少钱?
  is there a bus that goes to melbourne central station? 有去墨尔本中心火车站的巴士吗?
  what station does the train for melbourne leave from? 去墨尔本的火车是从那一站离开的
  where is the ticket office? 卖票的.地方在哪?
  a ticket to melbourne, please. 一张去墨尔本的票
  one way or a round trip ticket? 单程还是环程票
  second class one way, please 二等单程
  are there reserved seats on the train? 火车上设有座位预留吗?
  i don’t think it’s necessary, as the train won’t be crowded. 我想没有必要,因为火车不是很挤
  can i stop over on the way? 我可以中途下车吗?
  can i have a second-class ticket to melbourne, please? 一张2等票去墨尔本
  are there any discount tickets for me? 我买票有折扣吗?
  may i see a timetable? 我可以看看时间表吗?
  does this train run everyday? 这天天通火车吗?
  i’d like to go to melbourne tomorrow. what time is there a train? 我想明天去墨尔本,几点的火车?
  is there a train that goes any faster? 有更快的车吗?
  from which station does the train leave? 火车从哪站出发?
  at which window can i make a reservation? 在哪个窗口我可以做预订
  i’d like to reserve a seat on this train 我想要订个座位
  i’d like to reserve a sleeper to melbourne 我想订张去墨尔本的卧铺
  i’d like the upper (the lower) berth. 我想要个上层(下层)的
  are any reserved seats available? 可以预订座位吗?
  i’d like to change my reservation 我想改变我的预订
  do i need a reservation? 我需要预订吗?
  smoking (non-smoking) car, please 吸烟(非吸烟)车厢
  how long is the ticket valid? 车票多长时间有效?
  what time does the first (last/next) train to melbourne leave? 什么时候第一辆(最后一辆/下一辆)车从墨尔本出发
  is it a direct train? 有直达车吗?
  is there a connection to melbourne? 有去墨尔本的联运吗?
  do i have to change train? 我还需要换车吗?
  will the train leave on schedule? 火车准时出发吗?
  what time does the train arrive in melbourne? 火车几点到墨尔本
  are there any express train? 有特快列车吗?
  where does the train go to? 这辆车是去哪的?




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