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u 如果i(或y)或者 e 跟在c或者g的后边, c发/s/, g发/j/的音: center, cigar, nice, mice, gem, giant, gym, page.
[教材资源]非凡国际英语自然拼读教程(包含绘本+电子书+音频)下载 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/thread-17305-1-1.html
怎样自然拼读英语igh, ing, ind, ild, ar, or, oi, oy, alt, alk, ost, old, er, ir, ur, ew, sion, tion, eigh, all, ow, ow, ou, ay, ous, ed, ed (t), ed (d), aw, au, oo, oo
l oi (oil, boil), oy (boy, toy), old (old, cold), ost (most, host), olt,
u 单音节词, 没有其他元音,y发”I”(one syllable word, y at the end (pronounced as “I”)): my, why, fly, sky
可以看到拼写很搞笑。这就是自然拼读。snale的发音=snail, snace=snake,butafly=butterfly, kintn 约等于 kitten. (一看就是British English, haha)
多音节单词和复合词 (Words with multiple syllables and compound words)
之所以指出这一点, 是在这里u不能再被认为是元音, 而是和q一起组成一个辅音组合. 于是, 在quite这个单词里只有两个元音, 是双元音单词, 第一个元音i发字母音, 第二个元音e不发音.
u 其他情况下, c发/k/, g发/g/: can, clap, cup, great, glad, got, goat, log.
l ie (field), ing(king, sing, dancing), ind (find, kind, behind), ild (mild, wild, child), igh (high, night, light), ire
怎样自然拼读英语l 如果一个单词或音节里只有一个元音,而且元音在末尾, 这个元音一般发长音(其字母音) (Vowel at the end).
[教材资源]非凡国际英语自然拼读教程(包含绘本+电子书+音频)下载 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/thread-17305-1-1.html