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5没有 Topic sentenceHis fingers moved on the keys rapping out yet another example trying to somehow explain how a paragraph can be written without a topic sentence Mrs Grimwastle his third grade teacher would have shuddered to think that he would one day tell writers that the topic sentence could be left behind that narrative descriptive paragraphs need not state their main idea clearly at the beginning middle or end Could it be true Could a paragraph with an obvious central idea or a specialized paragraph such as a transitional one abandon the cornerstone of paragraph writing could the topic sentence be left out Yes he thought as he wrote The time had come They had to know


雅思阅读matching题型根据上述段落结构,一个标准的英文段落,第一句话为段落的Topic Sentence,也就是中心句。最后一句是结尾句,也是概括本段的中心大意,中间部分则是支撑观点和细节。


雅思阅读matching技巧,2段中第二句话在这种情况下,第一句话往往是引出本段落要讨论的话题。在下面的段落中,第一句话引出“topic sentence”这一话题,第二句话为中心句。


雅思matching题示例,The central idea can be stated at both the beginning and the end of the paragraph(中心句) The initial topic sentence introduces the general context of the paragraph while the body provides the supporting or clarifying details However you should exercise caution when using this technique Simply restating the topic sentence rarely enhances a paragraph and should certainly not be done in an attempt to revive a disunified or incoherent paragraph Ideally the body of the paragraph should build upon the main point raised in the first topic sentence revealing additional insights before the paragraph’s end so that the readers will gain a better understanding of the central idea Then restating the topic sentence at the end with a new twist or with additional information can add to the reader’s understanding of your subject(中心句)




雅思听力matching题,雅思阅读考试中,“段落标题配对题”(Matching headings)由于选项数目大大多于文章中段落的数目,且需要花费大量时间理解段落,无疑是很多人的噩梦。


雅思matching是什么意思,5没有 Topic sentenceHis fingers moved on the keys rapping out yet another example trying to somehow explain how a paragraph can be written without a topic sentence Mrs Grimwastle his third grade teacher would have shuddered to think that he would one day tell writers that the topic sentence could be left behind that narrative descriptive paragraphs need not state their main idea clearly at the beginning middle or end Could it be true Could a paragraph with an obvious central idea or a specialized paragraph such as a transitional one abandon the cornerstone of paragraph writing could the topic sentence be left out Yes he thought as he wrote The time had come They had to know


雅思heading和matching,Placing the topic sentence at the beginning of a paragraph offers a number of advantages 中心句 To begin with it can help the writer keep an eye on paragraph unity by providing a guide for selecting details for the rest of the paragraph For readers placement at the beginning establishes the initial context giving them the foundation they need to understand the details which follow This is especially true if the writer not only introduces the main point in the topic sentence but also forecasts the paragraph’s organization with phrases like “a number of advantages”


雅思阅读matching题型This is not the only place the topic sentence can go however Many times the topic of a paragraph may be introduced after a transitional sentence 中心句 The transitional sentence guides the reader through a shift in thought pointing back to the previous idea and forward to a new one That new idea becomes the topic sentence of the new paragraph and is followed as before by supporting and clarifying details

[雅思阅读]雅思阅读重点!各类雅思阅读题型分类解析 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/thread-16903-1-1.html




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