- A+
3 Keep an EnglishEnglish dictionary handy and when you cannot understand a word with accuracy you may refer to it any time
DK English for Everyone Vocabulary Builder DK新视觉人人学英语3000+词汇书图解词典PDF下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/thread-19637-1-1.html
新视觉英语教程第三版2 warmth the state or quality of being warm warmheartedness and kindness
新视觉英语教程第三版2,6 refashioned into 7 rise to fame 8 captures my attention 9 evolved from
新视觉英语教程第三版第五单元,3 Their stomachs crying for food their back burning from too much sun both boys gathered their things and headed for home
新视觉英语教程第三版第二单元,6 acceptance 7 fame 8 insight 9 recognition 1 experience
四、新视觉英语教程第三版 Unit5 Customs
新视觉英语教程第三版 Unit5 Customs,4 truth the state or quality of being true the actual facts or reality of something
新视觉英语教程第三版unit5PPT,3 Keep an EnglishEnglish dictionary handy and when you cannot understand a word with accuracy you may refer to it any time
1 worked on 2 approve of 3 went ahead 4 for sale 5 come up with
5 These soldiers have received very strict training and are well equipped to fulfill the new task
1f cupboard 橱柜 2I motorcycle 摩托车 3l silkworm 蚕 4k teardrop 泪滴
新视觉英语教程第三版1 We should try our best to forecast earthquakes so that destruction of property caused by them could be prevented as much as possible
DK English for Everyone Vocabulary Builder DK新视觉人人学英语3000+词汇书图解词典PDF 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/thread-19637-1-1.html