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part one
1、what's your full name,please?
my full name is huang kanfeng. that's if you can call me william for short. now that's my english name.
2、can i see your identification,please?
3. do you do the housework? what housework do you do in your family?
sometimes i help my mother do some cleaning.but mum says i am a trouble machine and always break something by carelessness.
4. what changes have taken place in the status of family members as time changes?
in my opinion, the most significant change is the change of relationship between generations. currently, in most families, parents and children can sit down and compare notes on certain issues, which were impossible several years ago.
5. why do you like collecting things? 你为什么喜欢收集东西呢?
well, you know, we are living in a world where memory is getting more and more worshipped. it is hard to imagine what it would be like without having any memory left. and memory has already become one of the very few things that can’t be measured in terms of money. so this is why i am crazy about collecting things.
6. do you think that media can report the news about famous people?
it depends. i believe it is ok as long as the news report doesn’t affect the private life of celebrities. ordinary people are interested in the life of famous people because it is far away from them and it’s fun to know something that is different from theirs.
7、what changes have been brought been brought about the advancement of science and technology?
well, it makes life much easier. in the past, my mum had to spend half a day in washing clothes. currently, with the use of the washing machine, it takes only 1 hour.
8. what’s the future of media?
media will be highly developed in the future. computers may become the most popular medium. people can watch live shows on computers or listen to news reports. maybe computers will be the dominant and sole medium in the society.
9. do you think that modern invention is important in the countryside? 你认为现代的新发明在农村也同样重要吗?
it depends. mobile phones are not useful for country people because there is no signal in the remote places but they can take photos with cameras. 依情况而定。手机在农村不实用,因为在偏远山区没有信号,不过他们可以使用相机来拍照。
10. who is likely to make inventions? 哪种人可以创造发明?
some people are lazy and they don’t want to do the housework. they can make gadgets which do the housework. 有些人很懒惰不愿意做家务,他们便制作一些可以做家务的工具。
11. in what field can you find the most inventions? 在哪个领域发明最多?
in the medical field and military departments, there are a lot of new inventions. people always try to be powerful in medicine and wars. 在医学领域和军事领域有许多新发明,人们都尽力在医学和军事方面变得强大。
12、which way do you prefer, writing in english or chinese?
well, i prefer to write in english. i think it is a good way to practice my writing, you know, i am going abroad pretty soon. so the more i practice writing in english, the better my writing skill will become. maybe sometimes i have no idea how to express my idea in a real english way.
13、what’s the difficult about writing in english?
the biggest obstacle is the english speakers think pretty differently to chinese, which means sometimes i have ideas what i am going to write, but i have no clue on how to get my idea expressed in english. you know, sometimes it looks cool and sounds all right, but it just isn’t english : real english speakers don’t say it: it is nothing more than a kind of chinese english.
14、how do you like to communicate, by e-mail or telephone?
well, for me, i would like to use the phone. you know, e-mail definitely can not hold a candle to phone, which is much faster, and more convenient. maybe the only thing less impressive is it costs a lot, especially when you are making too many long-distance and overseas phone calls.
15、do you like reading? why or why not?
yes, of course i do. i can’t imagine a life without reading, for reading is best way to learn. reading can enrich your knowledge and broaden your horizon. i love reading because reading is a happy journey of soul-searching. it teaches me tolerance and humanity. it helps me run away from my bitterness and pull myself together again.
16、which kind of pictures do you like?
i would definitely go for fine art ones. i am crazy about those awesome fine art pictures. and there are millions of fine arts studios everywhere in town. and millions of girls are dying to look like a cover girl in magazine.
17、what is the importance of taking pictures ?
taking pictures is a good way to keep memories. those sweet memories will immediately jump into people’s mind every time when you look at your photos. i best this one of reasons why lots of people have digital cameras, even wider recorders. and sometimes, people can even get a huge sense of satisfaction and achievement when they show their millions of nice photos to their friends.
拍照是保持回忆的一种很好的方式。当人们欣赏他们的相片时,那些美好的回忆会立刻浮现在人们的头脑当中。我打赌,这是为什么人们喜欢数码相机,甚至更大容量卡的原因之一。有时,当人们将成千上万的美丽图片显示给他们的朋友的时候, 也能从中获得很大的满足和成就感。
18、what is the most popular transport in china?
中国最为 流行的交通方式是什么?
i think that would be bus, which i think is a result of chinese people’s ever-increasing living standards and ever-growing chinese economy.
you know those days when chinese were confined to make their way on foot or by bikes are gone forever, here comes the time when we chinese are offered millions of options: car, bus, subway, train, plane… but it really depends, depends on which city we are talking about here.
if we are talking about big cities like beijing, shanghai and guangzhou, taxi or private car is going to be the most popular transport; but when we are talking about small cities, bicycles might turn out to be the most popular transport.
19、what is the bad aspect in terms of transport in china?
talking about this question, there are many unimpressive things. the first thing i can think of is traffic jams. you know,the traffic jam is absolutely bloody murder everywhere, especially when it comes to rush hour. another bad thing that pops into my head is the air pollution that all the vehicles cause.
can you imagine how horrible it would be if someone was uncomfortably sitting in a taxi which was stock among lots of vehicles which were busily leaking smog? one

more thing jumps into my mind is the crowding of some public vehicles. i am sure no one wants to be pushed into the teeny, tiny compartments with all the people jammed like sardines.
20、how would you improve traffic in cities?
speaking of traffic, you know, as the saying goes: “roma wasn’t built in a day.”i think this is not like something can be improved in couple of days and by couple of guys. so i think it is the high time that both government and individuals did something.
from government perspective, a series of systematic and reasonable regulations and rules should be implemented based on the currently unsatisfactory

situation. as far as individuals are concerned, they should strictly obey all the relevant regulations and rules so that i can set a very good example to other citizens.
21、do you usually go to gyms? why?
yes,i do. i go to the gym every few days. you know, health is becoming more and more important. it is very hard to imagine how someone can survive without health: you know, health has already become the priority number one when it comes to almost everything and we are certainly going nowhere without it.
health has already become one of the very few things that can’t be measured in terms of money. and certainly, going to gyms frequently is obviously a good way of keeping

22、do you think people have pressure because they want to be more successful than their friends?
yes, i guess so. people always compare themselves with others. they want to have some achievements, and they want to be respected by others. this is also the cause of their stress.
23、would you like to live in a nice flat without air-conditioning?
yes, of course. air-conditioning can surely bring us comfortable temperature but i’d rather open the windows and let fresh air in, which can control bacteria in the room to the lowest level.
research shows that staying in a room with air-conditioning for a long time will do harm to people’s health. air-conditioning syndrome has now become a new disease disturbing modern people.




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