[原版教材]English Phrasal Verbs in Use Intermediate 中级 超清PDF 百度云盘

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English Phrasal Verbs in Use Intermediate

作者: Michael McCarthy / Felicity O'Dell
出版社: Cambridge University Press
副标题: Intermediate
页数: 208
定价: USD 31.00
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780521527279






1. Many English learners have serious problems with phrasal verbs and prepositions. This book can help them to get into the essential need to know basis phrasal verbs ( verb + preposition )

2. There are a few workbooks dealing specifically with English phrasal verbs, and this so far is the the only one I have tried in six years of teaching- most of my students are ones who talk with other non-native speakers of English, so they don't really need phrasal verbs. Occasionally I get a student who plans on doing business with native speakers, or lives in an English-speaking country, and in those cases I use this book.
The last reviewer said this is too British-specific, and on that point I can't entirely agree. There are some Britishisms which were novel to me, but really 95% of the phrasal verbs in the units I have covered with my students are part of US English, too. Each unit is two pages- a half page or so of explanations, then exercises for the remaining part of the two pages. The first unit starts by explaining what the particles mean, which already is a big help; afterwards, each chapter deals with one verb and several phrasal verbs formed from it. After each chapter, students really do know the group of words better, but I have some caveats to present.
-This book is OK for self-study, but really phrasal verbs are often COMPLICATED in terms of sentence structure, but also MESSY in their semantics, the latter of course being much worse than the former for learners. So a student's successful completion of a chapter, especially on his or her own, does not imply an ability to use phrasal verbs successfully, but rather an improved ability to understand a given group of words. One or two examples of each verb helps, but what's needed is a lot more exposure to them than just two pages in a textbook; for these reasons, I give the book four stars for classroom use, but only two for self-study. So- a three.




  • 超级做好自己1
    超级做好自己1(2020-12-30 21:18:31)
    孩子在这里学了半年多 ,现在敢主动开口说英语了,我们对一对一的模式挺喜欢的。
  • 据图回复
    据图回复(2020-12-30 21:19:14)
  • 幸运的烟灰8
    幸运的烟灰8(2020-12-30 21:29:14)
    初中的时候开始接触英语,记得那个时候学习很傻,因为不会读音标,所以很多不会读的单词会用中文来写,比如“good morning”,我会在边上写上“股的莫宁”,“desk”会写上“得思科”,后来慢慢的学会读音标,自己就会自学单词了。那个时候基本上都是通过联想来学习英语的。后来看了英语的广告,欧美外教,1对1在线培训,孙俪代言的,学了3个月,进步很大,非常靠谱。
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    小小学习者白羊(2020-12-30 21:42:59)
  • Bilibill3
    Bilibill3(2020-12-30 21:43:15)
    太绝望了,在这边上课全是菲律宾就算了 发音不准什么的我也认了 但是至少不要找大学刚刚毕业的学生来教课吧 太过分了。。。。什么外教啊 发音还没有我好 各种乱乱来 钱花了 时间各种浪费
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