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★ 考点一: 陈述句 ★【经典习题】
1.grandpa is reading a newspaper now. (改为否定句)
grandpa ( ) a newspaper now.
2.li lin listens to english programs on the radio. (改为否定句)
li lin ( ) to english programs on the radio.
3.i think you will be a good teacher. (改为否定句)
i ( ) think you ( ) be a good teacher.
4.tom has been to disneyland in hong kong. (改为否定句)
tom ( ) to disneyland in hong kong.
1. isn’t reading
2. doesn’t listen
3. don’t; will
4. hasn’t been
陈述句用于陈述一个事实或表明一种看法,包括肯定结构和否定结构两种。在肯定结构中,谓语动词不含否定词;否定结构在be动词、助动词或情态动词后加not。除了not外,用其他否定词 (如:no, never, hardly, seldom, little, few, none等)也可以构成否定句。
★ 考点二: 疑问句 ★【经典习题】
1.jenny often gets up at five past six. (改为一般疑问句)
( ) jenny often ( ) up at five past six?
2. that amusement park saw lots of tourists (during the holiday). (对括号部分提问)
( ) that amusement park see lots of tourists?
3. — ( ) is your favorite sportsman?
— it’s hard to say. well, i like sun yang very much.
a. how
b. when
c. who
d. what
4. — ( ) is the winter olympic games held?
— every four years.
a. how far
b. how often
c. how soon
d. how long
5. our monitor is never late for school, ( ) ?
a. does he
b. doesn’t he
c. is he
d. isn’t he
1. does; get
2. when did
3-5: cbc
★特殊疑问句是以特殊疑问词开始的以询问信息为目的的疑问句。回答特殊疑问句时不能用yes或no,而要根据实际情况回答。常用的特殊疑问词有:what, who, whose, which, when, where, how, why;疑问词组有how much, how many, how often, how long, what time等。
★反意疑问句由两部分组成,前一部分为陈述句,后一部分为简略的一般疑问句,通常遵循“前肯定、后否定或前否定、后肯定”的原则。如果陈述句中有hardly, nothing, never, little, few, nobody, neither等表示否定意义的词,反意疑问句要用肯定形式。回答时,事实是肯定的用yes,事实是否定的用no。
★ 考点三: 祈使句 ★【经典习题】
1. ( ) stand too close to north americans. give them more personal space.
a. doesn’t
b. aren’t
c. can’t
d. don’t
2.( ) up early tomorrow, or you can’t catch the train.
a. to get
b. get
c. getting
d. got
3. — don’t forget to turn off the lights when you leave the room.
— of course, i ( ) .
a. don’t
b. won’t
c. mustn’t
d. can’t
4. — tom, ( ) your t-shirt right now! it looks so dirty.
— sorry, mum. i was playing basketball the whole afternoon.

puts off
b. putting off
c. to put off
d. put off
5. ( ) stay up too late. it’s bad for your health.
a. don’t
b. do
c. not
d. please not
key: 1-5 dbbda
let me tell you the way to the cinema.
let’s go swimming after school.
★ 考点四: 感叹句 ★【经典习题】
1. ( ) brave boy! he saved his little sister during the earthquake.
a. what
b. how
c. what a
d. how a
2. — china’s first ice hotel opens in inner mongolia.
— really? ( ) exciting news!
a. what an
b. what
c. how
d. how an
3. look! ( ) beautiful flowers!
a. how
b. how a
c. what
d. what a
4. — ( ) interesting the movie coco is! have you seen it?
— yes. i saw it last sunday.
a. how
b. how an
c. what
d. what an
5. — ( ) they are talking to

each other!
— yes. they are really happy to see each other again.
a. what excited
b. how excited
c. what excitedly
d. how excitedly
key: 1-5 cbcad
★what引导的感叹句强调名词,其结构为:what ( + a / an) + 形容词 + 名词 ( + 主语 + 谓语)!如:
what a nice present it is!
what fine weather it is today!
what important jobs they have done!
★how引导的感叹句强调形容词或副词,其结构为:how + 形容词/副词(+ 主语 + 谓语)!如:
how surprised the students are!
how fast james runs!





  • 风雨同舟2018go
    风雨同舟2018go(2023-01-10 15:39:23)
    我家宝贝和我侄子都在报的名,挺好啊 。人家老师专门教你家一个孩子,相当于请的私教了,而且的老师资质都很厉害的,让孩子学英语的同时还学习异国文化,我觉得很值。
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  • 金牛无语222
    金牛无语222(2023-01-10 16:19:32)
    感觉英语不错,一对一的教学,口音纯正,电脑视屏双向教学 趣味生动,孩子和老师互动性好,记得牢。
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  • 1998无耐
    1998无耐(2023-01-10 16:40:00)
    感觉英语不错,一个是在线上课,省得接送孩子的麻烦,再就是英语是以1对1的课程为主,不过隔几天会有测评课,测试孩子的英语学习进度,看看哪些还需要补充提高的,每周也有直播课程,就是说跟其他孩子一起在一个网络教室互动, 挺开心的一个经历。