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1. 题目 :what are peter's hobbies?


oliver:what are peter's hobbies?

zhangpeng: he likes reading stories. he lives on a farm, so sometimes he reads to the row.

oliver:that's interesting !

zhangpeng:he likes doing kung fu and swimming.

oliver:really? me too !

zbangpeng:he also likes singing.

oliver:oh, you also like singing, too.

zhangpeng : yes, i'm going to teach him the chinese song "jasmine flower "!

oliver:good idea !






ⅰ.lead in

show some tv shows' name. then ask students what's their favorite show, and introduce it by using the sentence "i like watching xxx show".


ask some questions like:i like watching tv show and is my hobby. do you have hobbies? then teacher show a man' day, and let students to guess the hobbies of him.

students talk about hobbies with partner. and teacher invites two students to share with us.


play the tape for the first time, let students pay attention to the pronunciation.

play the tape for the second time, and ask them to answer the following questions: what are they talking about? which sentence is used to ask others' hobbies and what is its answer? then write down the names and sentences.

play the tape once again and students repeat after it.


four students in a group and collect the group members' hobbies and make a list. after that, invite two groups to share reports.

v.summary and homework

students summarize what they have learnt.

students ask the hobbies of their family and write it down.

1.题目:《last weeknd》


cleanedmy room; washed my clothes; stayed at home; watched tv

mike: how was your weekend?

chen jie: it was fine, thanks.

mike: what did you do?

chen jie: i stayed at home and watchedtv.


(1 )朗读内容;


(3 )设计相关的教学活动。


teaching procedures:

step 1: warming-up

1. greetings.

2. free talk.

tell students what did the teacher do in last weekend. ask students questions “what did you do last weekend?”. then invite some of them to share. then correct the sentences by using the simple past tense. step 2: presentation

1. show those pictures on the screen and let students learn the words.

2. ask students to observe these words carefully to find if there are some similarities. then invite some of them to give answers.

3. explain the rules of the simple past tense.

4. ask students to listen to the tape and find out how to ask other’s activities in the last week. write the sentences on the blackboard.

step 3: practice

1. role play

ask students to work in pair to practice the conversation. then invite some pairs to show their performance.

step4: production

divide them into several groups. then ask students to do a survey about what their parner did last weekend and make a list for us. after that, invite one group to share their report. then give encouragement for them.

step5: summary and homework

summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.

homework: talk about what they did in the last weekend with their parents.

blackboard design:略

1.题目:《my friend》


this is tom. he is my friend. he is tall and thin. he has a green t-shirt and a pair of brown shorts. he can skate.







teaching aims:

knowledge aim: students will learn three new words and two sentence patterns.

ability aim: students will be able to talk about their friends in english by using some curtain sentence patterns.

emotional aim: students will improve their interest in english and realize they should cherish their friendship and love each other.

teaching key points:

students know how to describe how to describe his or her friends.

teaching difficult points:

students can apply the structure into daily communication.

teaching methods:

tpr teaching method, communicative teaching method, situational teaching method.

teaching aids:

pictures, puppet, blackboard and so on.

teaching procedures:

step 1: warming up


2.sing a song----” ten little indians”, invite the whole students to do the action when singing

step 2: pre-speaking

1. the teacher show the students a puppet while hiding behind the desk, to review the words tall, thin, green and brown and the sentence patterns this is ... and he is ...by asking some simple questions.

2. the teacher make a performance with the puppet

e.g. --what do you have now? --i have a green t-shirt and a pair of brown shorts.

--what can you do? --i can skate.

3. introduce tom (the puppet) to the students.

e.g. this is tom. he is my friend. he is tall and thin. he has a green t-shirt and a pair of brown shorts. he can skate.

step 3: while-speaking

activity 1. group work

work in groups, and make a conversation by asking and answering questions.

activity 2. guessing game: close your eyes and guess.

one student show himself/herself and do some actions, another student close his or her eyes and ask questions, the others tell him or her “right or wrong”. guess who he or she is.

e.g. --what’s he like?

--he is short and strong. he has a yellow jacket and a pair of brown shoes.

--is he max?

--no, he isn’t

--what can he do?

--he can swim.

--is he ted?

--yes, he is.

step 4: post-speaking

1.share and evaluation

2.draw a picture: ask the students to draw a picture of his/her best friend and introduce him or her to the whole class and guess who he/she/it is.

e.g. he is my friend. he is short and thin. he has a yellow t-shirt and a pair of black shoes. he can play basketball.

step 5: summary & homework

summary: invite a student to be a small teacher, to make a summary about what we have learned today.

homework: make a puppet as they like, bring him/her to the class, and introduce him/her to the other students next class.

1.题目:show me your books


bag, book, pencil, eraser, ruler, pen, crayon, pencil-case

teacher: hello! boys and girs. this is a penci1. show me your pencils. verygood! this is a book. show me your books! great!







show me your books

teaching aims

students can speak out the words correctly and master the meaning such as “bag”, “book”, “pencil”, “eraser”, “ruler”, “pen”, “crayon”,”pencil-box” with the help of the stick figures.

students can grasp the sentence patterns “this is ...” and “show me your ...” and can use them into our daily communication.

students will enhance their speaking ability and take part in group work actively.

students can stimulate their interests in learning english and form the awareness of cherishing their stationeries, and know put thins in order.

key and difficult points

key point

to acquire the words such as “bag”, “book”, “pencil”, “eraser”, “ruler”, “pen”, “crayon”,”pencil-box” and sentence patterns “this is ...” and “show me your ...”.

to apply new words and sentences into their daily conversation and show their friends the stationeries.

difficult point

how to improve their interests in english class and cultivate the awareness of cherishing the stationeries.

teaching procedures

step 1: warming-up

1. greet students and remind them to wear more clothes to keep healthy.

2. lead them to sing a song named go to school and ask them what the song is about. the song goes like this:

in the morning when i wake up,

books in my hands and go to school.

in the morning when i wake up and let’s go to school.

in the school i see my friend,

we say hello are you ok?

in the school i see my friends, let’s go to school.

the students may come to answer the question the song is about going to school. then ask them another about question what things they will take to school. then lead them into today’s topic.

step 2: presentation

1. set up a situation—now nancy is introducing the things in her school bag to her friends and let’s see what she has together.

2. first draw a stick figure of a bag and ask them what it is. then write the word “bag” on the blackboard. then draw other stick figures around the bag and explain the words, “book”, “pencil-box” and “crayon”. next, let students think about what they can put in the pencil box. after discussion, show the words “eraser”, “ruler”, “pen” on the blackboard with stick fingers.

3. guide students to read the words loudly and then use the tpr teaching method to present the sentence patterns such as “this is a pen. show me your pens!” and write them on the blackboard. as the students read the words, they need to do the right actions.

step 3: practice

1. passing words

divide students into groups on average. they line up in front of the class and face the blackboard. tell the last students the words in each group and they should keep silent. when it begins, they should pass it to the students ahead of them quietly. the group who writes the right word on the blackboard will be the winner.

2. i have, you have

show some pictures about the stationeries on the ppt and if the students have the thing on the picture, they should say “this is ..., show me your ...”, such as “this is a book, show me your books”.

step 4: production

ask students to work in pairs and make a role play little seller. and just imagine one student is the customer and the other one is the seller in the stationery shop. ask them to make a small conversation about introducing the things by using the words and sentence pattern in this class. 10 minutes will be given. then invite some group to share in front.

step 5: summary and homework

summary: invite a student to be a little teacher and summarize today’s lesson together. tell them to cherish the stationeries and try to put their stationeries in order.

homework: ask students to make a poster about their own stationeries and try to write down their usages.

blackboard design略



amy: mum, can ihave a drink, please?

mum: yes.here you are.

amy:can iwatch tv. please?

mum: yes, you can.

amy: can ihave anice cream, please?

mum: no.you can't look!

amy: i can go to the shop for an ice cream!

mum: no, you can't go out!you're ill. but you can have these biscuits!

amy: thanks. mum







teaching procedures



show students some pictures about food and drink. review the words learnt about food and drinks.


1.students watch the video clip and answer these questions:

what's the talk about?

how many food and drink in the talk?

can amy have an ice cream? and why?

2. lead students to pay attention to how to ask for permission.

then teaches the sentence pattern “can i ...?” and the corresponding answer “yes, you can” or “no, you can't.


1. train game

show different pictures for reference on the ppt. students work in groups and the teacher asks the first one of each group with “can i ...?” the first one of each group answer with “yes.you can.or “no, you can't.” then asks the next one, in turn, the first group finishes will win the game.

2. read in different roles

students work in pairs to read the conversation in different roles.


task: the polite guest

the teacher creates a scene that students are invited to visit the cultural creative park, a comprehensive center. the polite ones are more popular here. students work in groups to make a dialogue.


students summarize what they have learnt in the lesson.


students will try to ask for permission at home with their family members and be the little teacher.

五、blackboard design






  • 夏青32
    夏青32(2023-07-09 01:37:30)
    英语名气高首先是因为他们的外教老师水平高,我当时带儿子去的时候先是带他试听课程的,也没有急着给他报名,后来对比几家下来后才决定的在报名,从服务态度 教课都比其他的好。
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    老师发音纯正 上课很会带动气氛,孩子很喜欢
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    西安聚集地669(2023-07-09 02:43:44)
    可以电脑上课也可以ipad上课。客服和技术的服务态度都不错。再就是abc是一对一的教,那边的外教都是欧美外教 ,所以说孩子在这里学习英语进步很快。
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