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<p>1. a bit (of) 有一点儿</p><p>2. a few 一些; 少量;几个&nbsp;</p><p>3.a little一些; 少量</p><p>4.a group of 一群</p><p>5. a kind of 一种; 一类</p><p>6. a lot of (lots of)=a number of 许多</p><p>7. a number of 一些;许多</p><p>8. a pair of 一双; 一副</p><p>9.a piece of "一(块,张,片,件)"</p><p>10. according to 依照;根据</p> <p>11.after class 课后 after all "究竟, 究竟"</p><p>12. after school 放学后</p><p>13. agree with sb/ to+V. 附和或人的定见/某事</p><p>14. again and again 重复地;在三地</p><p>15. all over 处处;广泛;结束</p><p>16. all right 行了;好吧;(病)好了</p><p>17. all the best 悉数顺畅;all the same 仍是, 仍然</p><p>18. all the time 一向</p><p>19. all the way 一路上</p><p>20. and so on 等等</p> <p>入托测体温??</p> <p>21. apologize to sb. for sth. 为某事向或人抱愧</p><p>22. arrive at / in a place 抵达某地</p><p>23. as well 也;又</p><p>24. ask for 恳求; 寻求</p><p>25.at breakfast /lunch /supper 早/午/晚餐时</p><p>26. at first / last 起先;初步的时分/ 最终;总算</p><p>27. at home 在家(里)</p><p>28. at least / most 至少/ 至多</p><p>29. at once 马上;马上28. at present "如今, 当前"</p><p>30. at school 在学校;在上课</p> <p>今日养分午饭:</p><p>?红烧仔鸭</p><p>?萝卜烧肉</p><p>?花菜炒木耳</p><p>?西红柿蛋汤</p><p>?生果拼盘</p> <p>31. at the moment "此时,当前; 那时,其时</p><p>32. at the same time 一起</p><p>33. at work 在作业</p><p>34. at the / on weekends 在周末</p><p>35. be able to 可以(有才能)</p><p>36. be afraid of 惧怕</p><p>37. be angry with sb. 生或人的气</p><p>38. be bad for 有害于</p><p>39. be born 出世于</p><p>40. be busy with / doing sth. 忙于做某事</p> <p>午饭时刻??</p> <p>41. be careful with 留心</p><p>42. be covered with 被……掩盖</p><p>43. be different from 与……不一样</p><p>44. be familiar to 对……了解</p><p>45. be famous for 以……而闻名</p><p>46. be fond of 喜爱</p><p>47. be full of 充溢</p><p>48. be good / poor at 善长于 / 对……比照差</p><p>49. be interested in 对……感快乐喜爱</p><p>50. be keen on 喜爱</p> <p>51. be late for …...迟到</p><p>52. be located (in/on/at) 位于</p><p>53. be made of 由……制成</p><p>54. be made up of 由……构成</p><p>55. be on "表演, 上映"</p><p>56. be pleased with 对……满足</p><p>57. be proud of 为……而感到骄傲</p><p>58. be/get ready for 为……作预备</p><p>59. be surprised at 对…...感到惊奇</p><p>60. be thankful to sb. 对或人很感谢</p> <p>61. be/get used to+v-ing 习气于</p><p>62. be worried/serious about 为……而忧虑</p><p>63. because of=thanks to 因为</p><p>64. belong to 归于</p><p>65. break out 迸发&nbsp;</p><p>66. break into "闯入, 破门而入"</p><p>67. by air mail 寄航空邮件</p><p>68. by bus 乘公共轿车</p><p>69. by oneself 亲自</p><p>70. by phone 打电话</p> <p>71. by the way 趁便说;趁便问一下</p><p>72. call on 造访</p><p>73. care for 照看; 喜爱</p><p>74. carry out 实施</p><p>75. catch (a) cold 着凉;伤风&nbsp;</p><p>76. catch up with 赶上(或跨越)</p><p>77. change one's mind 改动主见</p><p>78. check in 处置登机</p><p>79. come across 被了解; 遇见</p><p>80. come back 回来;想起来</p> <p>81. come from 出世于;来自</p><p>82. come on 快;走吧;跟我来</p><p>83. come out 出来;(书等)出书,发行</p><p>84. come to an end 结束</p><p>85. come to know 晓得</p><p>86. come to life 显得传神; 复苏</p><p>87. come true 完成</p><p>88. come up with追上;赶上;想出(主见);找出(答案)</p><p>89. communicate with 与……交流</p><p>90. compare with 与……比照</p> <p>吧园韶光:安适活动??</p> <p>91 .congratulate …on… 恭喜……</p><p>92. cover an area of 占地上积</p><p>93. cut down 砍倒</p><p>94. deal with 处置</p><p>95. depend on "依托,依靠"</p><p>96. die of 因……病而死</p><p>97. different from 与……不一样</p><p>98. do one's best 尽最大尽力</p><p>99. do sb. a favour 帮或人忙</p><p>100. do some shopping 买东西 (cleaning)</p> <p>午休故事??</p><p>《101只蝌蚪宝宝》内容简介:青蛙母亲带着101个圆鼓鼓、胖嘟嘟的蝌蚪宝宝外出郊游,在集结的时分竟然发现狡猾好玩的101宝儿中途掉队了。青蛙母亲非常着急,她四处寻找,成果和小蝌蚪一同遭受了水甲由和小龙虾的突击。在紊乱中,101宝儿逃到许多蝌蚪兄弟那里,大伙当即抉择构成战争队,风雨同舟救出母亲……</p> <p>101. do with 处置, 处置</p><p>102. dream of 梦见</p><p>103. dress up 穿戴打扮</p><p>104. each other 彼此</p><p>105. eat up 吃光, 吞噬</p><p>106. earn one’s life 营生</p><p>107. either… or… 或许……或许……</p><p>108.. enjoy oneself 过得开心</p><p>109. enter for 报名参加</p><p>110. even if / thought 即便;尽管</p> <p>111. fall off 从…...下跌</p><p>112. far away (from) (离)悠远</p><p>113.far from远离</p><p>114.feel like doing 想要……;感触要……</p><p>115. fill in "填充, 填写"</p><p>116.fill … with … 用……填充</p><p>117. find out 找出;查明;晓得</p><p>118. finish off 吃完; 喝完</p><p>119. first of all 首要</p><p>120. for ever 永久</p> <p>121. for example 例如</p><p>122. for the first time 初度</p><p>123. for the time being "暂时,眼下"</p><p>124. from … to… 从……到……</p><p>125. from door to door 挨家挨户</p><p>126. from now on 从此今后; 往后</p><p>127. from time to time 不时;有时</p><p>128. get along / on (with) 发展;与…….共处</p><p>129. go away

逃离</p><p>130.. get back 回来</p> <p>131. get in 进入;搜集</p><p>132. get in the way 挡道</p><p>133. get off 下车</p><p>134. get on 上车</p><p>135. get on with与…….共处</p><p>136. get ready for 为……作预备</p><p>137. get rid of 脱节</p><p>138. get tired of 对……感到厌烦</p><p>139. get to 抵达</p><p>140.get together 集会; 联欢</p> <p>醒神生果??</p> <p>141. get up 起床</p><p>142. give back 偿还;送回</p><p>143. give out 分发</p><p>144. give sb. a hand 助或人一臂之力</p><p>145. give up 扔掉</p><p>146. go ahead 先走;向前走;去吧;干吧</p><p>147.go away 走开;离去</p><p>148. go shopping / bowling 去购物 / 打保龄球</p><p>149.go for a swim 去游水</p><p>

150.go for a walk 漫步</p> <p>列队进校??</p> <p>151. go home 回家</p><p>152. go in for 参加;从事于;酷爱</p><p>153. go on 持续</p><p>154. go on a diet 实施节食</p><p>155. go on a picnic 去野餐</p><p>156. go on with / doing sth. 持续做某事</p><p>157. go out 暂停</p><p>158. go over 温习;细心地再读一遍</p><p>159. go sightseeing 去参观</p><p>160. go to (the) hospital 去医院(看病)</p> <p>午后消杀??</p> <p>161. go to bed 寝息</p><p>162. go to college 上大学</p><p>163. go to school 上学</p><p>164. go to sleep 入眠</p><p>165. go to the cinema / movie(s) 去看影片</p><p>166. go up 走上前去 146. go wrong 犯错</p><p>167. grow up 成年;长大</p><p>168. had better

最佳仍是;仍是……好</p><p>169. hand in 上交</p><p>170.hand out 分发</p> <p>171. happen to do 可巧做</p><p>172. happen to sb. 发生到或人身上</p><p>173.have fun with玩得高兴</p><p>174.have fun doing…玩得高兴</p><p>175. have (got) to 不得不</p><p>176. have a class / lesson 上课</p><p>177. have a good time 玩得很开心;过得很开心</p><p>178. have breakfast 吃早餐</p><p>179. have no idea 不理解</p><p>180. have pity on sb. 怜惜或人</p> <p>181. have sports 进行体育活动</p><p>182. hear from 收到……来信</p><p>183. hear of 传闻</p><p>184. help sb. with sth. 协助或人做某事</p><p>185. help oneself to … 请随意吃点……</p><p>186. here and there 处处</p><p>187. hold a meeting 举办会议</p><p>188. hold on 等一等(别挂电话)</p><p>189. hold one's breath 屏住呼吸</p><p>190. hold up 举起</p> <p>191. huge amounts of 许多的</p><p>192. hundreds of 几百;成百上千</p><p>193. hurry off 匆忙脱离&nbsp;</p><p>194. hurry up 从速;快点</p><p>195. in a hurry 匆忙; 很快地</p><p>196. in a minute 一会儿</p><p>197.in a word 简言之; 总之</p><p>198. in addition 另外</p><p>199. in all 一共</p><p>200. in charge of "主管,担任"</p> <p>201in danger 处于风险状况</p><p>202. in English 用英语</p><p>203. in fact 实际上;实践上</p><p>204. in front of 在……前面</p><p>205. in hospital 住院</p><p>206. in line 成一排;成一向线</p><p>207. in no time 马上</p><p>208. in one's fifties 在或人五十多岁时</p><p>209. in one's opinion 根据或人观点</p><p>210. in order 顺次序</p> <p>211.in order to 为了</p><p>212.in other words 换句??lt;/p><p>213. in return 作为酬谢</p><p>214. in surprise 惊奇地</p><p>215.in public 当众;揭露</p><p>216.in surprise 吃惊;惊奇</p><p>217. in the end 最终;总算</p><p>218. in the future 在将来</p><p>219. in the middle of 在……中心</p><p>220. in the years to come 在即将降临的几年里</p> <p>221. in this way 这样</p><p>222. in time 及时</p><p>223.instead of 替代;而不是</p><p>224. in trouble 处于窘境中</p><p>225. instead of 替代;而不是</p><p>226. join in 参加;参加</p><p>227. just a minute 等一下</p><p>228. just now 如今;方才</p><p>229. keep doing sth. 持续做某事</p><p>230. keep fit 坚持安康</p> <p>晚间消杀??</p> <p>231. keep one’s word 守信</p><p>232. keep... from 使……不做</p><p>233. keep in touch (with) (与……)坚持联络</p><p>234. keep off 阻挡;不让……接近</p><p>235. keep quiet 坚持恬静</p><p>236. keep sb. busy 让或人忙个不断</p><p>237. knock over 撞倒;撞翻</p><p>238. later on 往后;后来</p><p>239. laugh at 讪笑</p><p>240. lay the table (饭前)摆好餐具</p> <p>241. learn…from 向……学习</p><p>242. leave (secondary) school (大学)结业</p><p>243. leave a message 留个口信</p><p>244. leave for 启航去</p><p>245. less / more than 少于 / 多于</p><p>246. let out 放出</p><p>247. line up 整队; 排成行</p><p>248. listen to 听……(说话)</p><p>249. live on 靠……为生</p><p>250. look after 照顾;照看</p> <p>251. look down upon 看不起;小看</p><p>252. look at 看;观看</p><p>253. look for 寻找</p><p>254 look forward to+V-ing 等待着</p><p>255. look like 看上去象;显得</p><p>256. look out of 从……朝外看</p><p>257. look up 查寻; 举头看</p><p>258. lose one's way 迷路</p><p>259. lose weight 瘦身</p><p>260. make a face 做鬼脸;做苦脸</p> <p>261.make a film 拍影片</p><p>262. make a fire 生火</p><p>263. make a living 营生</p><p>264. make a mistake 出过失;犯差错</p><p>265. make a noise 弄作声</p><p>266. make friends with 与……交兄弟</p><p>267. make fun of 拿…...开玩笑</p><p>268. make money 挣钱;挣钱</p><p>269. make the/one's bed 收拾床铺</p><p>270. make out 辨认出</p> <p>271. make progress 获得前进</p><p>272. make up one's mind 下决计</p><p>273. meet the needs of 投合……的需要</p><p>274. meet with 遭受</p><p>275. more or less 或多或少</p><p>276.neither… nor… 既不……也不……</p><p>277.next to 紧挨着; 紧靠着</p><p>278. no longer / not …any more/longer 不再</p><p>279. not…at all "(用来加强口气)一点也不,根柢不"</p><p>280.not only …but also… 不只……而且……</p><p>281.not so…as 不像……;不如……</p><p>282.not till / until … 直到……才……</p><p>283. now and then /again 时而; 偶而</p> <p>284. of course 当然</p><p>285. of one's own 归于或人自个的</p><p>286. on business "有事, 出差"</p><p>287. on duty 值日;值班</p><p>288. on foot 步行;走路</p><p>289. on holiday 在休假</p><p>290. on one's side 在或人一边</p><p>291. on show 在展出</p><p>292. on the other hand 另一方面</p><p>293. on the phone 在听电话</p><p>294. on the right 在右边</p><p>295. on the/one's way (to) 在去……的路上</p><p>296. on time 准时</p><p>297. on weekdays 在作业日</p><p>298. once a day 每天一次</p><p>299.once again 在一次</p><p>300. once every four years 每四年一次</p> <p>301. once more 再次</p><p>302. once upon a time 早年;好久早年</p><p>303.one after another "一个接一个,接连地"</p><p>304. one another 彼此</p><p>305. operate on sb. 为或人着手术</p><p>306. out of 从……里出来; 短少</p><p>307. out of work 赋闲</p><p>308. out of date 过期</p><p>309. over and over 再三; 一遍又一遍</p><p>310. over there 在那儿243. of course 当然</p><p>311. of one's own 归于或人自个的</p><p>312. on business "有事, 出差"</p><p>313. on duty 值日;值班</p><p>314.on foot 步行;走路</p><p>315. on holiday 在休假</p><p>316. on one's side 在或人一边</p><p>317. on show 在展出</p><p>318. on the other hand 另一方面</p><p>319. on the phone 在听电话</p><p>320. on the right 在右边</p> <p>321. on the/one's way (to) 在去……的路上</p><p>322. on time 准时</p><p>323. on weekdays 在作业日</p><p>324. once a day 每天一次</p><p>325 .once again 在一次</p><p>326. once every four years 每四年一次</p><p>327. once more 再次</p><p>328. once upon a time 早年;好久早年</p><p>329.one after another "一个接一个,接连地"</p><p>330. one another 彼此</p><p>331. operate on sb. 为或人着手术</p><p>332. out of 从……里出来; 短少</p><p>333. out of work 赋闲</p><p>334. out of date 过期</p><p>335. over and over 再三; 一遍又一遍</p><p>336. over there 在那儿</p> <p>337. pass by 经过</p><p>338. pay for 付…...钱; 买</p><p>339. pick out 选择出</p><p>340. pick up 捡起</p><p>341. play a trick on 玩弄</p><p>342. play with 捉弄</p><p>343. plenty of 许多</p><p>344. point at 指向;指着</p><p>345. point out 指出</p><p>346. praise sb. for sth. 为某事赞誉或人</p><p>347. prefer…to (比起……来)更喜爱</p><p>348. prepare for 预备</p><p>349. protect…from 维护……免受</p><p>350. prevent …from…阻止;避免;避免</p><p>351. pull down 推倒</p><p>352. put down 记下</p><p>353.put off 延期; 推迟</p><p>354. put on 穿; 戴上;表演</p><p>355. put out 伸出; 暂停</p><p>356. put up 举起; 挂起</p> <p>357. rely on 依托</p><p>358. right now "马上,马上"</p><p>359. ring up 打电话给……</p><p>360.run after 追捕;寻找</p><p>361. run away 出逃</p><p>362.run out of 用完</p><p>363. save one's life 抢救或人生命</p><p>364.. search for 查找; 查找</p><p>365. see…off 为……送别</p><p>366. sell out 售完</p><p>367. send for 派人去叫……</p><p>368. separate … from 分隔</p><p>369. set free 开释;解放</p><p>370. set off 启航;起程;使迸发</p><p>371. set out 启航;初步</p><p>372. show off 夸耀</p><p>372. so far 到当前中止</p><p>373. so…that 太……致使于……</p><p>374. sooner or later 迟早;迟早</p><p>375. speed up 加速速度</p><p>376. spend …on 在……花钱</p><p>377. stand for 代表</p><p>378. stop doing sth. 中止做某事(不再做……)</p><p>379. stop to do sth. 停下来做某事(初步做……)</p><p>380. such as 例如</p> <p>381. take away 拿走</p><p>382. take it easy 别着急;别严峻</p><p>383. take off 脱下;起飞</p><p>384. take one’s time 沉着;别严峻</p><p>385. take out 取出</p><p>386. take place 发生</p><p>387. talk about 谈论;谈论</p><p>388. the day after tomorrow 后天</p><p>389. the day before yesterday 前天</p><p>390. the more… the more 越……就越……</p><p>391. the other day 前几天;某日</p><p>392. think about 思考(是不是去做)</p><p>393. think of 想起;思考;认为;观点</p><p>394. thousands of 不计其数;几千</p><p>395. throw away 丢掉</p><p>396. too…to… 太……致使于不……</p><p>397. try on 试穿;试试看</p><p>398. try out 实验</p><p>399. turn down 关小;调低</p><p>400. turn off 关掉(水、电视、收音机等)</p>




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