英文原版:《English Synonyms and Antonyms》/《英文同义词与反义词大全》

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The English language is peculiarly rich in synonyms, as, with such a history, it could not
fail to be. From the time of Julius Cæsar, Britons, Romans, Northmen, Saxons, Danes,
and Normans fighting, fortifying, and settling upon the soil of England, with Scotch and
Irish contending for mastery or existence across the mountain border and the Channel,
and all fenced in together by the sea, could not but influence each other's speech. English
merchants, sailors, soldiers, and travelers, trading, warring, and exploring in every clime,
of necessity brought back new terms of sea and shore, of shop and camp and battlefield.
English scholars have studied Greek and Latin for a thousand years, and the languages of
the Continent and of the Orient in more recent times. English churchmen have introduced
words from Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, through Bible and prayer-book, sermon and tract.
From all this it results that there is scarcely a language ever spoken among men that has
not some representative in English speech. The spirit of the Anglo-Saxon race, masterful
in language as in war and commerce, has subjugated all these various elements to one
idiom, making not a patchwork, but a composite language. Anglo-Saxon thrift, finding
often several words that originally expressed the same idea, has detailed them to different
parts of the common territory or to different service, so that we have an almost
unexampled variety of words, kindred in meaning but distinct in usage, for expressing
almost every shade of human thought.







  • 迟到了咳
    迟到了咳(2021-01-04 13:09:43)
    英语是我接触过的第一个网络平台的教育机构 ,客服态度很好,价格也挺合理的,最打动我的是这里的老师很负责任,而且孩子们可以自己挑选自己喜欢的老师作为主导老师,我女儿现在很喜欢这个课程,她悄悄告诉我说那个老师是她的好朋友,寓教于乐才是教学的根本,为英语点赞!
  • 雪国小仙伊才
    雪国小仙伊才(2021-01-04 13:13:21)
  • 葡国同庆
    葡国同庆(2021-01-04 13:17:13)
  • 运动吧5
    运动吧5(2021-01-04 13:18:32)
  • er91609531
    er91609531(2021-01-04 13:19:50)
  • 给对方都是是
    给对方都是是(2021-01-04 13:21:49)
  • 快乐老婆彭刚
    快乐老婆彭刚(2021-01-04 13:28:37)
  • 惊慌掉执
    惊慌掉执(2021-01-04 13:36:02)
  • o蕶寒o5
    o蕶寒o5(2021-01-04 13:37:50)
    ,网上学英语挺好的很多媒体都有说这个学校呢 刚刚体验了一下,不错,通俗易懂
  • 返媳遮枪轿疟
    返媳遮枪轿疟(2021-01-04 13:43:10)
    第一次上这样的课 还怕孩子不适应 不过小家伙还挺喜欢跟老师互动的还挺认真 老师特别耐心
  • shine梦晓99
    shine梦晓99(2021-01-04 13:54:31)
  • 乐乐乐呵呵呵20
    乐乐乐呵呵呵20(2021-01-04 13:56:32)
  • 驴脾气22
    驴脾气22(2021-01-04 13:59:25)
    总体来说英语还算是可以的,性价比高,孩子可以真实的学到知识。 我感觉他们的教学模式非常适合我家孩子,欧美外教讲课也比较仔细,非常的和蔼,孩子每天在玩中学,学中玩,成绩进步的很快。
  • 不羁夜2014迟才
    不羁夜2014迟才(2021-01-04 14:03:57)